51-10Predictability and Prediction of Decadal Climate and Its Societal Impacts in the Missouri River Basin: A Regional Study Integrating Earth System, Hydrologic, Agricultural, Economic and Land Use Models.
See more from this Division: Agriculture and Natural Resources Science for Climate Variability and Change: Transformational Advancements in Research, Education and ExtensionSee more from this Session: Project Director Meeting for Agriculture and Natural Resources Science for Climate Variability and Change
The proposed project is assessing predictions of DCV and its societal impacts in the Basin through a better understanding of coupled physical, biological, and human processes; quantifying impacts of DCV on agricultural and other human systems, and identifying and quantifying feedback loops through which human systems help determine outcomes of DCV; maximizing utility of available observational and GEaSM data for impact and vulnerability/resilience assessments through downscaling activities; and effectively translating results from GEaSMs, and hydrology, crop, and economic impact models and the uncertainties associated with them into a scientific basis for well-informed societal adaptation to and management decisions for decadal climate and impacts prediction in the Basin. This project is also contributing to further development of NCAR, GFDL, and UKMO-HC GEaSMs; and NMS, HUMUS-SWAT, FASOM, and RIVERSIM EaSMs. Thus, this project is contributing substantially towards achieving goals of NSF, USDA-NIFA, and DOE. The methods developed will serve as a prototype for development of similar systems elsewhere.
In this poster presentation, results of analyses of decadal climate hindcasts (retrospective predictions) made under the World Climate Research Program’s Coupled Model Intercomparison 5 project, downscaling of these hindcasts to very high resolutions for the Basin, decadal hindcasts of water availability and crop yield anomalies, and stakeholder involvement in modeling of decadal climate impacts will be described.
See more from this Session: Project Director Meeting for Agriculture and Natural Resources Science for Climate Variability and Change