Agroclimatology and Agronomic Modeling. II. Crop Growth Models and Instrumentation.

Oral Session

ASA Section: Climatology & Modeling

This topical session covers a broad range of topics in the Agroclimatology and Agronomic Modeling field, including general soil-plant-environment relationships, crop interactions with climate and management, micrometeorological investigations with instrumentation and models, and other related topics.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012: 8:10 AM-11:00 AM
Duke Energy Convention Center, Room 264, Level 2
Community Leader:
Judy Tolk
Heidi Waldrip
8:10 AM
Introductory Remarks
8:15 AM
Calibrating NASA POWER Data for Site-Specific Crop Modeling Using Minimum Observed Data.
Justin Van Wart, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Kenneth Cassman, University of Nebraska
8:30 AM
Development of Model to Predict Yield of Miscanthus Using Monthly Climate Change Datasets.
Cho Ye Kim, Seoul National University; Kwang Soo kim, Seoul National University
8:45 AM
Sensitivity of Substor-Potato Model for the Simulation of Potato in North America Under Climate Change.
Davide Cammarano, University of Florida; Alva Ashok, USDA-ARS; Asseng Senthold, University of Florida; Lincoln Zotarelli, University of Florida; Kelly Morgan, University of Florida; Jørgen E. Olesen, Aarhus University; Joost Wolf, Wageningen University; Bruno Basso, University of Basilicata
9:00 AM
Site-Specific and Regional On-Farm Rice Water Conservation Analyzer (RiceWCA): Development and Evaluation of the Water Balance Model.
Yubin Yang, Texas A&M University System; Lloyd Wilson, Texas A&M University System; Jing Wang, Texas A&M University System
9:15 AM
Improving ORYZA2000 for Simulating Rice Growth and Yield with Different Nitrogen and Water Management Options Under Drought Stress.
Tao Li, International Rice Research Institute; Olivyn Angeles, International Rice Research Institute; Manuel III Marcaida, International Rice Research Institute; Emmali Manalo, International Rice Research Institute; Ando Mariot Radanielson, International Rice Research Institute
9:30 AM
9:45 AM
10:00 AM
Use of ENSO Forecasts to Select Nitrogen Fertilizer Application Strategies for Winter Wheat in Alabama.
Reshmi Sarkar, Auburn University; Brenda V. Ortiz, Auburn University; Kipling Balkcom, USDA-ARS; Mathew Tapley, Auburn Agronomy Club
10:15 AM
Simulation of the Growth of Maize Kernels Using a Source-Sink Approach with a Priority Function.
Youjia Chen, China Agricultural University; Gerrit Hoogenboom, Washington State University; Yan Guo, China Agricultural University; Yuntao Ma, China Agricultural University; Baoguo Li, China Agricultural University
10:30 AM
Infrared Heater Array to Simulate High Emission Scenario in the Open-Field Rice Paddies.
Muhammad Rehmani, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad; Yanfeng Ding, Nanjing Agricultural University; Syed Tahir Ata-Ul-Karim, Nanjing Agricultural University; Ganghua Li, Nanjing Agricultural University
10:45 AM
The Use of Automated Weather Stations for Irrigation Management In the Jordan Valley.
Mohammed A. Jitan, National Centre for Agricultural Research and Extension; Steven R. Evett, USDA-ARS; Ibrahim M. Shaqir, USDA-ARS; Naem T. Mazahreh, National Centre for Agricultural Research and Extension
11:00 AM