91187 Sustainable Global Soil Security: Enhancing on-Farm Soil Quality Performance through Industrial Scale Data Science and Precision Ag Technologies.
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Wednesday, May 20, 2015: 9:00 AM
Emerging confluence of data science and precision ag technologies is creating a window of breakthrough opportunities for accomplishing sustainable soil security - globally. Data generated by on-farm precision soil quality assessment technologies applied at an industrial scale of massively large acres, and turned via data science into digital agronomic insights that enable growers to implement management practices enhancing soil performance while ensuring long term soil security are not only urgently needed, but are increasingly available near term. However, for this to happen at a scale that matters, the soil security conversation has to go beyond the academia, government and NGO's to include the full participation of the industrial sector and with a value proposition that is attractive to the marketplace and easily implementable in a resource-strapped world covering large acres. Active engagement by the private sector in providing products and services that leverage innovations, competencies and resources in big data science and precision ag technologies can become a fulcrum in securing on-farm global soil security - near term as well as long term.
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