238Managing Cover Crops In the 21st Century:II

Poster Session

ASA Section: Land Management & Conservation

Cover crop research is being conducted across the country for soil conservation, soil quality, pest management and nitrogen contribution to the succeeding crop. Many new production practices are being implemented that include no-tillage and planting multiple species. This session will address the agronomic issues associated with utilizing cover crops.


Agricultural Experiment Station Management Community
S06 Soil & Water Management & Conservation
Tuesday, October 23, 2012: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Duke Energy Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB, Level 1
Community Leader:
Timothy Reinbott
Timothy Reinbott
Cover Cropping Under Temperate Conditions: Influence of Growth Period and Incorporation Time.
Ingrid Kaag K. Thomsen, Aarhus University; Elly Hansen, Aarhus University
Reduced Tillage Implements for Termination of Cover Crops in the Canadian Prairies.
Kristen L. Podolsky, University of Manitoba; Martin Entz, University of Manitoba; Robert Blackshaw, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada
Nitrate Leaching From Grain Maize After Different Tillage Methods and Long/Short Term Cover Cropping.
Elly M. Hansen, Aarhus University; Henning Thomsen, Aarhus University
Effects of Residue Cover and Nitrogen Application Method On Strip-till Sugar Beet Production.
Amber D. Moore, University of Idaho; Don Morishita, University of Idaho; Oliver Neher, University of Idaho; David Tarkalson, USDA-ARS
Summer Cover Crop Screenings for Fall Vegetable Production in the Gulf States.
William Evans, Mississippi State University; Carl Motsenbocker, LSU AgCenter; Girish Panicker, Alcorn State University; Rao Mentreddy, Alabama A&M University; Vasile Cerven, Mississippi State University
Straw Management and Crop Rotation Alternatives to Burning Wheat Stubble: Assessing Environmental Trade-Offs.
Gerard Birkhauser, Washington State University; David Huggins, USDA-ARS
Grower Adherence to Legume Cover Crop Rhizobia Inoculant Maintenance and Use Recommendations in the Southeast.
Suzanne Fleishman, North Carolina State University; Julie Grossman, North Carolina State University; Erika Larsen, North Carolina State University; Sarah Bowen, North Carolina State University
Potential of Interseeding Cover Crops in Corn While Sidedressing and Applying Postemergent Herbicides.
Corey S. Dillon, Penn State University; Gregory W. Roth, Pennsylvania State University; Chris Houser, Penn State University; William Curran, Penn State University; William Harkcom, Pennsylvania State University
Development of a Cover Crop Inter-Seeder and Applicator for No-till Corn.
Corey S. Dillon, Penn State University; Gregory Roth, Penn State University; William Curran, Penn State University; Chris Houser, Penn State University; William Harkcom, Penn State University