117-5Soil Concentrations of Carbohydrates and Amino Compounds Following Poultry Manure Application.
See more from this Division: S02 Soil ChemistrySee more from this Session: Applied Manure and Nutrient Chemistry for a Sustainable Environment and Agricultural Soils: I
Monday, October 22, 2012: 9:30 AM
Duke Energy Convention Center, Room 208, Level 2
In a greenhouse pot study, ryegrass was grown on a Maine soil with poultry manure applied at the recommended rate (43 Mg manure ha-1) and also at 215 Mg manure ha-1. To determine some effects of the manure on the chemical nature of soil C, carbohydrates and amino compounds (amino acids and two amino sugars) were measured by anion chromatography / pulsed amperometry. The manure addition increased soil concentrations of seven carbohydrates and also 20 amino compounds in both the rhizosphere and in non-rhizosphere soil. Rhizosphere soil was enriched both in amino compounds and carbohydrates compared to non-rhizosphere soil. The enriched compounds in the rhizosphere appear to be more so of plant origin than of microbial origin, especially the aromatic amino acids phenylalanine and tyrosine.
See more from this Division: S02 Soil ChemistrySee more from this Session: Applied Manure and Nutrient Chemistry for a Sustainable Environment and Agricultural Soils: I