Canola meal is one of the most widely used protein sources in animal feeds. It has an excellent
amino acid profile and it's rich in vitamins and essential minerals. It is palatable and non-toxic. A
process has been patented to create a 90% protein isolate that has excellent nutritional and
functional characteristics for human consumption. Canola meal is also a high-quality organic
fertilizer. Canola meal production in Canada is expected to increase from 2 million tonnes to 4
million tonnes over the next four to eight years as domestic crush capacity increases. This will
put increasing pressure on the value of canola meal in its primary market (feeding dairy cattle).
The Canadian canola industry has recognized this challenge and has made it a priority to increase
canola meal metabolizable energy for poultry by at least 10% in order to maintain its value when
it becomes primarily used in monogastric feeds.