The Legacy of Dr. Willard Lindsay: Chemical Equilibria in Soils, Micronutrients, and Soil Testing: I
Oral SessionS02 Soil Chemistry
Dr. Willard Lindsay was a pioneer in soil chemistry. His doctoral mentor was Michael Peech at Cornell University, one of the cornerstones of soil chemistry in the mid-20th century. From the 1950s through the 1990s, Lindsay broke new ground in the areas of micronutrient chemistry, developing new soil tests, and particularly his work in the application of chemical equilibrium principles to soils. In this topical session, we are inviting the submission of oral presentations to recognize the enduring achievements of Lindsay’s research.
S09 Soil MineralogyMonday, October 22, 2012: 1:15 PM-4:00 PM
Hyatt Regency, Bluegrass AB, Third Floor
Arthur Schwab
Kenneth Sajwan
Arthur Schwab
Kenneth Sajwan