Bioenergy Crops and Their Impacts On Crop Production, Soil and Environmental Quality: I
Oral SessionS06 Soil & Water Management & Conservation
This session will focus on the implications of crop residue removal as biofuel and growing dedicated bioenergy crops on soil and water quality, water use, nutrient cycling, carbon sequestration, greenhouse gas emissions, biomass production, and the projected global climate change. It will comprise presentations of measured and modeled data on residual removal and alternative energy crops including perennial warm season grasses, short-rotation woody crops, high-biomass producing cropping systems (e.g., intensive rotations, cover crops, and forage sorghum), and others. It will also discuss the potential of growing energy crops in marginal or degraded lands including former Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) lands.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012: 8:00 AM-11:40 AM
Duke Energy Convention Center, Room 203, Level 2
Humberto Blanco
Humberto Blanco
8:20 AM
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