Animal Agriculture and the Environment Community

Oral Session Symposium--Animal Production and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Community Leaders: Daniel N. Miller and Robert S. Dungan
Organizers: Kari Dunfield and April B. Leytem

Poster Session Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture
Community Leaders: Daniel N. Miller and Robert S. Dungan

Oral Session Controlling Bugs & Drugs
Community Leaders: Daniel N. Miller and Robert S. Dungan
Organizer: Ed Topp
Presider: Ed Topp

Oral Session General Animal Agriculture & the Environment: I
Community Leaders: Daniel N. Miller and Robert S. Dungan
Presider: Xiying Hao

Poster Session General Animal Agriculture & the Environment: II
Community Leaders: Daniel N. Miller and Robert S. Dungan
Presider: Robert S. Dungan

Oral Session Innovations in Sustainable Resource Use for Tomorrow: The Role of Aquaculture and Animal Agriculture
Community Leaders: Daniel N. Miller and Robert S. Dungan
Organizers: Senorpe Asem-Hiablie and Clinton D. Church

Oral Session Business Meeting--Animal Agriculture and the Environment Community
Community Leader: Daniel N. Miller
Presider: Daniel N. Miller