Major Specific Course Prerequisites in Associate and Baccalaureate Agronomy Degrees.

Monday, November 4, 2013: 10:00 AM
Tampa Convention Center, Room 1 and 2, First Floor

Nels E. Hansen1, David A. Munn2 and Tom Zimmerman2, (1)Ohio State University, Wooster, OH
(2)Ohio State ATI, Ohio State University, Wooster, OH
Associate degrees in agronomy, crop or soil science, must balance the dual need to 1) matriculate students in four semesters (five if internship is required) and 2) enroll students in major specific courses at first- and second-year standing. In contrast, students in baccalaureate degree programs are likely to enroll in similar major specific courses at third- or fourth-year standing. Associate degree curriculum must prepare students to enter the workforce or transition into baccalaureate degree programs. Courses in associate degree programs may not carry the same prerequisites as courses in baccalaureate degree programs. The purpose of this presentation is to compare and contrast prerequisite requirements for courses in select associate and baccalaureate degree programs.
See more from this Division: ASA Section: Education & Extension
See more from this Session: General Undergraduate Education: I

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