227Challenges and Innovations in Soil Carbon Stock & GHG Emissions Measurements.

Poster Session

ASA Section: Environmental Quality

Topics to be covered would include topics such as advantages/disadvantages of newer technologies, determining appropriate instrumentation and chamber designs, and dealing with spatial and temporal variability in emissions.


Soil Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Community
S06 Soil & Water Management & Conservation, Environmental Quality
Global Climate Change Community
Tuesday, October 23, 2012: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Duke Energy Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB, Level 1
Community Leader:
Diane E. Stott
Diane E. Stott
Determination of Particulate Soil Organic Matter in Micro-Samples.
Wakene Negassa, Michigan State University; Alexandra Kravchenko, Michigan State University
Assessment of Sampling Methods for Carbon Credit Monitoring.
Sumit Sharma, Oklahoma State University; Alexandra Cumbie, Oklahoma State University; Tracy Wilson, Oklahoma State University; Jason Warren, Oklahoma State University
Laboratory, Long Term, Automated GHG Monitoring System for Soil and Biochar Mix Core Samples.
Bernardo G. del Campo, Iowa State University; David A. Laird, Iowa State University; Robert C. Brown, Iowa State University
Measuring Greenhouse Gases From Chambers: Relating Chamber Design to Microclimate and Flux.
Kevin Kahmark, Michigan State University; Sven Bohm, Michigan State University; Neville Millar, W.K. Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan State University; G. Philip Robertson, W. K Kellogg Biological Station and Dept. of Crop & Soil Sciences
Simultaneous Measurement of Nitrous Oxide, Carbon Dioxide and Methane Using a Closed-Path Fourier Transform Infra-Red Multi-Component Gas Analyzer.
Richard Farrell, University of Saskatchewan; Reynald Lemke, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada; Frank Krijnen, University of Saskatchewan; Darin Richman, University of Saskatchewan; Martin Brummell, University of Saskatchewan
Monitoring Greenhouse Fluxes and Soil Thermal Properties in a Central Missouri Soybean Field Over 5 Years – 2004-2008.
Stephanie Sale, Lincoln University; Nsalambi Nkongolo, Lincoln University of Missouri
Effect of the Spatial Variability of Fluxes On Total Field Greenhouse Gases Emissions.
Brandon Mebruer, Lincoln University; Nsalambi Nkongolo, Lincoln University of Missouri
Continuous Automated Measurements of Soil N2O and CO2 Emissions with the Portable Irga System in the Static Chamber Microplot Study.
Kirill Kostyanovsky, Washington State University; David Huggins, USDA-ARS; Claudio Stockle, Washington State University; Jeffrey L. Smith, USDA-ARS; David Brown, Washington State University; William Pan, Washington State University
Modification of Dynamic Chambers to Reduce Variability.
Brandon Percival, Utah State University; Rhonda Miller, Utah State University