287-1Utilizing Ground Penetrating Radar and EM to Supplement Deep Borings in Urban Soil Surveys.
See more from this Division: S05 PedologySee more from this Session: Soil-Ecosystem Processes in Restoration of Drastically Disturbed Landscapes: II
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Duke Energy Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB, Level 1
In urbanized areas, there are significant challenges with conducting urban soil investigations. The most common approach is to utilize geoprobe borings; however this technique can often provide a small snapshot across a landscape that is often quite variable. An investigation was conducted in the city of Cleveland, Ohio utilizing ground penetrating radar and electromagnetic induction on vacant lots that also had boring data. These additional investigation techniques provide additional information and provide a more complete understanding of soils in urban landscapes.
See more from this Division: S05 PedologySee more from this Session: Soil-Ecosystem Processes in Restoration of Drastically Disturbed Landscapes: II
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