322Studies On Bioaccessibility and Bioavailability of Soil Metals Impacting Human Health: III

Poster Session

S11 Soils & Environmental Quality

To improve risk assessment and decision making for metal contaminated sites with respect to human health, precise and predictive measures of bioavailability are needed. The goal of this symposium is to highlight research efforts that explore relationships of in-vivo animal studies with validated in-vitro bioaccessibility models to understand soil-metal bioavailability to human receptors.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Duke Energy Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB, Level 1
Kirk Scheckel and Nicholas Basta
Kirk Scheckel
Arsenic Reactions and Plant Uptake In Hawaiian Soils.
Nguyen Hue, University of Hawaii; Amjad Ahmad, University of Hawaii
Stabilization of Arsenic-Contaminated Agricultural Soil Using Various Amendments.
Mi Kim, Korea university; Minhee Kim, Korea university; JuHee Kim, Korea university; Minseok Park, Korea university; Yong Seong Kim, Korea university; Wonjae Hwang, Korea university; Seunghun Hyun, Korea university
Investigating Bioavailability of Militarily Relevant Metals Using Advanced Molecular Techniques.
Jennifer Seiter, US Army Corps of Engineers; Brandon Lafferty, US Army Corps of Engineers; Anthony Bednar, US Army Corps of Engineers; Sandra Brasfield, US Army Corps of Engineers; Alan Kennedy, US Army Corps of Engineers; Mark Chappell, US Army Corps of Engineers