Managing Cover Crops in the 21st Century: I

Oral Session

ASA Section: Land Management & Conservation

Cover crop research is being conducted across the country for soil conservation, soil quality, pest management and nitrogen contribution to the succeeding crop. Many new production practices are being implemented that include no-tillage and planting multiple species. This session will address the agronomic issues associated with utilizing cover crops.

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Agricultural Experiment Station Management Community
S06 Soil & Water Management & Conservation
Tuesday, October 23, 2012: 10:00 AM-12:20 PM
Duke Energy Convention Center, Room 206, Level 2
Community Leader:
Timothy Reinbott
Timothy Reinbott
10:00 AM
Introductory Remarks
10:05 AM
Cover Crop Managment At Cedar Meadow Farm.
Steve Groff, Cedar Meadow Farm
10:55 AM
11:05 AM
Intercropping Clover and Winter Wheat: Effects On Grain Yield, Soil Nitrogen Content, and Weed Pressure in an Organic Wheat-Corn-Soybean Rotation.
Katja Koehler-Cole, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; James Brandle, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
11:20 AM
Meeting Nitrogen Demand in an Organic Cash Grain System Using Legume Cover Crops.
Marissa Weiss, Cornell University; Laurie Drinkwater, Cornell University; Caroline Marschner, Cornell University; Brian Caldwell, Cornell University
11:35 AM
Effects of Cereal Rye Mulch Rate and Planting Density On No-till Soybean Yield in the Absence of Herbicides.
Matthew Ryan, The Pennsylvania State University; Steven Mirsky, USDA-ARS; William Curran, Penn State University; John Teasdale, USDA-ARS; David Mortensen, Penn State
11:50 AM
Legume Green Manures in Fallow – Wheat No-till Systems. Do They Work in Montana?.
Perry Miller, Montana State University; Clain Jones, Montana State University; Macdonald Burgess, Montana State University; Ann McCauley, Montana State University; Justin O'Dea, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster Co.
12:05 PM
Reduced-Tillage Organic Corn Production in A Hairy Vetch Cover Cop.
Steven Mirsky, USDA-ARS; John Teasdale, USDA-ARS; John Spargo, Univ. of Massachusetts; Michel Cavigelli, USDA-ARS; Jude Maul, USDA-ARS
12:20 PM