19-3Measured Responses to CO2 x Water & Temperature.

See more from this Division: Special Sessions
See more from this Session: Crop Responses to CO2, Temperature, and Water: Incorporating Lessons From Experimental Studies Into Dynamic Process Models
Sunday, October 21, 2012: 2:55 PM
Duke Energy Convention Center, Room 236, Level 2

Bruce A. Kimball, U.S. Arid-Land Agricultural Research Center, USDA-ARS, Maricopa, AZ, Carl J. Bernacchi, Global Change and Photosynthesis Research Unit, USDA-ARS, Urbana, IL and Jack Morgan, Crops Research Laboratory, USDA-ARS, Ft. Collins, CO
The CO2 concentration of the atmosphere is increasing, Earth is getting warmer, and precipitation patterns may change in the future. Elevated CO2 alone increased photosynthesis, biomass, and yield in all C3 species, an average 21% for shoot biomass for enrichment to 550 µmol mol-1, but less in C4. Elevated CO2 generally also decreased stomatal conductance and transpiration per leaf area while increasing canopy temperatures and water use efficiency in all plants. Therefore the reduction of ET following rain or irrigation event enables a CO2-enriched crop to sustain photosynthesis and growth more days into a growth cycle and the degree of CO2 growth stimulation is greatly dependent on dynamics of drought cycles. For the most part, however, when water is limited, growth stimulations are as large or larger under water-stressed compared to well-watered conditions. Elevated temperature alone increases growth and yield when normal temperature is below optimum for a particular plant. If warmer temperature prevents frost damage, positive responses can be dramatic. If normal temperature is above optimum, decreases in growth and yield result. Moreover, if warmer temperature damages pollen and seed-set, negative response can be dramatic. Generally, warmer temperatures accelerate plant development time so that for determinant cereal crops like wheat, shortened grain-filling periods can decrease yield. The temperature optimum for photosynthesis shifts to higher temperatures at elevated CO2. During the vegetative stage of plant growth and below the temperature optimum, the interaction appears mostly strong and positive. Above the temperature optimum, partial stomatal closure and associated canopy temperature rise can exacerbate crop damage, especially with regard to seed-set issues. At the same time, higher photosynthetic rates at elevated CO2 enable plants to better withstand damaging high temperatures. In mixtures of C3 and C4 grasses, both warming alone and combined warming plus elevated CO2 favored C4 grasses.
See more from this Division: Special Sessions
See more from this Session: Crop Responses to CO2, Temperature, and Water: Incorporating Lessons From Experimental Studies Into Dynamic Process Models