32-29Risk Analysis in Growing Season Length for Kansas, USA.
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There are a number of methods available in literature to estimate these AMI. In this study, the LSF is the last day in March through May with Tmin < 0° C for the last time until fall. The FFF is the day in September through November with Tmin< 0° C for the first time since spring and GSL is calculated as the difference between FFF and LSF. The risk in these AMIs is estimated using cumulative probability functions and exceedence probabilities.
Results show there is about One month difference in LSF, FFF and GSL across the state. In general North West Kansas (Oberlin) or west central (Tribune) has the latest LSF, earliest FFF and shortest GSL. South east (Sedan, Independence, Columbus) has the earliest LSF, latest FFF and longest GSL. At 50%, 75% and 90% probability level (1) LSF occurs latest on or before May 5, 12 and 17 respectively; (2) LSF occurs earliest on or before April 4, 11, 15 respectively; (3) FFF occurs earliest on or after Oct 6, Sep 27 and 20 respectively; (4) FFF occurs latest on or after Nov 1, Oct 23 and 15 respectively; (5) shortest GSL is about 210, 218 and 224 days respectively; (6) longest GSL is about 238, 245 and 254 days respectively.
See more from this Session: Symposium-- National Student Research Symposium Poster Contest