General Undergraduate Education: I

Oral Session

ASA Section: Education & Extension

The oral presentations in this session are a general overview of electronic tools, pedagogy and curriculum in agricultural undergraduate education.


Undergraduate Education Community
Monday, November 4, 2013: 8:25 AM-11:00 AM
Tampa Convention Center, Room 1 and 2
Community Leader:
Josef Gorres
8:25 AM
Introductory Remarks
8:30 AM
Online Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in International Agroecology Education.
Bryan Runck, University of Minnesota; Paul M. Porter, University of Minnesota; Mary Brakke, University of Minnesota
8:45 AM
Teaching Teachers: Soils for Science Education Majors in Both Urban and Rural Communities.
Mary G Lusk, University of Florida, Gulf Coast Research and Education Center
9:00 AM
Assessment of Writing in the Curriculum.
David B. Weaver, Auburn University; Elizabeth A. Guertal, Auburn University
9:15 AM
K-State 2025 – Department of Agronomy: Converging Or Colliding Paths to the Future?.
Kevin J. Donnelly, Kansas State University; Dana J. Minihan, Kansas State University
9:30 AM
9:40 AM
The Soils Textbook in the Age of Moocs and Flipped Classrooms?.
Raymond R. Weil, University of Maryland
10:00 AM
Major Specific Course Prerequisites in Associate and Baccalaureate Agronomy Degrees.
Nels E. Hansen, Ohio State University; David A. Munn, Ohio State University; Tom Zimmerman, Ohio State University
10:15 AM
10:45 AM
Emerging Careers for Sustainable Agriculture and Food System Studies.
Julie Ann Cotton, Michigan State University
11:00 AM