123Soil Assessment and Sustainability: Soil Chemical Contaminant Pools, Bioavailability, and Ecosystem Health
Poster SessionS02 Soil Chemistry
Remedial investigation of contaminated soil requires determination of the nature and extent of impact to ecosystem (i.e., human and ecological) health. Contaminant bioavailability is an important factor in the exposure assessment because the risk posed to human and ecological health is directly related to contaminant bioavailability in soil. One approach to evaluate contaminant bioavailability in soil involves the use of bioassays. An alternate approach is to predict contaminant bioavailability by using soil chemical fractionation and speciation methods that measure chemical pools correlated with bioavailability. Advances in soil chemical methods to predict contaminant bioavailability will be highlighted in this session.
Monday, October 22, 2012: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Duke Energy Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB, Level 1