395-1Enhanced Efficiency Phosphorus Application for a Corn-Soybean Rotation.
See more from this Division: S04 Soil Fertility & Plant NutritionSee more from this Session: Phosphorus Use Efficiency and Management
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Duke Energy Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB, Level 1
With high fertilizer costs, farmers are interested in reduced phosphorus (P) fertilizer application rates and use of enhanced efficiency P fertilizer applications or treatments. AVAIL®(Specialty Fertilizer Products, Leawood, KS) and P₂O₅ Max (Rosen’s Inc., Fairmont, MN) are commercially-available products that are intended to enhance the efficiency of P fertilizers. The first objective of this research initiated in 2010 was to determine the effects of tillage/fertilizer placement (no-till (NT)/surface broadcast or strip-till (ST)/deep banding), monoammonium phosphate (MAP) rate [0, half the recommended rate (56 kg ha-1), and recommended rate (112 kg ha-1)], and the presence and absence of two enhanced phosphorus efficiency products (Avail® and P2O5-Max®) on a corn-soybean rotation. The second objective was to determine the effect of liming application (0 and recommended rate), P source [non-treated control and a broadcast application of diammonium phosphate (DAP) or triple superphosphate (TSP)], and the presence and absence of two enhanced phosphorus efficiency products (Avail® and P2O5-Max®) on a corn-soybean rotation.
See more from this Division: S04 Soil Fertility & Plant NutritionSee more from this Session: Phosphorus Use Efficiency and Management
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