Symposium--S2/S9 Joint Symposium On Redoximorphic Processes Across Scales: II
Oral SessionS02 Soil Chemistry
Oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions are encountered in a variety of environments such as soils, sediments, and surface waters. Electron transfer involves the bringing together or coupling of two- half reactions and is important in controlling contaminant speciation, cycling of naturally occurring soil elements (carbon, nitrogen, iron, manganese, and sulphur), and mineral weathering. Redox reactions are catalyzed by microorganisms and can be mediated by abiotic processes. The purpose of this joint symposium is to bring together scientists in the Wetlands, Soil Chemistry, and Soil Mineralogy divisions to explore redox processes over a range of spatial scales, from the molecular level all the way to the field scale in order to identify gaps in our understanding of coupled processes and electron flow.
S10 Wetland Soils, S09 Soil MineralogyMonday, October 22, 2012: 9:50 AM-12:05 PM
Duke Energy Convention Center, Room 205, Level 2
Nik Qafoku
Sarah Beebout
Aaron Thompson
9:50 AM
10:15 AM
10:30 AM
10:45 AM
11:00 AM