Women In Agronomy, Crops, Soils, and Environmental Sciences Special Program and Workshop

Oral Session

Special Sessions

The WACSES luncheon is an important venue for networking and for gaining strategies to overcome potential obstacles to career success. The goal of the luncheon is to provide opportunities to promote women in science and in the Societies. For additional information, please see attached description.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012: 11:30 AM-1:00 PM
Hyatt Regency, Regency Ballroom A, Third Floor
Jean E. McLain
11:30 AM
Introductory Remarks
11:35 AM
Lunch Break
12:00 PM
My Career At the US Environmental Protection Agency: The Path to Sustainability.
MaryAnn Curran, US EPA Office of Research and Development
1:00 PM
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