137-9Digital Mapping of Soil Surface Texture Using Soil Legacy Data and Fully Polarimetric Radarsat-2 Images.
See more from this Division: S05 PedologySee more from this Session: New Challenges for Digital Soil Mapping: II
The two critical aspects of the DMSST are the compositional nature (sand, silt and clay content) of texture data and the often nonlinear relationships between soil and environmental variables. In order to investigate these relationships, after an isometric log-ratio transformation of soil texture data a set of linear methods (ordinary kriging, cokriging, regression kriging) and the novel nonlinear technic (the ε-insensitive support vector regression - SVR) have been tested for DMSST. The covariates used were multiple polarizations and polarimetric parameters extracted from H/A/a, Freeman and Durden, and Touzi decompositions of RADARSAT-2 data.
The results showed that 1) using RADARSAT-2 covariates highly improves digital soil map accuracy and 2) the SVR provided the best performance predictions compared to other interpolation technics. Its kernel-based transformation of the nonlinear approximation and its robustness make it a valid alternative to linear interpolation technics for DMSST.
See more from this Session: New Challenges for Digital Soil Mapping: II