General Animal Agriculture and The Environment: II (includes graduate student poster competition)

Poster Session

ASA Section: Environmental Quality

This general poster session will be part of the Animal Agriculture & the Environment graduate student poster competition. The purpose of the Graduate Student Poster Awards Program of the Animal Agriculture & the Environment Community is to recognize outstanding poster contributions presented by graduate students at the Annual Meetings. The Session Organizer will prepare a list of all posters to be judged. Judging will be according to prescribed criteria developed by the Community Awards Committee. Judges are to be selected by the Community Awards Committee. Judges will visit each eligible poster as they are presented, and score each poster. Scores will be summarized and discussed by the Committee to determine award recipients. Three awards will be presented, one First-Place award and two Runner-Up awards, to the top three scores determined by the judges. The outstanding posters and authors will be recognized during the Community Business Meeting and/or via email to the Community after the annual meeting. A monetary award and a certificate will be presented to each one of the winners.


Animal Agriculture and the Environment Community
Monday, November 4, 2013: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Tampa Convention Center, East Hall
Community Leader:
Ariel A. Szogi
Daniel N. Miller
Daniel N. Miller
Soil Micro Nutrients in Beef Cattle Back Grounding Site On Karst Landscape.
Annesly Netthisinghe, Western Kentucky University; Rebecca Gilfillen, Western Kentucky University; Kimberly Cook, USDA-ARS; Karamat R Sistani, USDA-ARS; Paul Woosley, Western Kentucky University
Tools for Predicting Phosphorus Release from Soils of Animal Agricultural Production Systems.
Biswanath Dari, University of Florida; Vimala D. Nair, University of Florida; Willie G. Harris, University of Florida; Rao S. Mylavarapu, University of Florida
Distribution of Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Beef Cattle Feedlot Pens.
Amy Mantz, Agricultural Research Service; Daniel N. Miller, USDA-ARS; Mindy Spiehs, USDA, ARS, Meat Animal Research Center; Bryan L. Woodbury, USDA-ARS; Lisa M. Durso, USDA-ARS
Characterization of Organic Matter in Beef Feedyard Manure By Ultraviolet-Visible and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopies.
Heidi Waldrip, USDA-ARS; Richard W. Todd, USDA-ARS; James Hunt, USDA-ARS; Andy Cole, USDA-ARS; Zhongqi He, USDA-ARS; Marty Rhoades, West Texas A&M University
Influence Of Anaerobic Digestion On Whole Farm Emissions Of Ammonia From Dairy Farms Using An Inverse Dispersion Approach.
Leigh Evans, University of Guelph; Andrew C. Vanderzaag, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada; Rob Gordon, University of Guelph; Claudia Wagner-Riddle, University of Guelph; James Douglas MacDonald, Environment Canada; Amadou Thiam, OMAFRA; Hambaliou Baldé, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; Raymond L. Desjardins, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada
Serum Estrogenicity and Biological Responses in African Catfish Raised By Wastewater Aquaculture in Ghana.
Senorpe Asem-Hiablie, Pennsylvania State University; Clinton D. Church, USDA-ARS; Herschel Elliott, Pennsylvania State University; Nancy Shappell, USDA-ARS; Heiko L. Schoenfuss, St. Cloud State University; Pay Drechsel, International Water Management Institute; Clinton F. Williams, USDA-ARS
Impact of Compaction On Ammonia Losses From Urine Deposition.
Skyler Murdock, Utah State University; Michael Jensen, Utah State University; Rhonda L. Miller, Utah State University