Symposium--Statistical Concepts and Tools to Aid In Publishing Proper Research Conclusions

Oral Session

ASA Section: Biometry and Statistical Computing

Many well-trained agricultural scientists are not proficient and/or comfortable with the latest statistical designs and analyses that are now integral to scientific study, and that are expected/required to be used in peer reviewed journals. This session will present members with applications of proper statistical approaches to promote such methods for improved and higher impact manuscripts for our Societies' journals. The Agronomy Journal is co-sponsor to this Symposium.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012: 7:55 AM-11:50 AM
Millennium Hotel, Bronze Ballroom A, Second Floor
Barry Glaz , Jochum Wiersma , Jose A. Hernandez , Nicolas F. Martin and Kathleen M. Yeater
Kathleen M. Yeater and Barry Glaz
7:55 AM
Introductory Remarks
8:30 AM
Multiple Comparison Procedures - Cutting the Gordian Knot.
David Saville, Saville Statistical Consulting Limited
9:00 AM
Analysis of Combined Experiments: Why, How, and What Does It Mean?.
Edzard van Santen, Auburn University; Marla S. McIntosh, University of Maryland
9:30 AM
Evaluation and Interpretation of Interactions.
Jose Crossa, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT); Mateo Vargas, CIMMYT; Gregorio Alvarado, CIMMYT; Ky Mathews, CIMMYT; Juan Burgueno, CIMMYT
10:00 AM
10:45 AM
Spatial Analyses in Agricultural Research.
Jose A. Hernandez, University of Minnesota; David J. Mulla, University of Minnesota
11:15 AM
Multivariate Analysis: Greater Insight in Complex Systems.
Kathleen M. Yeater, USDA-ARS; Sara Duke, USDA-ARS
11:45 AM
Concluding Remarks
11:50 AM