203-1 Oilseed Rape Breeding in Europe.
See more from this Division: U.S. Canola Association Research ConferenceSee more from this Session: Symposium--World Canola Production
Starting with an overview of the European Crop – growing areas, yields, agronomy etc., the discussion will then focus on the ways plant breeders are contributing to the success of the crop in this region.
Specific topics to be discussed include:
1. Benefits of hybrid varieties over pure lines.
The major European OSR producing countries have been steadily moving towards hybrid varieties in recent years. The recent ban on Neonicotinoid insecticide seed treatments is likely to make establishment vigor (largely associated with hybrid varieties) even more important in future years.
2. The major European disease threats and breeding responses to them.
The two main diseases affecting the European crop are Blackleg Leptosphaeria maculans and Light Leaf Spot Cylindrosporium concentricum, but a number of other diseases can also be extremely damaging locally.
3. Winter hardiness and the use of Semi-Dwarf hybrids.
Hybrids produced using the Bzh dwarfing gene in specific backgrounds have been shown to take winter hardiness to new levels.
4. Pod shatter resistance.
Shatter resistance developed as a ‘spin-off’ from the Ogura hybridization system gives high levels of protection at harvest and is a major contributor to the perceived ‘reliability’ of the crop.
5. Advances in oil quality.
Hybrids with a High Oleic/Low Linolenic (HOLL) profile now have yield parity with ‘conventional’ ‘00’ winter varieties. This has the potential to open up new markets for the oil and add profitability throughout the supply chain.
See more from this Session: Symposium--World Canola Production