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Author Index
Author Index: A
Abad, J.
Water Quality Challenges Associated with Energy Resource Extraction from Marcellus Shale.
Abaidoo, R.
Growth and Yield Responses of Two Soybean Cultivars to Inoculation, P and N Fertilization in Northern Mozambique.
Abaye, A. O.
Delicious Ways of Learning about World Crops.
A Shift in Paradigm: Yes, You Can Have Your Crop and Eat It Too.
Leveraging Agricultural Research Plots in Senegal to Reinforce Student Learning.
Conservation Agriculture in Senegal: Closing Yield Gaps through Millet-Cowpea Intercropping.
Outreach: �Sharing Knowledge to Serve Senegal�.
Abazoglou, J.
Bioclimatic Predictors of Agro-Ecological Classes and Projected Shifts Under Climate Change.
Abbott, L. K.
How Do No-till Farming Practices Influence Soil Biological Processes?.
Soil Health and Related Eco-System Services in Organic Agriculture.
Abd Alla, N. A.
Biofortifying Vegetable Crops with Selenium.
Abdalla, A. L.
Fibrolytic Enzymes on in Vitro Gas Production and Degradability of Tifton Hay (Cynodon spp).
Nutritional Quality of
Under Two Contrasting CO2 Environment Conditions.
Abdalla Filho, A. L.
Nutritional Quality of
Under Two Contrasting CO2 Environment Conditions.
Abdel-Mageed, H.
Candidate Genes for Drought Stress Tolerance in Cotton.
Abdelfattah, M.
Measuring and Modeling the Ecosystem Services Delivered By Soil Hydrological Processes.
Abdella, K.
Using Seasonal Climate Forecasts to Improve Food Security for Qatar.
Abdelraouf, E. A.
Effect of Limited Irrigation on Growth and Yield of Confectionary Sunflower.
Abdi, D.
Phosphorus Forms Determined By 31P-NMR in Grassland Soil.
Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy for Soil Organic Phosphorus.
Abdul Sukor, A. S.
Comparison of Organic Fertilizer Effects on Nitrous Oxide (N
O) and Carbon Dioxide (CO
) Emissions from a Lettuce Field.
Abendroth, L. J.
Data Management for Regional Transdisciplinary Agricultural Research: Approach and Implementation.
Abesekara, C. P.
Effect of Different Lignite Sources on Nitrogenous Gas (N2O and NH3) Emissions from Cattle Manure.
Can Acidified Biochar Lower the Nitrogenous Gas (N2O and NH3) Emissions from Cattle Manure?.
Modified Incubation Chamber Set for Measuring Ammonia Volatilization and Nitrogen Recovery.
Abit, S. M. Jr.
Objectives-Driven Soil Science Refresher Course for Extension Educators.
Effect of Biochar Amendments on Microbial Transport through Soils.
Flipping an Applied, Upper-Level Soil Science Course.
The Promise, Challenges and Lessons Learned in Delivering Online Soil Science Courses at the Oklahoma State University.
Abraham, J.
Integrated Soil-Bedrock System Analyses Reveal Near-Surface Manganese Repartitioning and Release to Groundwater in North Carolina.
Abrams, J.
Using Marker Assisted Selection to Identify Top Performing Soybean Recomninant Inbred Lines.
QTL for Genetic Improvement of Soybean Amino Acid Composition.
Abreu, A.
Sorption/Desorption of the Human Drug Carbamazepine to Soil in the Presence of Other Trace Organics.
Physiological Performance and Expression of Isozymes in Maize Seeds Subjected to Water Stress.
Abulobaida, M.
Carbon Sequestration in Soil Aggregates Under Irrigated and Dryland Cropping Systems in a Semi-Arid Area.
Achicanoy, H.
Climate Change Impact Assessment on the Distributions of Crop Wild Relatives: A Global Perspective.
Integrating Ecogeographic, Bioclimatic and Phylogenetic Analyses for the Wild Relatives of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.).
Using Multiple Factor Analysis to Compare Expert Opinions with Conservation Assessment Results for the Wild Relatives of Oat (Avena sativa L.) and Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Huth).
Ackerson, J. P.
Understanding Aerial Gamma Radiometrics through Proximal Soil Surveys.
Penetrometer-Mounted Visnir Spectroscopy: Assimilating in-Situ Spectra with Dry, Ground Spectral Libraries.
Generating Pedotransfer Functions for Basic and Inferred Soil Properties.
Ackroyd, V. J.
Impact of Fall-Planted Cover Crops on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Corn Growth and Yield.
Acosta-Martinez, V.
Influence of Conservation Reserve Program Age and Conversion to Cropland on Soil Quality, Microbial Diversity and Metabolic Capacity: Implications for Our Decisions about Soil Conservation.
Soil Quality Responses to Contrasting Management: Observations from Long-Term Trials in Central North Dakota.
Predominant Bacterial and Fungal Assemblages in Agricultural Soils during a Record Drought/Heat Wave and Linkages to Enzyme Activities of Biogeochemical Cycling.
Acree, A.
Shifts in the Physicochemical Soil Properties Following Land Leveling Practices of a Mississippi River Loess Soil in the Mid-South.
Evaluation of Enhanced Fertilizer Products for Sustainable Corn Production in the Mid South.
Use of PXRF for Rapid Tissue Analysis: Comparison with Traditional Techniques.
Acuna, A.
Genomewide Analysis for Elemental Concentration and ION Toxicity Tolerance in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) UNDER Waterlogging Stress.
Evaluation of Wheat Gene Expression Under Waterlogging Conditions Using RNA-Seq Analysis.
Effect of Growth Habit Genes on Yield and Adaptation of Soft Red Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum).
Genetic Mapping of Yield and Normalized Difference Vegetative Index (NDVI) in Soft Red Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).
Acuna, H.
Comparing Accuracy of Alpha-Lattice, Row-Column and Randomized Complete Block Design Methods to Estimate Genetic Parameters.
Adam, J.
Food for Thought: Crop Yields in the Columbia River Basin in an Altered Future.
Adami, M.
Greenhouse Gas Assessment of Sugarcane-Based Ethanol Considering Direct Land Use Change and Its Cultivation in Brazil.
Adams, A.
Long-Term Effect of Fertilizer Microdosing on Soil Fertility in Sahelian West Africa.
Adams, C.
Studies to Refine Nitrogen Requirements, Row Spacing, and Population Density for Sweet Sorghum Biofuel Cropping Systems.
Adams, J.
Candidate Soil Indicators for Wetland Mitigation Monitoring: A Statistical Approach.
Adams, M. B.
Environmental Sensor Applications at USDA Forest Service Experimental Forests: The Smart Forest Network.
Over a Barrel: Nutrient Co-Limitation and Liebig's Law of the Minimum.
Adams, M. B.
Merging Urban Soil Research Networks to Develop a More Comprehensive Understanding of Decomposition Rates Across Scales.
Addison, C. K.
Genomewide Analysis for Elemental Concentration and ION Toxicity Tolerance in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) UNDER Waterlogging Stress.
Evaluation of Wheat Gene Expression Under Waterlogging Conditions Using RNA-Seq Analysis.
Effect of Growth Habit Genes on Yield and Adaptation of Soft Red Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum).
Genetic Mapping of Yield and Normalized Difference Vegetative Index (NDVI) in Soft Red Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).
Addy, K.
A Meta-Analysis of Denitrifying Bioreactors: Implications for Nitrate Abatement.
Adebiyi, J. A.
Ex Ante Assessment of Farmers' Likelihood to Adopt Perennial Cropping Systems.
Adee, E. A.
Corn and Soybean Response during 30 Years of N, P, and K Biennial Fertilization.
Adeli, A.
Evaluation of RZWQ2 Model and Management of Poultry Litter As Corn Nitrogen Source in the Mid-Southern United States.
