49-1Overview: NIFA Agriculture Science for Climate Variability and Change Challenge Area.
See more from this Division: Agriculture and Natural Resources Science for Climate Variability and Change: Transformational Advancements in Research, Education and ExtensionSee more from this Session: Carbon, Nitrogen, Energy and Water Footprints In Agriculture Production: Changing Practices and Opportunities
To meet these needs, the long-term outcomes for this program are to develop new varieties of plants and animals, and identify new strategies for agriculture and forest production systems for adaptation to climate variability and change; advance sustainable use of natural resources and support sustainable rural economies under variable and changing climates; reduce the use of energy, nitrogen fertilizer, and water; and increase carbon sequestration through resilient agriculture and forest production systems by 2030. Specifically, the challenge area focuses on:
- Adaptation – Maximize resiliency and reduce the impact of climate on the stability and productivity of agriculture and forest agroecosystems under changing climates by providing producers and decision makers with new and sustainable management methods and technologies.
- Mitigation – Reduce atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions in agricultural and forestry production systems and maximize carbon sequestration potential in agriculture and forest working lands by providing producers and decision makers with new and sustainable management methods and technologies.
- Climate Science Education and Extension – Increase the number of agriculture scientists, educators and extension professionals in the workforce with skills and knowledge to address climate related issues.
See more from this Session: Carbon, Nitrogen, Energy and Water Footprints In Agriculture Production: Changing Practices and Opportunities