Symposium--Modeling Hydrologic Processes in Soils and Landscapes

Oral Session

S10 Wetland Soils

Hydrologic models have gained widespread acceptance and are proving themselves useful for a number of practical applications in soil science. Despite this, they remain a confusing topic for many researchers who could benefit from their usage. The purpose of this symposium is to review selected hydrologic models by presenting the types of information they provide and illustrating their application to solving problems in environmental applications in wetlands restoration, onsite wastewater system performance, solute transport, and riparian buffer performance.


S01 Soil Physics, S10 Wetland Soils
Monday, October 22, 2012: 12:55 PM-5:15 PM
Duke Energy Convention Center, Room 234, Level 2
Michael Vepraskas and David Radcliffe
David Radcliffe and Michael Vepraskas
12:55 PM
Introductory Remarks
1:30 PM
Applications of Drainmod in Soils Investigations.
Michael Vepraskas, NC State University
2:00 PM
New Hydrus Modules for Simulating Preferential Flow, Colloid-Facilitated Contaminant Transport, and Various Biogeochemical Processes in Soils.
Jiri Simunek, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of California, Riverside; Miroslav Sejna, PC Progress, Inc.; Diederik Jacques, Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK.CEN; Guenter Langergraber, BOKU-Univ of Nat Res & App Life Sci; Scott Bradford, USDA-ARS, U.S. Salinity Laboratory; Martinus van Genuchten, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
2:30 PM
Optimizing Soil Classification for Hydrologic Purposes.
Navin Kumarr Twarakavi, Desert Research Institute
3:00 PM
3:45 PM
4:15 PM
Application of Apex and Remm in Evaluating Water Quality Benefits of Riparian Buffers.
Candiss Williams, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service; Richard Lowrance, USDA-ARS; Randy Williams, USDA-ARS
4:45 PM
Data Requirements for Calibrating Hydrologic Models.
Aziz Amoozegar, North Carolina State University
5:15 PM
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