227-2 Bridging the Gap Between Science and Sales; Marketing Ancient Grains As Modern Ingredients.
See more from this Division: C09 Biomedical, Health-Beneficial and Nutritionally Enhanced Plants
See more from this Session: Symposium--Novel and Ancient Crops: Small in Acreage, Large in Value
While debates continue vis-à-vis what constitutes an ancient grain, it's evident that consumers perceive ancient grains, clean label, plant-based proteins, and a myriad other marketing claims as better choices; that simply consuming a product with ancient grains in the ingredient statement is a better choice. Brand formulators, independent developers, and consultants are anxious to exploit these relatively new ingredient solutions. Unfortunately, formulators' lack of education in the functional attributes and effective application of products derived from most ancient grains prohibits their dramatic growth potential. Vendors need resources that can demonstrate the functional attributes of ancient grains and help build a more reliable, cost effective supply chain.
Knowing what functional, specialty ingredients can be made from each crop; why and how they function; how widely or specifically can their benefits be applied; whether or not they are readily available; all are impactful to the successful marketing of products derived from ancient grains and pseudo-cereals.
Take advantage of the growing demand for ancient crops. Help companies in their pursuits for smarter nutrition options, improvements in shelf-life and portability, and the requirements of an increasingly single-serve world. Discussion topics include: What are the most promising ancient grains, including those already in commercial products; Which of these major ancient grains are domestic versus imported from abroad, and an overview of both current and future market size.
See more from this Division: C09 Biomedical, Health-Beneficial and Nutritionally Enhanced Plants
See more from this Session: Symposium--Novel and Ancient Crops: Small in Acreage, Large in Value