Soil with a Short History of Poultry Litter Fertilization Remains Superior to Normally Fertilized Soil for Cotton.
Precision Litter Application Practices for Cotton Production and Soil Properties.
Development of Irrigation Management Practices for Optimum Yield and Water Use Efficiency of Soybean in East Central Mississippi.
Aderibigbe, S. G.
Effect of Agronomic Management Practices on the Grain Yield of Lowland Rice (Oryza sativa) in Rainforest Agro-Ecology of Nigeria.
Effect of Compost and Nitrogen Fertilizer Rates on Agronomic Performances of Upland Nerica Rice Varieties in Rainforest Agro-Ecology of Nigeria.
Adetimirin, V. O.
Combining Ability and Heterotic Patterns of Extra-Early Maturing Yellow Maize Inbreds and Hybrid Performance Under Stress and Non-Stress Environments in Nigeria.
Adhikari, K.
Teaching Soil Maps for Digital Soil Mapping at UW�Madison.
Soil C Assessment and Mapping in the Central Sands of Wisconsin.
Adhikari, P.
Soil Thermal Properties Under Prairies, Conservation Buffers and Corn/Soybean Management Systems.
Adhikari, R.
Use of Polymer Membranes to Reduce Soil Evaporation and Deep Drainage.
Adiku, S. G. K.
Assessing the Sensitivity of Maize Production on Smallholder Systems to Projected Climate Change in Nioro Basin, Senegal.
Adkins, J.
Effects of in-Season Fertilization Strategies on Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Yield of Irrigated Corn.
Adler, P. R.
Biochar Impacts on Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Switchgrass Production.
Spatial and Temporal Variation in N2O Emissions from Perennial Bioenergy Production on Marginal Soils.
Integrating Biorefinery and Farm Biogeochemical Cycles Offsets Fossil Energy and Mitigates Soil Carbon Losses.
Adotey, N.
Effect of Water Management on Efficiency of Preflood Nitrogen Applications in a Drill-Seeded, Delayed Flood Rice Production System.
Effect of Tillage and Fertilization on Agronomics and Nutrient Uptake of Sweet Sorghum.
Adviento-Borbe, A. A.
Using Alternative Water Management to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Maintain Yields in California Rice Systems.
Adzraku, H. V.
The Use of Sawdust Biochar As Soil Amendment to Improve Allelochemical-Laden Soils in the Landscape.
Afonso, A. M.
Strategies to Reduce Methane Emissions in Lamb Finishing Systems in Brazil.
Afzal, A.
Attitudes of Extension Workers Towards the Use of E-extension in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Agalawatte, P. M. B.
Climate Change Impacts on Rice Farming Systems in Northwestern Sri Lanka.
Agam, N.
Method to Calculate Soil Heat Flux That Accounts for Sunlit and Shaded Soil Beneath Row Crops.
Continuous Measurement of Soil Evaporation in a Drip-Irrigated Wine Vineyard in a Desert Area.
Agbo, N. W.
Challenges to Wastewater Aquaculture: A Case Study of Traditional and Emerging Contaminant Concentrations in African Catfish.
Aggag, A.
Effects of Water Deficit on Grain Yield and Quality of Egyptian Bread Wheat Cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.).
Aggarwal, P.
Ccafs Regional Agricultural Forecasting Toolbox (CRAFT).
Aggarwal, P. K.
Multi-Model Intercomparison of Wheat Water Use Patterns and Sensitivity to Temperature and CO2.
Agnan, Y.
Soil Mercury Sequestration and Re-Mobilization and Relationships to the Global Cycling of Mercury.
A Comprehensive Database of Global Soil-Atmosphere Flux Studies of Mercury.
Agomoh, I. V.
Variation in Nutrient Utilization By Various Crops Grown in a Previously Heavily Manured Dark Brown Chernozemic Soil.
Nutrient Availability and Biomass Yield in Soils Receiving Manure from Cattle Fed DDGS Diet.
Agostinho, F. B.
Effect of Silicon Sources on Grain Yield and Silicon Accumulation of Rice Grown Under Different Phosphorus Rate.
Analysis of within-Field Yield Variability in Cotton on Large-Scale Field Tests in North Louisiana.
Aguate, F.
Mineral Content and Its Environmental Effect of Soybeans (
Glycine Max
(L.) Merr.) Cultivated in Argentina.
Aguerre, M. J.
Mitigating GHG Emissions in Dairy Production.
Aguiar, D. A.
Greenhouse Gas Assessment of Sugarcane-Based Ethanol Considering Direct Land Use Change and Its Cultivation in Brazil.
Aguiar, V. V.
Use of Penoxsulam As Transition Aid for Perennial Ryegrass Removal in Arizona.
Aguilar, J.
Tools to Implement Irrigation Strategies.
Aguilera, L. A.
Evaluating Bacteria Binding Mechanisms to Soil Minerals with FTIR Spectroscopy.
Aguirrezabal, L.
Drought Tolerance Ranking of Soybean Genotypes Obtained with an Automatic Phenotyping Platform Corresponds with Those Obtained in Greenhouse and Field Experiments.
Aguirrezabal, L. A.
Soybean Grain Weight and Oil Composition: Differential Response to Incident Radiation on Leaves and Pods.
Agwa, J.
Use of Biochar and Vermicompost to Reduce Soil Borne Disease Incidence on Beans in Small Holder Farmer Fields.
Ahlers, L.
Lake Okabena Water Quality Assessment.
Ahmad, A.
Environmental Risk Assessment for Biotechnology-Derived Insect-Protected Soybean (Glycine max) Under Low Environmental Exposure (Import) to Wild Soybean (Glycine soja) in Japan.
Ahmad, A.
Modeling Impact of Climate Change on Fine Rice Productivity in Pakistan; An Application of Crop Models at Farmers Field.
Multi-Model Evaluation and Climate Change Impact Assessment with Farmers' Surveyed Data in Wheat.
Ahmad, A.
Screening of Mungbean (Vigna radiata) Genotypes for Drought Tolerance in Arid Climate of Saudi Arabia.
Ahmad, S.
Modeling Impact of Climate Change on Fine Rice Productivity in Pakistan; An Application of Crop Models at Farmers Field.
Ahmadigoli, K.
Solutions for Water Quality in Northern Iran Using Multivariate Statistical Techniques.
Ahmed, M.
Multi-Model Approach to Study the Impact of Climate Variability on the Productivity of Wheat Systems.
Simulating Genotype x Environment x Management Interactions for Wheat Using Apsim: Model Evaluation and Application.
Ahmed, S.
Slow Release Characteristics of Crystal Green Struvite Quantified in Situ Using X-Ray Computed Tomography.
Ahmed, W.
1. Comparing Water Use Pattern of Winter Canola and Winter Wheat and Their Water Use and Yield Relationships.
Ahn, S. N.
Six Rice Chromosome Segment Substitution Lines Libraries with
O. Rufipogon
Ahuja, L.
Climate Change Effects on Corn Production and Development of Adaptation Strategies in the Central Great Plains.
Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Algorithms in Hydrologic Models: Present Status and Opportunities.
Using RZWQM to Simulate N2O Emissions in an Irrigated Corn Field with Different N Application Rates.
Lysimetric Evaluations of RZWQM2 Simulations of Corn ET in the Southern High Plains.
Theory and Application of a Residual Energy Balance Method to Estimate Evapotranspiration of Irrigated Corn (Maize).
Ahuja, L.
Using a Model and Forecasted Weather to Predict Forage and Livestock Production for Making Stocking Decisions In the Coming Growing Season.
Aiken, G. E.
Animal and Pasture Responses to Grazing Management of Chemically Suppressed Tall Fescue in Mixed Pastures.
Herbage Nutritive Value of Tall Fescue-Bermudagrass Binary Mixtures Fertilized with Combinations of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Poultry Litter.
Aiken, R. M.
