Developing Functional Relationships between Sesame (Solanum indicum L.) Growth Development and Nitrogen Nutrition during Early-Season.
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See more from this Session: Undergraduate Student Poster Competiton - Crops and Soils
Callie Ann Smith. Hunt Walne, Mark Shankle, and K. Raja Reddy
Functional relationships between leaf nitrogen (N) and sesame crop growth processes are not available. An outdoor pot-culture experiment was conducted to determine N deficiency effects on sesame, cv. “Seasaco S40” growth and development. Plants were grown in pots filled with fine sand and irrigated with full-strength Hoagland’s nutrient solution from emergence after ten days of sowing (DAS). After that, the treatments imposed were full-strength Hoagland’s nutrient solution (control, 100N), reduced N to 60, 20, 10 and 0% of the control and withheld N from the solution (0N) to 31 DAS. Growth including several root traits, photosynthesis, and leaf N were measured at the end of the experiment. Maximum growth rates were achieved at 5.3 g N kg-1. Even though all growth rates declined with lower leaf N, leaf area expansion was more sensitive to leaf N among the shoot growth and developmental parameters. Among the root traits, root volume was more sensitive to lean N than other parameters. Among the plant-dry components, leaf dry weight had the greatest decrease while root/shoot ratio increased under N deficiency. The functional algorithms and critical leaf N levels for various growth processes will be useful for modeling and for managing sesame crop in the field.
See more from this Division: Submissions
See more from this Session: Undergraduate Student Poster Competiton - Crops and Soils