U2U: Transforming Climate Information From Being 'useful' to 'usable' for Agricultural Applications

Oral Session

Special Sessions

Corn and soybean production contributes over $100 billion annually to the U.S. economy. Successful crop production is highly dependent on favorable temperature and precipitation patters, making the agricultural industry vulnerable to increasingly variable climate patterns. This session highlights the interdisciplinary research and extension activities of a USDA-NIFA funded project titled, Useful to Usable (U2U): Transforming Climate Variability and Change Information for Cereal Crop Producers. Information presented will cover various aspects of physical and social science agro-climate studies that are contributing to our understanding of approaches to improve the resilience and profitability of farms amid variable climate changes. Specifically, results from biophysical and economic modeling studies and historical impact assessments focused on Midwestern agricultural production and climate will be shared. Also, new results from surveys of farmers and advisors will be presented, detailing the use and value of climate information for agricultural decision making and perceptions of climate change and adaptation strategies.


Climatology & Modeling
Agroclimatology and Agronomic Modeling Community
Tuesday, October 23, 2012: 8:20 AM-12:05 PM
Duke Energy Convention Center, Room 201, Level 2
Linda S. Prokopy
8:20 AM
Introductory Remarks
8:25 AM
U2U: Transforming Climate Variability and Change Information for Cereal Crop Producers.
Melissa Widhalm, Purdue University; Linda S. Prokopy, Purdue University
8:35 AM
Impacts of Weather and Climate On Corn and Soybean Production In the Midwestern USA, 1900-2010.
Jeff Andresen, Michigan State University; Gopal Alagarswamy, Michigan State University; Bill Northcott, Michigan State University; Aaron Pollyea, Michigan State University
9:55 AM
10:10 AM
10:50 AM
Climate Change Concerns, Beliefs, and Information Needs of Midwestern Producers.
Linda S. Prokopy, Purdue University; Amber S. Mase, Purdue University; Yun-Jia Lo, Michigan State University
11:10 AM
Agricultural Advisors' Use of Climate Information and Beliefs about Climate Change Impacts.
Cody Knutson, National Drought Mitigation Center; Linda Prokopy, Purdue University; Tonya Haigh, National Drought Mitigation Center; Amber Saylor, Purdue University; Melissa Widhalm, Purdue University; Jean McGuire, Iowa State University
11:30 AM
The Role of State Climatologists As Climate Service Providers.
Dennis Todey, South Dakota State University
11:50 AM
Concluding Remarks
12:05 PM
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