51-1Integrated, Observation-Based Carbon Monitoring for Wooded Lands of Washington, Oregon, and California.
See more from this Division: Agriculture and Natural Resources Science for Climate Variability and Change: Transformational Advancements in Research, Education and ExtensionSee more from this Session: Project Director Meeting for Agriculture and Natural Resources Science for Climate Variability and Change
Here, we report on the first year of our project, where we are testing full integration of forest plot data (FIA; Forest Inventory and Analysis), environmental data, satellite-imagery, and aircraft-based lidar acquisitions to create a full assessment of carbon dynamics from 1990 to 2010. Using our first focal area in the West Cascades province in Oregon and northern California, we show how change in forest carbon stocks has varied as a function of both forest management changes (particularly changes in federal and state land management) and natural disturbance regimes (with increased impacts of forest pest/insects and fires over time), and compare cumulative impacts of natural vs. anthropogenic forest disturbance on forest carbon at regional scales. We also document how relative uncertainties in our estimates caused by methodological choices vary with age of forest and general ecoregion type, and compare relative importance of image, statistical, and allometric equation in those uncertainty estimates.
See more from this Session: Project Director Meeting for Agriculture and Natural Resources Science for Climate Variability and Change