93-1Demonstration of a Modular Wetland Treatment System for Parking Lot and Motor Pool Runoff.
See more from this Division: ASA Section: Land Management & ConservationSee more from this Session: General Military Land Use and Management: II
Monday, October 22, 2012
Duke Energy Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB, Level 1
The Federal government is required to meet regulatory requirements including the Clean Water Act (CWA). Executive Order 13423 stipulates that all Federal land holding agencies are to be environmental leaders on all Federal lands, while Executive Order 13514 requires that management of water quality and storm water management issues on installation lands are addressed. There is a need to reduce both storm water runoff and pollutants and increase infiltration from paved areas. A demonstration of a Low Impact Development (LID) technology for storm water and pollutant management in the form of a modular wetland would allow the Army a unique ability to treat and mange in-situ storm water runoff from paved parking lots. The techniques of LID are innovative, site design strategies and practices that work with the biological and physical systems of a site to achieve water and conservation goals. This poster will discuss results from a demonstrated modular wetland LID technology at Fort Hood, Texas. Discussion will be on chemical analysis of influent and effluent water samples, vegetation performance, ease of implementation, costs, environmental benefits, and societal benefit.
See more from this Division: ASA Section: Land Management & ConservationSee more from this Session: General Military Land Use and Management: II