Applied Manure and Nutrient Chemistry for a Sustainable Environment and Agricultural Soils: I

Oral Session

S02 Soil Chemistry

The session calls presentations that highlight recent research in applied nutrient chemistry geared toward a sustainable environment and agricultural soils. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to speciation, quantification, and interaction of various plant nutrients in manure, soil, and plants. This session outlooks some emerging researchable issues on alternative utilization and environmental monitoring of manure and other agricultural byproducts that may stimulate new research ideas and direction in the relevant fields.

Monday, October 22, 2012: 8:25 AM-10:15 AM
Duke Energy Convention Center, Room 208, Level 2
Zhongqi He
Zhongqi He
8:25 AM
Introductory Remarks
8:30 AM
Phosphorus Forms in Alabama Decatur Silt Loam with Upland Cotton Production.
Irenus Tazisong, Alabama A&M University; Zhongqi He, USDA-ARS; Zachary Senwo, Alabama A&M University
8:45 AM
Phosphorus Fractions in Solid and Liquid Separates of Swine Manure Following Liquid-Solid Separation Using Different Technologies.
Darshani Kumaragamage, University of Winnipeg; Olalekan Akinremi, University of Manitoba
9:00 AM
Mobility, Availability and Reaction Products of MAP, DAP and APP Fertilizers.
Joy Pierzynski, Kansas State University; Ganga Hettiarachchi, Kansas State University; Raju Khatiwada, University of Delaware
9:15 AM
Dietary Tannin and Crude Protein Impact Dairy N Excretion and Ammonia Emissions From Barns Floors and Manure-Amended Soils.
J. Mark Powell, USDA-ARS; Matias Aguerre, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Michel A. Wattiaux, University of Wisconsin-Madison
9:30 AM
Soil Concentrations of Carbohydrates and Amino Compounds Following Poultry Manure Application.
Daniel C. Olk, USDA-ARS National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment; Heidi Waldrip, USDA-ARS Conservation and Production Research Lab; Zhongqi He, USDA-ARS
9:45 AM
Chemical Property of Poultry Litter Amended with Selected Industrial and Agricultural Byproducts.
Haile Tewolde, Genetics & Precision Ag Research Unit, USDA-ARS; John Brooks, Genetics & Precision Ag Research Unit, USDA-ARS; Dana Miles, Genetics & Precision Ag Research Unit, USDA-ARS; Ardeshir Adeli, Genetics & Precision Ag Research Unit, USDA-ARS
10:00 AM
Custom Compost for Acid-Loving Plants: Chemistry Matters.
Dan M. Sullivan, Oregon State University; Ryan C. Costello, Oregon State University
10:15 AM
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