127-13Microbial Response to Winter Cover Cropping Management During Transition to Organic Farming.
See more from this Division: S03 Soil Biology & BiochemistrySee more from this Session: Soil and Plant Biotic Feedbacks (Includes Graduate Student Poster Competition)
Soil microbiological properties had no significant difference among three cover crop species, but cover crop treatments did show greater soil nitrification potential (0.164 mgNkg-1h-1 in average) and higher N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase activity (0.211 μmolh-1g-1 in average) than control soil (0.103 mgNkg-1h-1 and 0.155 μmolh-1 g-1, respectively). In addition, we observed that flail method increased the values of all the chosen parameters except for net N mineralization compared with the other two killing methods. This might due to the favorable temperature and moisture condition, and higher microbial accessibility provided during operation process of flail method. Our results indicate that nitrification potential and enzyme activity are more sensitive than soil microbial biomass C, C and N mineralization to C input. This knowledge can be important for selecting microbiological parameters for similar future studies.
See more from this Session: Soil and Plant Biotic Feedbacks (Includes Graduate Student Poster Competition)