Spectral Analysis of Large-Eddy Advection in ET from Eddy Covariance Towers and a Large Weighting Lysimeter.
Carbon Isotope Discrimination, Selecting for Productivity and Water Use Efficiency in Wheat.
Aikins, S.
Challenges to Wastewater Aquaculture: A Case Study of Traditional and Emerging Contaminant Concentrations in African Catfish.
Ainuddin, I.
Environmental Ramifications of an 120 Year Old Railroad Bridge Painted with Lead Paint.
Aiosa, M. L.
Effects of Legume Rotations on Grain Sorghum Growth and Grain Yield.
Aires dos Santos, D. M. A. D.
Development and Yield of
Jatropha curcas
L. Under Weed Competition.
Foliar Micronutrient Levels in Cotton in Function of Underdoses and Application Epochs of Glyphosate.
Foliar Concentration of Macronutrient and Production Components in Cotton Under Different Forms of Management of Growth Regulator Via Foliar and Seeds.
Application of Mepiquat Chloride at Different Planting Densities in Cotton.
Jatropha curcas
L Development Under Different Levels of Limestone.
Analysis of Potassium Content in Physic Nut.
Aitkenhead-Peterson, J.
Seasonal N Losses from St. Augustinegrass Lawn Turf: Fertility and Irrigation Interactions.
Effects of Inorganic and Organic Amendments on Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics in Four Agro-Ecosystems of Ghana.
Positive Feedback Mechanisms of Deficit Irrigation Promote Soil Moisture Retention, Water Conservation, and Event Runoff Mitigation.
Solutions for Water Quality in Northern Iran Using Multivariate Statistical Techniques.
Ajayi, S. A.
Determinants of RATE of ION Leakage in FULLY Imbibed Hybrid Maize SEEDS.
Ajwa, H. A.
Improving Fumigant Efficiency By Deep Application and Totally Impermeable Film Covering Raised-Bed Systems for Strawberry Production.
Combining Ability and Heterotic Patterns of Extra-Early Maturing Yellow Maize Inbreds and Hybrid Performance Under Stress and Non-Stress Environments in Nigeria.
Akbar, N.
Impact of Combine Use of Chemical and Organic Fertilizers on Maize (Zea mays L.) Productivity.
Akinmutimi, A. L.
Effects of Cocoa Pod Husk Ash and NPK Fertilizer on the Yield of Sweetpotato and Distribution of Potassium Forms in an Ultisol of Southeastern Nigeria.
Akinremi, W.
Perennial Grasses Prevent Nitrate Leaching on a Sandy Loam Following Swine Manure Application.
Akinwale, R. O.
Content Analysis - an Approach to Teaching Report Writing in Crop Science to Undergraduate Agriculture Students in a Nigerian University.
Maize Yield Potential in West Africa Estimated By Two Methods.
Akley, E. K.
Impacts of Cover Crops on Soil Health and Soil Microbial Ecology.
Akot-Kuel, L.
Agronomic Performance of Camelina and Ethiopian Mustard Under Different Rates of Nitrogen Fertilizer.
Akpertey, A.
Genetic Introgression from
Glycine tomentella
to Soybean to Increase Seed Yield.
Akrami, N.
Transport and Retention of Cd, Cu and Pb in Soils: Miscible Displacement Experiments.
Al Bari, M. A.
Should Public Breeding Programs Spend Efforts on Expired Proprietary (ex-PVP) Maize (Zea mays L.) Industry Lines?.
Al Harrasi, N.
Effect of Some Common Anthropogenic Activities on the Urban Soils of a'seeb Oman.
Al Kindi, R.
Effect of Some Common Anthropogenic Activities on the Urban Soils of a'seeb Oman.
Al Mayahi, A.
Effect of Some Common Anthropogenic Activities on the Urban Soils of a'seeb Oman.
Al Sulaimi, A.
Effect of Some Common Anthropogenic Activities on the Urban Soils of a'seeb Oman.
Al-Amery, M. M.
Evaluation of Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) As a Viable Crop Again in Kentucky.
AL-Busaidi, H.
Effect of Some Common Anthropogenic Activities on the Urban Soils of a'seeb Oman.
AL-Ismaily, S.
Effect of Some Common Anthropogenic Activities on the Urban Soils of a'seeb Oman.
Al-Kaisi, M. M.
Effect of N Application on Corn Residue Decomposition.
In--Field Management of Corn Cob and Residue Mix Effect on Greenhouse Gas Emission.
Alam, M.
Assessing Agro-Ecological Intensification Paradigms in Irrigated Rice Systems for Energy, Environmental and Economic Security in South Asia.
Alam-Eldein, S. M.
Spring Wheat Yields As Affected By Controlled-Release Urea on Two Contrasting Soil Textures.
Alamilla-Ortiz, Z. L.
Articulating the Relationship Between Teaching and Research Toward a New Culture of Water.
Alamri, M. S.
�Glenn' a New Source of FHB Resistance in USA Hard Red Spring Wheat.
Alarcon-Zu�iga, B.
Tracing the Genomic Tree of Mexican Maize (Zea mays L.) By Analyzing DNA Pools.
Alari, F. D. O.
Reduction of Greenhouse Emissions through Integration Between Brachiaria and Leguminous in Brazilian Beef Cattle Production.
Alazba, A. A.
Effects of Dual-Line Drip Irrigation System on Crop Yield and Soil Water Movement.
Soil Water Movement and Vegetables Yield Under Subsurface Drip Irrigation with Intermittent Flow.
Albertine, J.
Biomass Allocation and Physiological Responses of Timothy Grass (Phleum pratense) to Future Predicted Levels of Carbon Dioxide and Ozone.
Albertson, D.
Plant Density and Spacing Effects on Tuber Yeild and Size in Red Potatoes.
Albuquerque, C. J. B. Sr.
Genetic Variability of Inbred Lines F4 for Forage Sorghum in Brazil.
Albuquerque, G. P.
Leaf Area, Dry Matter Yield, and Chemical Composition of Stylosanthes Sp., Serra Talhada - PE.
Pumice Effect on Yield and Quality of Tomato.
Aldabaa, A. A.
Characterization of Soil Reaction (pH) Via Portable x-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry.
Combined Proximal and Remote Sensing Methods for Rapid Soil Salinity Quantification.
Aldahir, P. C. F.
Effects of Simulated Shade on Bermudagrass Pigments and Carbohydrate Content.
Evaluation of Rootzone Mixtures for Trafficked Bermudagrass 'Tifway' Sports Turf.
Alderfasi, A. A.
Screening of Mungbean (Vigna radiata) Genotypes for Drought Tolerance in Arid Climate of Saudi Arabia.
Alejo-Lopez, S. J.
Articulating the Relationship Between Teaching and Research Toward a New Culture of Water.
Alende, M.
Performance and Forage Intake of Beef Steers Grazing Annual Ryegrass Varieties Differing in Water Soluble Carbohydrate (WSC) Content.
Alexander, B.
There Is More to Fitness Than Fecundity: Invasiveness of GM Crops.
Alexander, T.
Co-Composting of Beef Cattle Feedlot Manure with Construction and Demolition Waste.
Alfieri, J. G.
Controls on Interannual Variation in Evapotranspiration and Water Use Efficiency in a Mature, Furrow-Irrigated Peach Orchard.
Alford, S. L.
Cover Crops and No-Tillage to Improve Soil Health in Indiana.
Alhammad, B. A.
Screening of Mungbean (Vigna radiata) Genotypes for Drought Tolerance in Arid Climate of Saudi Arabia.
Ali, B. M.
The Use of Correlation and Path Analysis to Determine Traits that Contribute to Groundnut Yield Under the Influence of Poultry Manure and Weed Control Methods.
Ali, K.
Rye Cover Crop Effects on Biologically Active Pools of Soil Organic Matter at Different Topographic Positions.
Ali, M. L.
