339Semi-Arid Dryland Cropping Systems

Poster Session

ASA Section: Agronomic Production Systems

Poster session for semi-arid dryland cropping systems topics.


Semiarid Dryland Cropping Systems Community
Wednesday, October 24, 2012: 2:30 PM-4:30 PM
Duke Energy Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB, Level 1
Community Leader:
Neil Hansen
Rotation and Management Influence Spring Wheat Water Use and Yield.
Andrew Lenssen, Iowa State University; Upendra Sainju, USDA-ARS; TheCan Caesar-TonThat, USDA-ARS; Brett Allen, USDA-ARS; Jalal Jabro, USDA-ARS; Robert Evans, USDA-ARS
Intensified Dryland Cropping Systems for Southern Montana.
Kent McVay, Montana State University; Qasim Khan, Montana State University
Winter Wheat – Chemical Fallow Can Replace Conventional Tillage Winter Wheat - Summer Fallow in North-Central Oregon.
Stephen Machado, Oregon State University; Steven Petrie, Oregon State University; Larry Pritchett, Oregon State University
Characterization of Summer Periods in Central-Western Oklahoma: Fallow Versus Double Crops.
Andres Patrignani, Oklahoma State University; Chad Godsey, Oklahoma State University; Tyson Ochsner, Oklahoma State University
Diversification and Intensification of Integrated No-till Cropping Systems Focused On Forage Production.
Kevin B. Meeks, Oklahoma State University; Chad Godsey, Oklahoma State University
Factors Impacting Fallow Efficiency in the Central High Plains.
Lucas Haag, Kansas State University; Alan J. Schlegel, Kansas State University
Crop Diversification Effects On Soil Nutrient Levels in Long-Term Dryland Cropping Systems in Montana.
Terry L. Rick, Montana State University; Clain Jones, Montana State University; Perry Miller, Montana State University; Ann McCauley, Montana State University
Effect of Root Pruning and Pythium On Water Use Efficiency of Wheat Under Drought.
Abdallah M. Aldahadha, University of New England; David Backhouse, University of New England; Nigel Warwick, University of New England
Nitrogen Fertility In Semi-Arid Dryland Organic Winter Wheat Production Is Challenging.
Drew J. Lyon, University of Nebraska; Gary W. Hergert, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Barley Cultivar Ranking Under Contrasting Tillage Systems In the U.S. Great Plains.
Patrick Carr, North Dakota State University; Richard Horsley, North Dakota State University; Martin R. Hochhalter, North Dakota State University; Glenn B. Martin, North Dakota State University
Winter Cover Crops In A Corn-Forage Sorghum Crop Rotation System.
Oliver W. Freeman II, Kansas State University; Scott Staggenborg, Kansas State University
Seasonal Crop Evapotranspiration in Modern and Older Maize Hybrids.
María Lujan Nagore, CONICET-EEA INTA Balcarce; Laura Echarte, CONICET-EEA INTA Balcarce; Aída Della Maggiora, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata; Fernando H. Andrade, CONICET-EEA INTA Balcarce
Response of Different Crops to Conservation Tillage in Semi-Arid Mediterranean Conditions.
Sui Yau, American University of Beirut; Isam Bashour, American University of Beirut; Manal Al Arab, American University of Beirut
Crop Growth, Lint Yield, and Pest Population Dynamics in Cotton Under Conservation Cropping Systems.
Joy Hollingsworth, California State University, Fresno; Jeffrey Mitchell, University of California; Daniel Munk, University of California-Davis; Anil Shrestha, California State University-Fresno
Water Use and Water Productivity of Dryland Winter Wheat in the High Plains Ecoregion of Wyoming.
Gurpreet Kaur, University of Wyoming; Tomas Persson, Bioforsk, Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research; Thijs Kelleners, University of Wyoming; Urszula Norton, University of Wyoming; Axel Garcia y Garcia, University of Wyoming Research and Extension Center
Perennial Grass Species Yield in Dryland and Limited Irrigation Production in the Semi-Arid Southern High Plains.
Calvin Trostle, Texas AgriLife Extension Service; Sean M. Wallace, Texas Agrilife Extension Service
A Current Perspective On Micronutrient Constraints to Crop Production in Mediterranean-Type Agriculture.
John Ryan, ICARDA; Abdul Rashid, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission; Jose Torrent, University of Cordoba; Hayriye Ibrikci, Cukurova University; Sui Yau, American University of Beirut; Rolf Sommer, International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas, ICARDA