Animal Agriculture Sustainability and Conservation of Natural Resources (includes graduate student poster competition)

Poster Session

ASA Section: Environmental Quality

In order to meet the global food demand for an ever-growing population, animal agriculture systems must increase productivity. In turn, animal agriculture systems make intensive use of natural resources for both animal and feed production. In the face of both increasing standards of living and global climate change, conservation of natural resources becomes a crucial issue for sustainable animal production. This session will include presentations of current research, case studies, and new principles for both animal agriculture sustainability and conservation of natural resources.


Animal Agriculture and the Environment Community
Monday, November 4, 2013: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Tampa Convention Center, East Hall
Community Leader:
Ariel A. Szogi
Gilbert C. Sigua
Gilbert C. Sigua
Evaluation of Citrus Roots Under Fertigation.
Thomas Fiore de Andrade, FCA-UNESP; Roberto Lyra Villas Boas, FCA-UNESP; Lívia Sancinetti Carribeiro, FCA-UNESP; Bruno Marcos de Paula Macedo, FCA-UNESP; Leandro Caixeta Salomao, FCA-UNESP; Luiz Vitor Crepaldi Sanches, FCA-UNESP; Fábio Yomei Tanamati, FCA/UNESP; Camila Abrahão, FCA/UNESP; Maria Julia Carreiro Lima Ferreira, Univ. Estadual Paulista
Production and Quality Of Tomatoes For Different Relations K:Ca:Mg In The Nutriente Solution.
Thomas Fiore de Andrade, FCA-UNESP; Camila Abrahão, FCA/UNESP; Roberto Lyra Villas Bôas, São Paulo State University; Leonardo Theodoro Bull, São Paulo State University; Luiz Vitor Crepaldi Sanches, FCA-UNESP; Mauricio Roberto de Oliveira, FCA/UNESP; Bruno Marcos de Paula Macedo, FCA-UNESP; Fábio Yomei Tanamati, FCA/UNESP; Moniki Campos Janegitz, Sao Paulo State University; Natalia Rodrigues Ferreira, Sao Paulo State University
Generation 3 Treatment Technology for Swine Waste Incorporating Flushing Systems.
Matias B. Vanotti, USDA-ARS; Patrick G. Hunt, USDA-ARS; Airton Kunz, Embrapa Swine and Poultry; Mark Rice, North Carolina State University; John Loughrin, USDA-ARS
Amino Acid and Dietary Fiber Profiles of Cottonseed Affected By Cropping and Fertilization Management Practices.
Zhongqi He, USDA-ARS; Daniel C. Olk, USDA-ARS National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment; Haile Tewolde, USDA-ARS; Hailin Zhang, Oklahoma State University; Haixuan Zou, University of Maine; Thomas R. Way, USDA-ARS National Soil Dynamics Laboratory; Mark W. Shankle, Mississippi State University
Effects of Long-Term Poultry Litter Application On Inorganic and Enzyme Hydrolyzable P of Texas Blackland Vertisol.
Paulo H. Pagliari, University of Minnesota; Heidi Waldrip, USDA-ARS; Zhongqi He, USDA-ARS; Robert Harmel, USDA-ARS, Grassland Soil and Water Research Laboratory; Mingchu Zhang, University of Alaska-Fairbanks
Effects of Continuous and Strip Grazing of Corn Residues On Soil Properties.
Blake Lehman, University of Illinois; Heather Norris, University of Illinois; Angela Green, University of Illinois; Luis F. Rodriguez, University of Illinois; Daniel W. Shike, University of Illinois; Maria B. Villamil, University of Illinois
Mob Grazing Effects On Pasture Utilization and Nutrient Deposition in South Dakota.
Michelle Kelly Ohrtman, South Dakota State University; Sharon A Clay, South Dakota State University; Alexander Smart, South Dakota State University; David E. Clay, South Dakota State University; Walter Schacht, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Nitrogen Loss From Sprinkler Applied Beef Feedlot Effluent.
Blythe P McAfee, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Charles S. Wortmann, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Daniel N. Miller, USDA-ARS; Christopher G. Henry, University of Arkansas; Charles A. Shapiro, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Agronomic Efficiency Of Organomineral Fertilizer and Mineral Fertilizer Phosphate To Evaluete Of Dry Matter Shoots In Maize.
Moniki Campos Janegitz, Sao Paulo State University; Natalia Rodrigues Ferreira, Sao Paulo State University; Leonardo Theodoro Bull, São Paulo State University; Juliano Corulli Corrêa, Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária, Suínos e Aves.; Luciana Garcia, São Paulo State University; Aline Silva Sandim, FCA/UNESP; Jesaelen Gizotti Moraes, São Paulo State University; Fernanda Antônio Souza, São Paulo State University; Lizandra Oliveira Jorgetto, São Paulo State University; Gustavo Porta Brandão, São Paulo State University
Yield Records for Adaptive Management: A Case Study Approach.
Emmaline A. Long, Cornell University; Quirine M. Ketterings, Cornell University