83-3Measuring Urea Persistence, Distribution and Transport On Coastal Plain Soils.

See more from this Division: ASA Section: Environmental Quality
See more from this Session: State of Animal Manure Management and Related Technologies On Water Resources and the Environment: (Best Poster Competition Awards: Graduate Student and Professional Papers)
Monday, October 22, 2012
Duke Energy Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB, Level 1

Leonard Kibet1, Eric May2, Arthur Allen2, Sarah Gustafson3, Han Kun4, Ray Bryant5, Anthony R. Buda6 and Peter Kleinman6, (1)University of Maryland, Princess Anne, MD
(2)Agriculture, Food and Resource Sciences, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, MD
(3)School of Forest Resources, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
(4)Pasture Systems and Watershed Mamagement unit, USDA-ARS, University Park, PA
(5)USDA-ARS-Pasture Systems & Watershed Management, University Park, PA
(6)USDA-ARS, University Park, PA
KEYWORDS: Urea, Poultry litter, Surface runoff, Leachate, Domoic acid, Chesapeake Bay


The persistence and mobility of urea, an organic form of nitrogen present in animal manures and commercial fertilizers, has rarely been studied and measured, because it is assumed to undergo rapid hydrolysis to ammonia. However, preliminary studies have shown urea to exist in leachate and runoff several days after manure applications. Our hypothesis is that urea in soils amended with manures, poultry litter and commercial urea fertilizers can persist long enough to be transported to surface waters. Urea in small concentrations can trigger the diatom Pseudo-nitzschia spp. to produce domoic acid (causative agent for amnesic shellfish poisoning), which is of concern in the Chesapeake Bay. A poultry litter and commercial urea fertilizer incubation experiment was conducted on Othello soil to characterize urea persistence. This study used several methods to assess runoff and leaching as hydrological pathways for urea to enter water bodies. A runoff experiment was performed using packed soil boxes and rainfall simulation on Othello silt loam. The treatments included urea, poultry litter, layer manure and a control. The vertical distribution of urea in soil cores taken from plots amended a few days prior to a rainfall event was determined. Three leaching experiments were conducted using different soils. Experiment 1 employed the use of piezometers on a Quindocqua silt loam; experiment 2 used buried lysimeters placed 30 cm beneath Quindocqua silt loam, and experiment 3 employed intact soil columns collected from three different soils:  the Bojac, Evesboro, and Sassafras series. Additionally, we characterized urea concentrations in channels and drainage ditches throughout the Manokin River watershed during base flow and storm events. Quantitative information on the effects of fertilizer forms and time after application on the amounts of urea found in runoff and leachate will be used to identify practices that have the potential to minimize urea losses to surface and ground water.

See more from this Division: ASA Section: Environmental Quality
See more from this Session: State of Animal Manure Management and Related Technologies On Water Resources and the Environment: (Best Poster Competition Awards: Graduate Student and Professional Papers)