Weed Control and Diseases in Turfgrass Graduate Student Competition

Oral Session

C05 Turfgrass Science

graduate student competition on topics related to weed and disease control in turfgrass

Monday, October 22, 2012: 8:00 AM-3:20 PM
Millennium Hotel, Grand Ballroom B, Second Floor
Brian Horgan
Lee Miller and James Kerns
8:00 AM
Introductory Remarks
8:05 AM
An Integrated Nutritional and Chemical Approach to Poa Annua Control in Creeping Bentgrass Putting Greens.
Nathaniel F. Reams, Virginia Tech; Xunzhong Zhang, Virginia Tech; Erik Ervin, Virginia Tech
8:20 AM
New Work On Poa Annua Biotypes From Golf Greens.
Alexandra Williams, University of Kentucky; Michael Barrett, University of Kentucky; David Williams, University of Kentucky
8:35 AM
Putting Green Annual Bluegrass Suppression with Flurprimidol, a Nitrogen Regime, and a Soil Surfactant.
William T. Tudor Jr., Purdue University; Cale Bigelow, Purdue University; James J. Camberato, Purdue University; B. Todd Bunnell, SEPRO Corporation
8:50 AM
Variable Response of Creeping Bentgrass Cultivars to Metamifop.
Chase Straw, University of Georgia; Gerald Henry, University of Georgia; Tyler Cooper, Texas Tech University; Leslie Beck, Texas Tech University
9:05 AM
Effects of Herbicide Application Timing and Overseeding On Dallisgrass (Paspalum dilatatum) Control In Tall Fescue (Festuca arundinacea).
Matthew Elmore, University of Tennessee - Knoxville; James Brosnan, University of Tennessee; Gregory Breeden, The University of Tennessee
9:20 AM
Uptake, Translocation, and Metabolism of Amicarbazone In Annual Bluegrass, Creeping Bentgrass, and Tall Fescue.
Jialin Yu, University of Georgia; Patrick McCullough, University of Georgia - Griffin; William Vencill, University of Georgia
9:35 AM
Efficacy of DMI Fungicides As Stress Protectants.
David Shell, University of Tennessee - Knoxville; Brandon Horvath, University of Tennessee - Knoxville; Dean Kopsell, University of Tennessee - Knoxville
9:50 AM
10:05 AM
Preemergence Herbicides Impact Nutrient Concentrations In Hybrid Bermudagrass.
Patrick A. Jones, The University of Tennessee; James Brosnan, University of Tennessee; Gregory Breeden, The University of Tennessee; Dean Kopsell, University of Tennessee - Knoxville; Greg Armel, The University of Tennessee
10:20 AM
Influence of Mowing Timing Before or After a Herbicide Application On Ground Ivy Control.
Quincy Law, Purdue University; Aaron J. Patton, Purdue University; Daniel Weisenberger, Purdue University
10:35 AM
Determination of Methiozolin Absorption and Translocation Using Herbicide Bioassays and Radio-Labeled Methodology.
Michael L. Flessner, Auburn University; Glenn R. Wehtje, Auburn University; J. Scott McElroy, Auburn University
10:50 AM
Methiozolin Rate and Spring Application Timing Affect Annual Bluegrass Control On Putting Greens.
Jon M. Trappe, Purdue University; Aaron J. Patton, Purdue University; Daniel Weisenberger, Purdue University; Gregory Breeden, The University of Tennessee; James Brosnan, University of Tennessee
11:05 AM
Crabgrass Control From Tank Mixtures or Sequential Applications of Unlike Preemergence Herbicides.
Christopher A. Proctor, University of Nebraska Lincoln; Aaron J. Patton, Purdue University; Daniel Weisenberger, Purdue University; Matthew Sousek, University of Nebraska Lincoln; Zachary J. Reicher, University of Nebraska Lincoln
11:20 AM
Optimum Soil Moisture and Temperature for Khakiweed (Alternanthera pungens) Emergence.
Matthew C. Alcala, NMSU; Ryan Goss, New Mexico State University
11:35 AM
Cultivar, Mowing Height, and Herbicide Effects On Bermudagrass, Cynodon Dactylon, Suppression in Tall Fescue, Schedonorus Phoenix.
Daniel Sandor, Western Kentucky University; Paul Woosley, Western Kentucky University
11:50 AM
11:50 AM
Lunch Break
1:00 PM
Introductory Remarks
1:05 PM
Overexpression of Multidrug ABC Transporter Is Associated with Reduced Sensitivity to Propiconazole and Boscalid in Sclerotinia Homoeocarpa Field Isolates.
Hyunkyu Sang, University of Massachusetts; Jon Hulvey, University of Massachusetts; James T. Popko Jr., University of Massachusetts; Taehyun Chang, Kyungpook National University; Geunhwa Jung, University of Massachusetts
1:20 PM
Strobilurin Based Fungicide Programs Affect Rooting Characteristics and Plant Health Status of Creeping Bentgrass Putting Greens.
Jesse J. Benelli, University of Tennessee - Knoxville; Brandon Horvath, University of Tennessee - Knoxville; Brosnan Jim, University of Tennessee - Knoxville; S. Bruce Martin, Clemson University; Dean Kopsell, University of Tennessee - Knoxville
1:35 PM
New Tools in the Pathologist's Tool Box: Diagnostic Assays for the Identification of Rhizoctonia and Rhizoctonia-Like Diseases of Turfgrass.
Lisa Beirn, Rutgers University; Ed Ismaiel, USDA-ARS Systematic Mycology and Microbiology Laboratory; Bruce B. Clarke, Rutgers University; Jo Anne Crouch, USDA-ARS Systematic Mycology and Microbiology Laboratory
1:50 PM
Identification, Characterization, and Distribution of Acidovorax Avenae Subsp. Avenae Associated with Creeping Bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) Etiolation and Decline.
Paul R. Giordano, Michigan State University; Arielle M. Chaves, University of Rhode Island; Nathaniel Mitkowski, University of Rhode Island; Joseph Vargas, Michigan State University
2:05 PM
2:20 PM
Sclerotinia Homoeocarpa Infection Process and Host Preference On Various Model Plants.
Renee Rioux, University of Wisconsin-Madison; James Kerns, University of Wisconsin-Madison
2:35 PM
Identification and Characterization of Bacteria Associated with Creeping Bentgrass Putting Greens.
Joseph Roberts, North Carolina State University; Bangya Ma, North Carolina State University; Lane P. Tredway, Syngenta Crop Protection; Bruce Clarke, Rutgers University; David Ritchie, North Carolina State University
2:50 PM
Anthracnose Severity of Annual Bluegrass Turf As Affected by Nitrogen Form.
Charles J. Schmid, Rutgers University; James Murphy, Rutgers University; Bruce Clarke, Rutgers University
3:05 PM
Evidence of Host Association and Geographic Structure Among Historical Strains and Modern Populations of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa.
Alexander Putman, North Carolina State University; Ignazio Carbone, North Carolina State University; Lane P. Tredway, Syngenta Crop Protection
3:20 PM