Symposium--Ecosystem-Mineral Interactions: II
Oral SessionS05 Pedology
Soil is a synthograph of environmental conditions and ecosystem process through time. Understanding how soil minerals interact with, control and record ecosystem processes is fundamental to understanding soil and ecosystem function. This joint symposium between the Soil Science Society of America’s Soil Mineralogy and Pedology divisions will explore the interaction between soil minerals and ecosystem processes across nano- to landscape spatial scales, modern to deep geologic time scales, and across natural and managed ecosystems. We seek to enhance communication between scientists studying ecosystem-mineral Interactions in a multidisciplinary forum. Topics include novel coupling of molecular, isotopic, or imaging techniques for using soil mineral data to better understand: (i) the coevolution of soil and ecosystem properties; (ii) soil biogeochemical cycling in natural and managed systems, and (iii) the quantification of mineral weathering and transformation processes.
S09 Soil MineralogyTuesday, October 23, 2012: 12:55 PM-3:15 PM
Duke Energy Convention Center, Room 212, Level 2
Maria Nobles
Craig Rasmussen
Cynthia Stiles
Daniel Hirmas
1:00 PM
1:30 PM
2:15 PM
2:30 PM