Six Rice Chromosome Segment Substitution Lines Libraries with
O. Rufipogon
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Colonizing Maize Genotypes Under Two Contrasting Water Levels.
Ali, S.
Herbicides Affect the Chlorophyll Contents in Artichoke Leaves (
Cynara cardunculus
Alison, W.
Effect of ENSO Phase on Seasonal Forage Yield of Annual Ryegrass.
Aljrbi, A. M.
Evaluation of Colorado Irrigation Scheduler (CIS) in a Furrow Irrigated Field Near Greeley, Colorado.
Comparison of Measured Alfalfa Reference Evapotranspiration Using a Furrow Irrigated Lysimeter to Calculate Values Using the ASCE Standardized Penman-Monteith Equation in the Arkansas Valley of Colorado.
Allaire, S.
Cranberry Response to Soil Aeration and Soil Matric Potential.
Allan, D. L.
Solvita and Other Mineralizable Nitrogen Tests As Indicators of N Response in Minnesota Soils.
Alldritt, K.
Hydropedology and Hydrologic Connectivity of an Oak-Woodland Hillslope in the Northern Sierra Foothills of California.
Hydropedology and Hydrologic Connectivity of an Oak-Woodland Hillslope in the Northern Sierra Foothills of California.
Integrating Soil Science into Primary School Education: Soil Education Using the SSSA-Sponsored Dig It! Exhibit.
Allen, A. L.
Phosphorus Sorption Behavior in a FGD Gypsum-Amended Coastal Plain Soil.
Conservation Practice Standard: Amending Soil Properties with Gypsiferous Products.
Long-Term Performance Testing of Subsurface Dry Poultry Litter Application Technology.
Elevated Levels of Urea Nitrogen Exist in Coastal Waters: A Study of Sources and Causes.
Soil Conditioners and Soil Moisture Regimes Influenced the Nodulation and Growth of Legume Crops.
Allen, B. L.
Reduced Growth of Pea Following Cool-Season Oilseeds.
Dryland Soil Carbon and Nitrogen after Thirty Years of Tillage and Cropping Sequence.
Allen, D.
Miscanthus Yields and Tissue N Concentrations during Establishment with Various N-Rates Grown on Marginal Soils.
Allen, E.
Restoration and Plant-Soil Feedbacks of California Ecosystems Under High N Deposition, Invasive Species, and Frequent Fire.
Allen, F. L.
Influence of Pyrolysis Temperature and Production Method on Switchgrass Biochar for Use As a Soil Amendment.
Diallel Analysis of Ethanol Yield in Leaves Versus Stems of Lowland Switchgrass.
Phenotypic Selection Improves Biomass Yields of an Alamo Population of Switchgrass.
Efficacy of Juvenile, First Year, and Second Year Selection on Improving Biomass Yield and Ethanol Yield in Switchgrass.
Genetic Variation in Biomass Yields of Lowland Switchgrass.
Determination of Yield, Yield Components, and Phenotypic Trait Variation Among Niger Crosses.
Allen, J. M.
Educational Outreach at the Harvest Moon Festival in Fayetteville, Arkansas.
The Influences of Poultry Litter Biochar and Water Source on Plant Growth and Nutrition.
Allen, R.
Candidate Genes for Drought Stress Tolerance in Cotton.
Allen, S. C.
Winter Canola Testing in the High Elevation and Irrigated Lands of New Mexico.
Allen, T.
Pathogenicity Evaluations of Newly Identified Ectotrophic Root-Infecting Fungi on Ultradwarf Bermudagrass.
Aller, D.
Biochar Effects on Severity Soybean Root Disease Caused By Fusarium virguliforme.
Comparison of the Physical and Chemical Properties of Laboratory- and Field-Aged Biochars.
Allison, A.
Evaluation of Native and Exotic Cowpeas and Their Potential in the Southeastern USA.
Almeida, B. B. B.
Effect of Limited Irrigation on Growth and Yield of Confectionary Sunflower.
Almeida, I. C. D. L.
Herbage Accumulation and Grazing Efficiency of Mulato II Brachiariagrass Under Contrasting Growth Rates and Canopy Height Maintained By Continuous Stocking.
Tiller Population Density and Forage Mass of Mulato II Brachiariagrass Under Contrasting Growth Rates and Canopy Heights Maintained By Continuous Stocking.
Almeida, L. C. C. Sr.
Genetic Diversity of Sweet Potatoes Collection from Vale Do Ribeira, Brazil.
Seasonal Pattern of Prices of Banana (1970/2014) in the São Paulo State, BR.
Almeida, N. D. D.
Effect of Straw (Copernicia prunifera) Additions in a Yellow Oxisol Under Corn (Zea mays L.) Cultivation in the Microregion of Chapadinha-MA, Brazil.
Effect of Straw (Copernicia prunifera) Additions in a Yellow Oxisol Under Corn (Zea mays L.) Cultivation in the Microregion of Chapadinha-MA, Brazil.
Almquist, V.
Bringing Theory to Practice: Digital Soil Mapping in the Ochoco and Malheur National Forests.
Alnsour, N.
Organic Matter in Holocene Paleosols at the Farwell Site, Nebraska.
Amino Acid N in Holocene Paleosols As Identified By IR Spectroscopy and Amperometric Techniques.
alomran, A. M.
Impact of Biochar on Hydraulic Properties of Sandy Calcareous Soil: Influence of Particle Size and Application Depth.
Alonso, M. P.
Herbage Accumulation and Grazing Efficiency of Mulato II Brachiariagrass Under Contrasting Growth Rates and Canopy Height Maintained By Continuous Stocking.
Tiller Population Density and Forage Mass of Mulato II Brachiariagrass Under Contrasting Growth Rates and Canopy Heights Maintained By Continuous Stocking.
Altendorf, K.
Pennycress: A Winter Annual Cover Crop and Biofuel Feedstock.
Altman, B.
Do You Know GMO?.
Altpeter, F.
Novel Turf-Type Bahiagrass.
Alva, A. K.
Response of Controlled Water Table Level and N-Fertilizer Rates on Yield of Potato.
N-Fertilizer Use Efficiency of Split-Application for Potato.
Transformation and Transport of P Influenced By Organic Amendments in a Long Term Wheat Fallow Rotation in the Pacific Northwest.
Alvarez, M. G. L. Sr.
An Extension of Gardner's Model for the Hydraulic Conductivity Curve.
Alvarez Prado, S.
Kernel Weight and Kernel Composition in Maize: Heritability and Genetic Control of Its Physiological Determinants in a Dent x Flint-Caribbean RILs Family.
Alvarez, S.
Experiential and Experimental Learning Approaches for Undergraduate Education in Agroecology.
Alvarez-Campos, O.
Use of Biochars Produced from Local Residue Feedstocks to Grow Sugarcane on Sandy Soils in South Florida.
Alvarez-Villafana, V. J.
Articulating the Relationship Between Teaching and Research Toward a New Culture of Water.
Alves, B.
Soil N2O Emissions during the Growing Phase of Legume Plants May Add Significantly to That after the Biomass Incorporation into Soil.
Alves, B. J. R.
Reduction of Greenhouse Emissions through Integration Between Brachiaria and Leguminous in Brazilian Beef Cattle Production.
Distribution of N
o Fluxes Due Soil Temperature in a Tropical Soil with Biochar Addition or Not.
Disinfection of Sewage Sludge Anaerobic for Agricultural Purposes.
Alves Junior, F. T.
Components of Growth for Tropical Dry Deciduous Forest, Brazil.
Alves, M. S. D. S.
Management and Soil Interactions Impacting SOC Dynamics in Crop-Livestock and Sugarcane Systems.
Alves Rodrigues Pinheiro, E.
Near Wilting Soil Hydraulic Properties Measured in Laboratory Evaporation Experiments.
Alwabel, M.
