443-3 Carotenoids and Yield in Hydroponic Tomato As Affected By Nitrogen and Potassium Nutrition.

See more from this Division: SSSA Division: Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition
See more from this Session: Multiple Nutrients, Micronutrients, and General Fertility
Wednesday, November 5, 2014: 8:50 AM
Hyatt Regency Long Beach, Seaview A
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Cesar San Martin1, Libia Iris Trejo2, Fernando Carlos Gómez2, Crescenciano Saucedo2, Jose A. Escalante3 and Prometeo Sánchez2, (1)Colegio de Postgraduados, Montecillo, Texcoco, (Non U.S.), MEXICO
(2)Colegio de Postgraduados, Texcoco, Mexico
(3)Colegio de Postgraduados, Montecillo, Mexico
Effects of N concentration in the nutrient solution (10, 12, 14, and 16 molc m-3) in vegetative stage (45 days after transplanting (dat)) and K concentration (5, 7, 9, 11, and 13 molc m-3) in reproductive stage (46-170 dat) on the yield, lycopene, and β-carotene concentrations of tomato were studied in hydroponics. The evaluation was carried out in the first, third and fifth bunches. A factorial design in split plot-arrangement was used, distributing the N as large plot and K as small plot. Nitrogen affected the concentration of lycopene in fruits of the first bunch; and β -carotene in the first and the third bunches. The interaction N*K differentially affected lycopene and β-carotene concentrations, whereas that of K showed effects on both carotenoids and yield. In the first bunch, increases in the N concentration in the nutrient solution (10 to 16 molc m-3), reduced the lycopene concentration in 18%; the same trend was observed in β-carotene, where the highest concentration of both carotenoids were registered with 10 molc N m-3. Increasing concentrations of K (5 to 13 molc m-3), raised the concentration of both carotenoids. While the best combinations of both factors (N:K, molc m-3 ) were 10:9 and 12:11 for the two carotenoids in the first bunch, in the third and fifth bunches the best performance was observed with the combinations of 14:11 and 10:13, respectively, only for β-carotene. The highest yields of the first, third, and fifth bunches were 1255, 1111 and 960 g plant-1 respectively, and these yields were obtained with K concentrations of 11 to 13 molc m-3. Increasing N dosage reduced the concentration of lycopene and β-carotene, while K increased them as well as the yield; N*K interaction had differential responses in both carotenoids but no effects on yield.
See more from this Division: SSSA Division: Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition
See more from this Session: Multiple Nutrients, Micronutrients, and General Fertility