142Agricultural Management Practices Impact On Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Pools and Soil Quality Dynamics: II

Poster Session

S06 Soil & Water Management & Conservation

This topical session will address the impact of different management practices on soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics, GHG gas emission, and soil quality indicators. The focus will be on the impact of agricultural management practices on soil aggregation, C and N dynamics, greenhouse gas emission, soil bulk density, and soil carbon sequestration just to name few. Emphasis will be given to understanding different management practices effects on soil C and N cycling in agroecosystems as a result of C and N inputs to the soil, their transformation and translocation, and rate of soil carbon sequestration.

Monday, October 22, 2012: 2:00 PM-4:00 PM
Duke Energy Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB, Level 1
Maysoon M. Mikha and Mahdi Al-Kaisi
Irrigation System and Tillage Effects On Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Fractions.
Upendra M. Sainju, USDA-ARS; William Stevens, USDA-ARS; Robert Evans, USDA-ARS; William Iversen, USDA-ARS
Mineralizable N In the Kentucky NRCS Soil Bank Study.
Shuang Liu, University of Kentucky; John Graham, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service; Mark Coyne, University of Kentucky
Contribution of a Perennial Forage Grass to Carbon Storage in a Peanut-Cotton-Bahia Rotation in Ultisols.
Audrey Gamble, Auburn University; Ronald Prevatt, Auburn University; Julie Howe, Auburn University
Evaluating Soil Carbon Pools in Long-Term Organic and Conventional Farming Systems.
Erika Larsen, North Carolina State University; Julie Grossman, North Carolina State University; Greg Hoyt, North Carolina State University; Deanna Osmond, NC State Univ.
An Evaluation of Aged and Fresh Crop Residues in No-till Cropping Systems Impacts On Soil Quality.
Gabriel G. Aher, North Dakota State University; Larry Cihacek, North Dakota State University
Variability of Soil Quality Parameters Under Conservation Agriculture Production Systems in the Philippines.
Victor B. Ella, University of the Philippines Los Banos; Manuel R. Reyes, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University; Agustin R. Mercado, World Agroforestry Centre
Effects of Reclaimed Water Irrigation On Growth and Quality of Turfgrass.
Jinghua Fan, University of Florida; George Hochmuth, University of Florida; Jerry Sartain, University of Florida; Jason Kruse, University of Florida
Simulating the Impact of Conservation Agriculture On Corn Yield in the Philippines Using the DSSAT Ceres-Maize Model.
Romina M. Bondad, University of the Philippines Los Banos; Victor B. Ella, University of the Philippines Los Banos; Ronaldo Saludes, University of the Philippines Los Banos; Manuel R. Reyes, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University; Agustin R. Mercado, World Agroforestry Centre
Modeling Solute Transport in Soil Under Conservation Agriculture Production Systems in the Philippines.
Paul O. Tarnate, University of the Philippines Los Banos; Victor B. Ella, University of the Philippines Los Banos; Manuel R. Reyes, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Does Proximity of a Field to a Highway Affect Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Soil?.
Cole H. Griffith, Lincoln University; Nsalambi Nkongolo, Lincoln University of Missouri
Long Term Measured and Simulated Soil Organic Carbon in Crop-Pasture Rotations.
María V. Pravia, Instituto Nacional de Investigacion Agropecuaria (INIA, Treinta y Tres, Uruguay) and Pennsylvania State University; Jose A. Terra-Fernandez, Instituto Nacional de Investigacion Agropecuaria (INIA); Juan Andres Quincke, Instituto Nacional de Investigacion Agropecuaria (INIA); Armen R. Kemanian, Pennsylvania State University
Soil Organic Carbon Pool Depletion Upon Land Conversion and No-till Cropping Systems Impacts On Carbon Sequestration and Soil Resilience As Indicators of Agronomic Productivity.
Joao Carlos M. Sa, Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa; Lucien Seguy, Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement, CIRAD; Florent e. Tivet, CIRAD; Rattan Lal, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center
Predicting Soil Function Responses to Organic Matter Management with Permanganate Oxidizable Carbon.
Shawn Lucas, University of Kentucky, Department of Plant and Soil Sciences; Raymond R. Weil, University of Maryland
Soil Carbon Stock and Total Nitrogen in Hawaiian Sugarcane Commercial Plantations.
Rebecca Tirado-Corbala, SJVASC-WMR-USDA-ARS; Dong Wang, USDA-ARS; James Ayars, SJVASC-WMR-USDA-ARS; Jim Gartung, SJVASC-WMR-USDA-ARS; Huihui Zhang, SJVASC-WMR-USDA-ARS; Ray G. Anderson, SJVASC-WMR-USDA-ARS
Dissolved Organic Carbon, Total Carbon and Nitrogen in Pomegranate Cultivation Under Drip Irrigation Systems.
Rebecca Tirado-Corbala, SJVASC-WMR-USDA-ARS; James Ayars, SJVASC-WMR-USDA-ARS; Dong Wang, USDA-ARS; Claude Phene, SDI+
Tillage Impact On Carbon and Nutrient Dynamics within an Organic Transition, Sod-Based Vegetable Rotation.
Christine Bliss, University of Florida; Pete C. Andersen, University of Florida; Cheryl L. Mackowiak, University of Florida; Steve M. Olson, University of Florida; David Wright, University of Florida; Russell Mizell, University of Florida, IFAS; James Marois, University of Florida, IFAS; Ann Blount, University of Florida, IFAS; Danielle D. Treadwell, University of Florida
Examination of Soil Sustainability Following Long-Term Sod Production.
Katerina S. Jordan, University of Guelph; Irina Solntseva, University of Guelph; Eric M. Lyons, University of Guelph; Jessica Holdenried, University of Guelph
A National Soil Monitoring Network for Evaluating Long-Term Soil Quality Dynamics in the US.
Matthew Levi, Colorado State University; Stephen M. Ogle, Colorado State University; Mike Sucik, USDA-NRCS; Jesse Turk, USDA-NRCS; Jay Breidt, Colorado State University; Karolien Denef, Colorado State University; Keith Paustian, Colorado State University