Impact of Biochar on Hydraulic Properties of Sandy Calcareous Soil: Influence of Particle Size and Application Depth.
Alzarqaa, A. A.
Screening of Mungbean (Vigna radiata) Genotypes for Drought Tolerance in Arid Climate of Saudi Arabia.
Amacher, M. C.
Land-Use Effects of Different Forage Systems on Deep Subsoil Nutrients in Karst.
Amadi, C.
Comparative Measurements of Soil Organic Carbon Content and Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in Nine Shelterbelt and Crop Field Soils.
Mature Caragana Shelterbelts on Prairie Soils: Are They Environmental Assets?.
Amador, J. A.
Mechanisms of Ammonium Transformation and Loss in Intermittently Aerated Leachfield Soil.
Mechanistic Determination of Nitrogen Removal By Advanced Soil-Based Wastewater Treatment Systems Using 15N Isotopes.
The Use of Biosolid Amendments to Promote the Establishment and Persistence of Perennial Grasses Along Rhode Island Highways.
Amanov, A.
Frost Tolerance in Winter Wheat Genotypes Evaluated in Aral Sea Cold Zone in Central Asia.
Amaral de Souza, G.
Mapping Zn Availability in Brazilian Soils.
Ambrowiak, G.
Sorptivity of a Slightly Moist Sandy Soil.
Sorptivity of a Slightly Moist Sandy Soil.
Ames, R. N.
The Challenges of Soil Microbial Community Management.
Amgain, N.
Evaluating Water Use Rates of Turf Bermudagrass Cultivars Under Non-Limiting Soil Moisture Condition in Oklahoma.
Aminzadeh, M.
Thermal Signatures of Evaporating Soil Surfaces � on Energy Partitioning and Fluxes into Turbulent Flows.
Amiot, D.
Identifying Cropping Sequences for Sustainable Intensification of Dryland Agroecosystem in the Northern Great Plains.
Amiro, B.
Overwinter and Growing Season Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Cattle Excrement and Bedding.
Getting Closer to GHG Neutrality: Inclusion of Perennial Forage in Cropping Systems.
Amoah, P.
Challenges to Wastewater Aquaculture: A Case Study of Traditional and Emerging Contaminant Concentrations in African Catfish.
Amonette, J.
Biochar Effects on Soil Chemical Properties and Corn Yield.
Amonette, J. E.
Chemical Composition of Soil Organic Matter from a Prairie Restoration Chronosequence Using Pyrolysis Molecular Beam Mass Spectrometry.
Amoozegar, A.
Integrated Soil-Bedrock System Analyses Reveal Near-Surface Manganese Repartitioning and Release to Groundwater in North Carolina.
Development of an Infiltration Index and Its Application to Site Assessment in the Piedmont Region of the Southeastern USA.
Amorim, A. B. B. D. Sr.
An Extension of Gardner's Model for the Hydraulic Conductivity Curve.
Amundsen, K.
Application of SSRs Developed and Characterized for Buffalograss to Assess Sequence Variation.
Amundson, R. G.
Hyperarid Soils and the Soil Taxonomy.
Relict Soil Evidence for Profound Quaternary Aridification of the Atacama Desert, Chile.
An, N.
Characterizing Soybean Maturity and Seed Yield Using Optimized Phenotyping with Canopy Reflectance.
An, N.
Proximal Sensing: Experiences from Arabidopsis and Brassica Rapa.
An, Y. J.
Interactive Effects of Plants and Metal Oxide Nanoparticles on Soil Bacterial Communities.
Anapalli, S.
Genes By Environment By Management (GEM) Interaction on Winter Wheat Phenology: Opportunities for Adaptation to Climate Change.
Climate Change Effects on Corn Production and Development of Adaptation Strategies in the Central Great Plains.
Lysimetric Evaluations of RZWQM2 Simulations of Corn ET in the Southern High Plains.
Theory and Application of a Residual Energy Balance Method to Estimate Evapotranspiration of Irrigated Corn (Maize).
Andales, A. A.
Evaluation of Colorado Irrigation Scheduler (CIS) in a Furrow Irrigated Field Near Greeley, Colorado.
Comparison of Measured Alfalfa Reference Evapotranspiration Using a Furrow Irrigated Lysimeter to Calculate Values Using the ASCE Standardized Penman-Monteith Equation in the Arkansas Valley of Colorado.
Theory and Application of a Residual Energy Balance Method to Estimate Evapotranspiration of Irrigated Corn (Maize).
Anders, M. M.
Water-Conserving Practices in Arkansas Rice Production to Improve Soil N Availability and Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
Andersen, M. N.
Usefulness of Models in Precision Nutrient Management.
Andersen, P. C.
Changes in Soil Quality within an Organic, Sod-Based Vegetable Rotation.
Anderson, D.
Improving Weed Suppression with Cover Crops in Organic Grain Production.
Anderson, G.
Six Years of a Climate Model Consensus Forecast Newsletter for Victorian (Australia) Farmers.
Anderson, J. A.
Pennycress: A Winter Annual Cover Crop and Biofuel Feedstock.
Improve Thinopyrum Intermedium Germplasm Using Recurrent Selection and Genotyping-By-Sequencing Based Genetic Analysis.
International Perennial Wheat Genotype x Environment Trial; Observations from Minnesota.
�Glenn' a New Source of FHB Resistance in USA Hard Red Spring Wheat.
Anderson, J. A.
Introgression of Resistance to SCN and SDS into Elite Oleic Soybean Lines.
Interrelationship of Sudden Death Syndrome and Important Agronomic Traits in a Recombinant Inbred Soybean Population.
Quantitative Trait Loci Underlying Resistance to Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) in MD96-5722 By �Spencer' Recombinant Inbred Line Population of Soybean.
Anderson, J. V.
Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci Associated with Resistance to Sclerotinia Stem Rot in Canola Using Genotyping-By-Sequencing.
Anderson, K. E.
Science Policy in Action: A Panel Discussion on Grad Student Engagement in Advocacy.
Anderson, K. A.
Using Infrared Spectroscopy to Predict Soil Health Indicators in Sodic Soils.
Anderson, M. J.
Texas Sustainable Agriculture and Food Environments Program.
Pasture Herbicide Residue Effects on Crimson Clover.
Anderson, N. P.
Effect of Trinexepac-Ethyl Plant Growth Regulator on Wheat Yield.
Effect of Plant Growth Regulator and Irrigation on Physiological and Harvest Maturity in Relation to Seed Quality of Red Clover.
Anderson, R.
Long Term Alternative Crop Rotation Experiment at USDA-ARS, Akron Colroado.
Anderson, R. G.
Controls on Interannual Variation in Evapotranspiration and Water Use Efficiency in a Mature, Furrow-Irrigated Peach Orchard.
New Steady-State Models for Water-Limited Cropping Systems Using Saline Irrigation Waters: Analytical Solutions and Applications.
Anderson, S.
Fertilization of Lentil with Zinc on Saskatchewan Soils to Increase Yield and Grain Zinc Content.
Anderson, S. K.
Integrated Time Domain Reflectometers with Sophisticated Waveform Digitizing and Analysis.
Anderson, S. H.
Characterization of Hydrophobicity of Various Soil-Less Potting Mixtures.
A Stepwise, Multi-Objective, Multi-Variable Parameter Optimization Method for the Apex Model.
Infiltration and Runoff for Variable Rainfall As Affected By Vegetative Buffers.
Methodologies to Develop Water-Repellency in USGA Grade Sand.
Soil Thermal Properties Under Prairies, Conservation Buffers and Corn/Soybean Management Systems.
Comparison of in Situ Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Restored and Native Prairies.
Anderson, T. R.
Assessing the Spatio-Temporal Controls of Field-Scale Nitrogen Uptake Using Biophysical Modeling and High Resolution Satellite Imagery.
Calibration of Soil Moisture Sensors Using Pedotransfer Functions.
Anderson, T.
