Xiong Xiong
University of FloridaUniversity of Florida
McCarty A 1184
Gainesville, FL
USA 32611
Email: xiongxiong@ufl.edu
10:05 AM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Room 252, Level 2
134-8 Digital Soil Organic Carbon Assessment in the Southeastern U.S.
10:35 AM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Room 252, Level 2
134-10 Fine Scale Variation of Soil Organic Carbon in Different Land Use and Land Cover Types in Florida.
3:25 PM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Room 264, Level 2
136-4 Characterizing Multi-Scale Variation of Soil Organic Carbon in the United States.
12:15 PM, Hyatt Regency, Bluegrass AB, Third Floor
229-9 Cross-Regional Digital Soil Carbon Modeling Considering Scaling Effects for Soil Carbon Assessment At Global Scale.