247-16Evaluation of Seedling Emergence of Seeded Miscanthus x. Giganteus Under Varied Metrics of Establishment Utilizing ZebaŽ As a Soil Additive.
See more from this Division: C03 Crop Ecology, Management & QualitySee more from this Session: Bioenergy and Forage Crop, Ecology, Management and Quality
A study has been conducted for one year (Spring 2012) to evaluate the establishment and growth of seeded M x giganteus through direct seeding, to determine the best metrics of establishment in the field, and to evaluate the addition of Starch g-poly (2-propenamide-co-2-propenoic acid) potassium salt, Zeba ®, as a soil additive in the furrow. Studies were conducted in the field and greenhouse. Field study treatments were evaluated based on planting date (Mar/Apr), irrigation regime (Throughout/First 10 days only/Dry), and varied Zeba ® rates. Greenhouse treatments utilized varied soil additive rates and moisture treatments. The objectives of this study were to 1) determine the effect of “Zeba” on M. giganteus seed germination and emergence 2) in the greenhouse under various application rates and moisture levels, 3) in the field in response to different irrigation treatments and application dates, 4) and on soil Volumetric Water Content (VWC) throughout the crop establishment period.
See more from this Session: Bioenergy and Forage Crop, Ecology, Management and Quality