A Greenhouse Study Comparing Brushite, MAP, DAP, TSP, and Struvite Using a Phosphorus Deficient Prairie Soil.
Anderson, W. A.
Effect of Straw (Copernicia prunifera) Additions in a Yellow Oxisol Under Corn (Zea mays L.) Cultivation in the Microregion of Chapadinha-MA, Brazil.
Working to Achieve Drift Control for Emerging Dicamba Technologies.
Yield Optimization: A Comparative Study of Traditional Vs. Advanced Grain Production.
Morphological Characterization of Table Cassava (Manhiot esculenta Crantz) Accessions As a Preliminary Genotype's Selection in the Region of Chapadinha- MA, Brazil.
Effect of Straw (Copernicia prunifera) Additions in a Yellow Oxisol Under Corn (Zea mays L.) Cultivation in the Microregion of Chapadinha-MA, Brazil.
Anderson, W. F.
Nitrogen Use Efficiency Screening of Forage Bermudagrass Germplasm.
Andrade, F.
Potential for Crop Production Increase in Argentina through Closure of Existing Yield Gaps.
Intensification of Crop Productivity: Yield, Nitrogen Use Efficiency, and Water Use Efficiency.
Andrade-Sanchez, P.
Time-Related Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci Controlling Developmental and Physiological Traits in Cotton.
Use of Ultrasonic Proximity Sensors for High-Throughput Characterization of Crop Canopies.
Development of a Soil-Moisture Based Plant-Stress Index for Site Drought Characterization.
Andrae, J. G.
Challenges, Opportunities, and Applications of Grazing Research: Animal Considerations.
Performance and Forage Intake of Beef Steers Grazing Annual Ryegrass Varieties Differing in Water Soluble Carbohydrate (WSC) Content.
Andraski, T. W.
Improving Alfalfa Production in Wisconsin with Sulfur and Potassium Fertilizer.
Dairy Manure Application Method and Timing Influence N Availability to Corn.
Andreis, J. H.
Etc-Based Smartphone Aps for Scheduling Irrigation.
Agroclimate Mobile Apps: Helping Growers Reduce Climate Risk in the Southeast USA.
Andreotti, M.
Nitrate and Ammonium Content in Degraded Pasture Area Fertilized with Rates and Sources of Nitrogen.
Andres, A. S.
Combining Geophysical Imaging and Conservative Tracers to Characterize Subsurface Phosphorus Losses in Ditch-Drained Soils.
Andreu, M. G.
Modelling Denitrification Potential in Urban Impacted Riparian Zones of Tampa, Florida.
Andrews, J.
Response of Bermudagrass and Zoysiagrass to a Soil Moisture Gradient and Mowing Height.
The Effect of Aerification Timing and Frequency on Soil Compaction of Community Sports Fields.
Andrews, M. Y.
The Geobiology of Microbial Mediated Manganese Oxide Formation in an Environmental Remediation System.
Siderophore Production By Mn-Oxidizing Fungi.
Andrews, S.
Spectral Signals of Organic Matter Change As a Function of Moisture Content - Implications for Soil Water Repellency.
Andrews, S. S.
Uncertainty of Nutrient Loss and Sediment Data from Various Land Uses to Surface Water: A Study of Watershed Model Input Parameters.
Andronak, L.
Evaluation of an Approach to Predict Nutrient Supply from Organic Amendments.
Andros, M.
Comparison of Winter Hardiness and Fall Dormancy in Alfalfa.
Ane, J. M.
Role of Diffusible Signals in Associations of Rice with Rhizobia and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi.
An�, J. M.
Corn, Soybean, and Wheat Yield Response to Crop Rotation, Variety Rotation, and Fungicide Use to Manage
-Related Diseases.
Anees, M.
Herbicides Affect the Chlorophyll Contents in Artichoke Leaves (
Cynara cardunculus
Angadi, S.
Growth Stage Based Irrigation Management of Spring Safflower.
Adaptability of Guar in New Mexico.
Angadi, S. V.
Seasonal Pattern of Forage Productivity and Quality of Dual Purpose Winter Canola and Wheat in the Southern High Plains.
1. Comparing Water Use Pattern of Winter Canola and Winter Wheat and Their Water Use and Yield Relationships.
Angert, A.
Oxygen Isotopes of Phosphate in Semi-Arid and Tropical Soils, and Their Usage for Dust Tracing.
Angira, B.
Genetic Variability and Number of Genes Conditioning Heat Tolerance in Cowpea.
Angsumalee, D.
Effect of Plant Growth Regulator and Irrigation on Physiological and Harvest Maturity in Relation to Seed Quality of Red Clover.
Angulo, C.
Multi-Model Intercomparison of Wheat Water Use Patterns and Sensitivity to Temperature and CO2.
Anjos, L. H. C. D.
Digital Soil Mapping Using Geomorphon As a Predictive Terrain Attribute.
Ankumah, R. O.
Effect of Organic Amendments on Selected Soil Enzyme Activities.
Impacts of Nitrogen Fertilization and Herbicide Use on Forest Soil Bacterial Community and Selected Soil Enzyme Activity.
Evaluation of the Impacts of Long Term Cotton Rotation on Soil Enzyme Activities and Microbial Diversity.
Annor, B.
Combining Ability and Heterotic Patterns of Extra-Early Maturing Yellow Maize Inbreds and Hybrid Performance Under Stress and Non-Stress Environments in Nigeria.
Genetics of Tolerance to Drought and Low- Soil Nitrogen in Iita and CIMMYT Early Yellow Maize Inbreds.
Anothai, J.
Hard Winter Wheat in Washington State: Mega-Environment and Multivariate Statistical Analysis.
Anqueli Cordeiro da Silva, L. C.
Productivity and Morphological Characteristics of Corn As a Function of Maturity Stage and Cutting Height for Silage Production.
Anthony, W. H.
Examination and Analysis of the Impact of Climatic Factors on the Variability and Trends in Plant Species and Primary Productivity on the Texas Gulf Coast Prairie during a 3-4 Year Period.
Antilla, L.
Impact of AF-36 Field Application on Aflatoxin Levels in Silage Corn at Different Harvest Moistures.
Antille, D. L.
Using Soil Moisture Deficit to Predict Grassland Trafficability.
Antle, J. M.
Agricultural Pathways and Scenarios for Regional Integrated Assessment of Climate Change Impact, Vulnerability and Adaptation.
Agmip's Transdisciplinary Approach to Regional Integrated Assessment of Climate Impact, Vulnerability and Adaptation of Agricultural Systems in Africa and South Asia.
Antonangelo, J. A.
Efficiency of Extractors of Heavy Metals from Urban and Industrial Waste Applied to Soil Cultivated with Soybean.
Metals Availability from Waste and Their Effects in the Soybean Production.
Ant�nio, F. D. S.
Evaluate the Phosphorus Mobility in Soil Applying Organomineral Fertilizer and Mineral Fertilizer Phosphate.
Antonious, G. F.
Enzymatic Activity and Concentration of Trace-Elements in Soil Collected from Three Kentucky Counties.
Aoda, M. I.
Expanding the Soil Water Characteristic Curve to Feed the World with Less Water.
Aoki, S.
Applying Relaxed Eddy Accumulation to Measure CH4 Gas Exchange Rate Between the Sea Surface and the Atmosphere.
Effects of Salts Solutions on Thermal Conductivity of Clayey Soils.
Aponte, A.
Double and Relay Cropping Systems of Oilseed and Biomass Crops for Sustainable Energy Production.
Intercropping Corn and Forage Sorghum for Hay Production in North Dakota.
Dual Purpose Oilseed Cover Crops for Sustainable Bioenergy Production.
Performance and Production of Brassicas Cover Crops in North Dakota.
Appel, C. S.
Environmental Ramifications of an 120 Year Old Railroad Bridge Painted with Lead Paint.
