56-2Growing the e-Organic Grains CoP.
See more from this Division: ASA Section: Agronomic Production SystemsSee more from this Session: Organic Production Systems Using Pasture (Includes COSA Graduate Student Poster Competition)
Monday, October 22, 2012
Duke Energy Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB, Level 1
Cooperative Extension’s national web-based information delivery system, eXtension, hosts numerous Communities of Practice (CoP) providing a wealth of unbiased, science-based information. Within the eOrganic CoP, a new Organic Grain Cropping Systems CoP has been established for beginning and experienced organic farmers, advisors, certifiers, educators, and researchers. Initial leadership will be provided by the Sustainable Agricultural Systems Laboratory (SASL) at USDA-ARS in Beltsville, MD and by the eOrganic staff at Oregon State University. Coordinators and seven members of the eOrganic Grain Cropping Systems CoP met in late February to set goals and begin development of organic grain production resources for publication on http://eXtension.org/organic_production. The Grain Systems CoP will focus on creating timely articles, webinars, and video on topics of relevance to organic grain producers, developing national content that links to locally adapted state and regional recommendations, and showcasing outstanding localized content which can be adapted by users in other regions. A broad resource list is being compiled for use by CoP members, information providers and practitioners to be used ‘as is’ or as a starting point for creating new materials. The group is currently developing articles and videos on topics such as enhancing protein quality in wheat, no-tillage organic production, foliar nutrient management, improving nitrogen and phosphorus management with cover crops, and weed control in spring cereals. Efforts in the coming year will focus on engaging additional members of the CoP as collaborators willing to share expertise in the development of articles, on-line discussions and a webinar series during the fall and winter of 2012 to 2013.
See more from this Division: ASA Section: Agronomic Production SystemsSee more from this Session: Organic Production Systems Using Pasture (Includes COSA Graduate Student Poster Competition)