Supplemental Nitrogen Use in Soybeans.
Supplemental Nitrogen Use in Soybeans.
Poster Number
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See more from this Session: Undergraduate Student Poster Competiton - Crops and Soils
Sunday, February 3, 2019
Supplemental Nitrogen Use in Soybeans
Taylor Elliott
Slaton Lunsford
Dr. Alex McLemore
Dr, Michael Maw
Nitrogen has been used in numerous ways as a fertilizer and a way to increase yields. The purpose of this research was to determine if the use of supplemental nitrogen fertilizer through a foliar application during pod set would increase yield results in soybeans. Nitrogen was applied at different rates during the R4 growth stage. Pod and plant tissue samples were taken prior to and after application of nitrogen foliar fertilizer which were tested for total nitrogen content. Data was also collected by incorporating the use of a drone equipped with a multispectral camera to perform NDVI calculations to determine if noticeable increases in vegetation occurred after application. The data should correlate with one another and will hopefully see increased yield results as proof.
See more from this Division: Submissions
See more from this Session: Undergraduate Student Poster Competiton - Crops and Soils