Arai, Y.
Applications of Low Energy Microfocused X-Ray Microprobe Technique for Assessing the Chemical Fate of Nanosilver in Soils.
Copper Nanoparticles and Nitrogen Balance in Soil Systems.
Araki, M.
Effect of Soil Disturbance and Crop Management on Soil Food Webs.
Aramburu Merlos, F.
Potential for Crop Production Increase in Argentina through Closure of Existing Yield Gaps.
Intensification of Crop Productivity: Yield, Nitrogen Use Efficiency, and Water Use Efficiency.
Arango, M.
Validation of DNDC Model for C Fluxes and Trace Gas Emissions Under Grassland Ecosystems in the Central Great Plains.
Araus, J. L.
Developing Improved Wheat and Maize Varieties for Future Climates Using Remote Sensing at CIMMYT.
Arbestain, M. C.
Biochar Implementation at World Scales; Australia Usage.
Arceneaux, A.
Effect of Biochar Application on Water Quality in Sugarcane and Rice Paddy Fields.
Archer, D. W.
Evolution of Dryland Cropping Systems: Perspectives from the Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory.
Sustainable Intensification By Managing Microbial Communities and Processes in Agroecosystems.
Opportunities and Challenges for Developing an Oilseed to Renewable Jet Fuel Industry.
Dual Purpose Oilseed Cover Crops for Sustainable Bioenergy Production.
Cover Cropping Impacts on Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Soil Aggregation.
Soil Quality Responses to Contrasting Management: Observations from Long-Term Trials in Central North Dakota.
Archontoulis, S. V.
Modeling Phenology of Upland and Lowland Switchgrass Ecotypes.
Modeling Biochar Effects on Soils and Crops Using Apsim.
Predicting and Comparing Soil Organic Carbon Changes in Corn- and Prairie-Based Cropping Systems over 50 Years.
Challenges of G x E and How to Overcome Them.
Phenology of Tropical Corn Genotypes in Central Iowa.
Arcus, V.
The Temperature Optima of Soil Biogeochemical Processes and Temperature Sensitivity Can be Explained By Macromolecular Rate Theory.
Arellano, C.
Beyond ANOVA... Exploratory Analysis for a Germplasm Evaluation Under Shade.
Arelli, P. R.
Newly Developed Conventional Soybean JTN-5110 Has Resistance to Multiple Pathogens.
Arguello Blanco, M.
Genomewide Analysis for Elemental Concentration and ION Toxicity Tolerance in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) UNDER Waterlogging Stress.
Effect of Growth Habit Genes on Yield and Adaptation of Soft Red Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum).
Genetic Mapping of Yield and Normalized Difference Vegetative Index (NDVI) in Soft Red Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).
Arguello, N.
Evaluation of Wheat Gene Expression Under Waterlogging Conditions Using RNA-Seq Analysis.
Arif-Uz-Zaman, M.
Genetic Analysis and Molecular Markers of Root Morphology of Canola.
Arii, A.
Environmental Risk Assessment for Biotechnology-Derived Insect-Protected Soybean (Glycine max) Under Low Environmental Exposure (Import) to Wild Soybean (Glycine soja) in Japan.
Aristilde, L.
Binding of Polar Organic Contaminants at Water-Mineral Interfaces: Experimental and Computational Studies.
Linking Carbon Source-Dependent Metabolism and the Chemical Diversity of Bacterially-Secreted Metal Scavenging Molecules.
Arkebauer, T.
Stress Effects on Leaf and Canopy Reflectance and Crop Productivity.
Arkebauer, T.
Physiological Responses of Maize to Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Under Variable Phosphorus and Nitrogen Levels.
Armas-Herrera, C.
Modelling Complex Crop Rotations and Treatments Across Sites in Europe with an Ensemble of Crop Models.
Armel, G. R.
The Response of Creeping Bentgrass, Roughstalk Bluegrass and Perennial Ryegrass to Pinoxaden in Combination with Herbicide Safeners.
Arms, E.
Genetic and Genomic Dissection of Water Stress Tolerance in Near-Isogenic Lines Derived from Wild Tomato (SOLANUM HABROCHAITES).
Genetic Mapping of Traits Associated with Water Stress Tolerance from Wild Tomato (Solanum habrochaites) Under Restricted Irrigation in the Field.
Armstrong, F. P.
Changes in Soil Characteristics from a Restored Prairie.
Armstrong, K. L.
Influence of Local Topography on Precision Irrigation Management.
Armstrong, R.
Assessing Crop Residue Phosphorus Speciation Using Chemical Fractionation and Solution 31P Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy.
Armstrong, S. D.
Engaging Inner City 6th Graders on the Farm.
Synchronization of Mineralized N from Cover Crop Residue with Corn Growth Stages.
Winter Cover Crops Impact on the Distribution of Soil Inorganic Nitrogen Following Fall Applied Anhydrous Ammonium.
Arnall, D. B.
N-P-K-S Response Strips Applied on Farm Across Oklahoma.
Grain Mineral Concentrations in Great Plains Hard Winter Wheat.
Development of a Yield Prediction Model and Sensor Based Nitrogen Calculator for Winter Canola Grown in Oklahoma.
Canola Tissue Nutrient Concentrations As Affected By Temporal Variability.
How Does Sensor-Based Variable Rate N Application Differ from Uniform N Rate?: Lessons Learned from Corn on-Farm Studies in Alabama.
The Promise, Challenges and Lessons Learned in Delivering Online Soil Science Courses at the Oklahoma State University.
Arnold, C.
Hydro-Ecological Implications of Tephra Layers in the High-Elevation Meadows of the Southern Sierra Nevada.
Exceedance of Historic Limit of Dryness Triggers Hydrological Tipping Point in High Elevation Peatlands.
Arnold, M. D.
Breeding Value of Host Plant Thrips Resistance for Reduced-Input Cotton Systems.
Aronson, E. L.
Biogeography of Soil Microorganisms in the Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory: A Use Case Scenario for Big CZ Portal.
Arpaia, M. L.
Improving Fruit Yield and Quality in Southern California Organic Mango Production.
Arriaga, F. J.
Impacts of FGD Gypsum Application, Nitrogen Rates and Tillage on Corn Grain Production.
Potential of Flue-Gas Desulfurization (FGD) Gypsum for Reducing Phosphorus Runoff Losses.
Arritt, R.
Simulated Pollen Dispersion in an Island Environment.
Arroues, K. D.
The Sage of Garza Creek and His Ship of Life: A Case Study in Soil Education and the Intersection of Earth Sciences and History.
Carbon Distribution in Selected Organic-Rich Soils of the California Delta.
Overviews of California from Space: Past and Present.
Some Drought Impacts to Central Valley Soils and Society in California.
Arthur, E.
Impact of Texture, Bulk Density, and Organic Carbon on the Soil Water Characteristic from Oven Dryness to Saturation.
Considering Organic Carbon for Improved Predictions of Clay Content from Water Vapor Sorption.
Biochar Effects on Wet and Dry Regions of the Soil Water Retention Curve of a Sandy Loam.
Integrated Assessment of Climate Change and Adaptations Impacts on Yields and Incomes of Irrigated Maize Farm Systems in Tamil Nadu, India.
Arundale, R.
New Energy Cane Varieties in Florida.
Asagi, N.
The Effect of Continuous Application of Organic Materials on the Soil Fertility after Stripping the Cs Contaminated-Top Soil Off at Iitate Village in Fukushima Prefecture.
Asebedo, A. R.
Using Optical Sensors to Determine Optimum Biomass Levels for Improving Grain Yield and Nitrogen Efficiency in Winter Wheat.
Aseguinolaza, J. G. C.
The effects on germination of seeds subjected to mechanical and chemical damage caused by ruminant digestion.
Asem-Hiablie, S.
Assessing the Environmental Impacts of Beef Production.
Challenges to Wastewater Aquaculture: A Case Study of Traditional and Emerging Contaminant Concentrations in African Catfish.
Asgedom, H.
Enhanced Efficiency Urea Sources and Placement Effects on N2O Emissions.
Ashfaq, M.
Agricultural Pathways and Scenarios for Regional Integrated Assessment of Climate Change Impact, Vulnerability and Adaptation.
Ashkan, S.
Biomass Production and Water Use Efficiency of an Enriched Carbon Dioxide System Using Open Top Chambers.
An Agronomic Approach for Carbon Capture and Utilization of Carbon Dioxide Emissions.
Ashton, R.
Assessing the Value of Multi-Receiver Low-Frequency Electromagnetic-Induction (EMI) Measurement for Assessing Variation in Soil Moisture Content in Field Experiments with Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum).
Ashworth, A. J.
Influence of Pyrolysis Temperature and Production Method on Switchgrass Biochar for Use As a Soil Amendment.
Simulating Switchgrass Biomass Yield and N Removal Using Almanac.
Ashworth, D.
Biochar Amendment to the Soil Surface Reduces Fumigant Emissions and Enhances Soil Microorganism Recovery.
Asim, M.
Simulating Genotype x Environment x Management Interactions for Wheat Using Apsim: Model Evaluation and Application.
Asiwe, J. A. N.
Introduction of High Yielding and Resource Use Efficient Cowpea Varieties in South Africa.
Response of Introduced Cowpea Breeding Lines to Aphid Infestation in South Africa.
Aslam, M.
Simulating Genotype x Environment x Management Interactions for Wheat Using Apsim: Model Evaluation and Application.
Aslan, S.
The Evaluation of Olive Pruning Waste As a Vermicompost Feedstock.
Assefa, A.
Maize-Blue Lupin Intercropping Response to Applied Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Northwestern Ethiopia.
Assefa, Y.
Winter Canola Yield and Survival As a Function of Environment, Genetics, and Management.
Asselin, S. R.
Adaptive Flowering Time Variation in Perennial
Species Along a Northern Parallel Gradient.
Asseng, S.
Multi-Model Intercomparison of Wheat Water Use Patterns and Sensitivity to Temperature and CO2.
Evaluation of the Newly-Linked DSSAT-Oryza Compared to Oryza V3 for Rice Crop Simulation Under Potential, Water-Limited, and N-Limited Conditions.
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Options for Cereal Production in Sub-Saharan Africa: Insights from Ethiopia.
Atalay, A.
Stability and Speciation of Phosphorus in River Sediments.
Atta, M.
Effects of Water Deficit on Grain Yield and Quality of Egyptian Bread Wheat Cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.).
Attanayake, C. P.
Growing Food Crops on Urban Soils.
Attanayake, C. P.
Minimizing Human Exposure to Contaminants in Urban Soils.
Attia, A.
Application of CSM-CERES-Wheat Model for Irrigation Management of Winter Wheat in the Texas High Plains.
Cotton Yield, Fiber Quality, Water Use Efficiency, and Spectral Reflectance Responses to Irrigation and Tillage Management in the Texas Rolling Plains.
Attri, R.
Broadening of Genetic Diversity in Spring Canola (
Brassica napus
L.) By Use of
Brassica Rapa
Atucha, A.
Organic Farming, Soil Health, and Food Crop Quality: Considering Possible Linkages.
Atwell, R. A.
Evaluating Starter Fertilizer Sources in Organic No-till Maize Production.
Atwill, R. L. II
The Effect of Various Water Management Strategies on Rice Yield, NUE, and Soil Chemical Properties on a Sharkey Clay Soil.
Atwill, R.
Conservation Practices and Food Safety in California.
Aubin, M. P.
Yield and Quality of Industrial Hemp Cultivars Grown in Quebec.
Auch, W. E.
The Potential Influence of Frac Sand Mining on Above and Belowground Ecosystem Productivity.
Audet, R.
Weather and Climate Decision Support Tools for Agricultural Producers in Atlantic Canada.
Aufdenkampe, A. K.
Biogeography of Soil Microorganisms in the Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory: A Use Case Scenario for Big CZ Portal.
Aula, L.
Maize Hand Planter and Fertilizer Applicator for the Developing World.
Auld, D. L.
Utilization of Cotton Fiber Mutants in Pedigree Selection.
The Mutation Creation Station.
Castor (Ricinus communis L.): Valuable Crop or Toxic Weed in North America?.
Sustainability v. Profitability: Which Will be the Downfall of King Cotton?.
Agronomy Studies Gone Rogue.
Growth Stage Based Irrigation Management of Spring Safflower.
Aurang zaib, M.
Modeling Phenology of Upland and Lowland Switchgrass Ecotypes.
Auras, R.
Sub-Surface Water Retention Technology (SWRT) Membranes for Crop Improvement on Coarse-Textured Soils.
Ausmus, C.
Partitioning Soil Respiration to Quantify Net Ecosystem Productivity: A Regional Analysis of Fertilization and Drought in Loblolly Pine.
Aust, A.
Phenotypic Selection Improves Biomass Yields of an Alamo Population of Switchgrass.
Genetic Variation in Biomass Yields of Lowland Switchgrass.
Austin, R.
Quantifying Nitrous OXIDE and Nitric OXIDE Emissions from RICE Soils.
Austin, R.
Integrated Soil-Bedrock System Analyses Reveal Near-Surface Manganese Repartitioning and Release to Groundwater in North Carolina.
Adaptive Nitrogen Management for Corn, Sorghum, and Wheat in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina.
Avanzi, J. C.
Cover Crop Oversowing Soybean As Alternative to Increase Crop Yield.
Management and Soil Interactions Impacting SOC Dynamics in Crop-Livestock and Sugarcane Systems.
Averitt, B.
Low-Phytic Acid Soybean Meal: Enhancement of Aquaculture Production, Improvement of Aquaculture Economics, and Protection of Our Natural Resources.
�vila, F. W.
Impact of Selenium Supply on Se-Methylselenocysteine and Glucosinolate Accumulation in Selenium-Biofortified Brassica Sprouts.
Awad, W.
Diversity of Root Traits in Winter Wheat Under Drought Stress.
awada, T.
Physiological Responses of Maize to Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Under Variable Phosphorus and Nitrogen Levels.
Awal, R.
Effective Rainfall, Water Yield, and Groundwater Recharge Under Different Crops Across the Brazos Watershed, TX.
Crop Water Use Efficiency throughout the Brazos River Basin, Texas.
Awale, R.
Ammonia Volatilization and Denitrification Losses of Urea-Nitrogen Stabilizers from Two Contrasting Soils.
Awasom, I. A.
Outcomes of the Incorporation of Information Literacy into Undergraduate and Advanced Live and on-Line Classes in Soil Science.
Awika, H.
Wax and Staygreen May Cosegregate to Rescue Seed Set Failure in Sorghum.
Awika, J.
Introduction of High Yielding and Resource Use Efficient Cowpea Varieties in South Africa.
Ayars, J. E.
UAS-Based Infrared Thermography for Evaluating Biofuel Crop Water Status.
Ayars, J. E.
Biophysical Responses of Young Pomegranate Tree to Different Irrigation and Nitrogen Treatments.
Ayres, E.
An Overview of the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) and Update on Construction.
An Update for the SSSA Community: The National Ecological Observatory Network's Soil Sampling Design.
Measuring Sequestered Carbon Contents of Grassland and Forest Soil Profiles in the NEON Initiative.
An Objective Approach to Select Soil CO2 Concentration Measurement Depths When Using the Gradient Method to Measure Soil Respiration.
Azevedo, L. C. B. D.
Early Shifts in Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Development in Sugarcane Under Two Harvest Management Systems.
Azhaguvel, P.
Tall Fescue Morphotype Differentiation Using Chloroplast DNA Sequence Variation and SSR Diversity.