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Friday, November 2, 2007

6:00 PM-8:00 PM
Session No. 1
Executive Planning: I

Saturday, November 3, 2007

7:30 AM-8:00 AM
Session No. 2
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A Lobby, First Floor

8:30 AM-5:00 PM
Session No. 3
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A Lobby, First Floor

8:35 AM-9:05 AM
SASES Business Meeting: I
Convention Center, Room 206, Second Floor

7:00 PM-8:30 PM
Session No. 4
SASES President's Trophy Competition
Convention Center, Room 206, Second Floor

8:30 PM-9:30 PM
Session No. 5
Meeting Overview/Business Meeting: I/Executive Planning: II
Convention Center, Room 206, Second Floor

9:30 PM-11:30 PM
Session No. 6
National Student Quiz Bowl
Convention Center, Room 206, Second Floor
Sunday, November 4, 2007

7:00 AM-8:30 AM
Agronomy Journal Technical Editors
Hilton Riverside, Le Croissant Restaurant, First Floor

7:30 AM-10:30 AM
S591 K-12 Committee
Hilton Riverside, Durham, Third Floor

7:45 AM-4:30 PM
Session No. 17
Hydric Soils Tour
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A Lobby, First Floor

8:00 AM-11:30 AM
Session No. 7
Registration/Student Brunch/Business Meeting: II
Convention Center, Room 208-210, Second Floor

8:30 AM-11:30 AM
Students of Agronomy, Soils and Environmental Sciences Brunch/Business Meeting: II
Convention Center, Room 208-210, Second Floor

9:00 AM-12:00 PM
Agronomy Journal Editorial Board
Hilton Riverside, Belle Chasse, Third Floor

9:45 AM-5:30 PM
Session No. 16
Turfgrass Tour of New Orleans
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A Lobby, First Floor

10:30 AM-11:30 AM
SASES Business Meeting: II
Convention Center, Room 208-210, Second Floor

1:00 PM-2:30 PM
Session No. 8
National Student Club Poster Contest
Convention Center, Atrium, Second Floor

1:00 PM-3:00 PM
Session No. 9
47th National Speech Contest--Prelims
Convention Center, Room 202-205, Second Floor
Golden Opportunity Scholar and Mentor Meeting
Convention Center, Room 232, Second Floor

1:30 PM-3:00 PM
Session No. 10
Graduate School Workshop
Convention Center, Room 201, Second Floor

2:00 PM-6:00 PM
Session No. 15
Symposium--The Impact of Katrina and the Aftermath AES Mission within Communities/Social
Convention Center, Room 223, Second Floor

2:40 PM-6:00 PM
Session No. 11
National Student Research Symposium Contest
Convention Center, Room 207, Second Floor

3:00 PM-5:00 PM
Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education Editorial Board
Hilton Riverside, Warwick, Third Floor

3:00 PM-5:30 PM
*Clover and Special Purpose Legumes Crop Germplasm Committee
Hilton Riverside, Fountain, Third Floor

4:00 PM-6:00 PM
*ARS REAP Team Meeting
Marriott, Blaine Kern A, First Floor
Soil Science Society of America Journal Technical Editors
Hilton Riverside, Durham, Third Floor

4:00 PM-6:30 PM
SRAC-01 Southern Region Administrative Committee
Marriott, Fleur de Lis, First Floor

4:30 PM-6:30 PM
*11th North American Forest Soils Conference
Hilton Riverside, Newberry, Third Floor

5:00 PM-6:00 PM
Session No. 12
47th National Speech Contest--Finals
Convention Center, Room 206, Second Floor

5:00 PM-6:30 PM
International Subcommittee Meeting
Marriott, Magnolia, First Floor

6:00 PM-6:45 PM
First Time Attendee Orientation
Hilton Riverside, Elmwood, Third Floor

7:00 PM-8:00 PM
Session No. 13
Plenary Session: I. E.T. & Vam York Distinguished ASA Lectureship
Hilton Riverside, Grand Ballroom A-D, First Floor

8:00 PM-10:30 PM
Dessert Cruise
Hilton Riverside, Spanish Plaza Dock

8:15 PM-10:15 PM
Graduate Student Social
Convention Center, Room 208-210, Second Floor
Session No. 14
Graduate Student Social
Convention Center, Room 208-210, Second Floor
Monday, November 5, 2007

6:30 AM-8:00 AM
Session No. 83
Frank N. Meyer Medal Breakfast
Marriott, Blaine Kern B, First Floor
Frank N. Meyer Medal Breakfast
Marriott, Blaine Kern B, First Floor

7:00 AM-8:00 AM
A201.4.11 ASA Communication Task Force
Marriott, Fleur de Lis, First Floor

7:45 AM-12:10 PM
Session No. 72
Graduate Student Oral Competition: I
Convention Center, Room 208-209, Second Floor

8:00 AM-9:00 AM
Session No. 18
Plenary Session: II. Nyle C. Brady Frontiers of Soil Science Lectureship
Convention Center, La Louisiane Ballroom, First Floor

8:00 AM-6:00 PM
Session No. 38
Educational Materials Display
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor

9:00 AM-9:30 AM
Soil Science Society of America Journal New Editor Training
Hilton Riverside, Belle Chasse, Third Floor

9:00 AM-10:00 AM
*Committee on Organic and Sustainable Agriculture (COSA)
Marriott, Magnolia, First Floor
S587 Training and Continuing Education for Soil Scientists
Hilton Riverside, Warwick, Third Floor
e-Journal Editors
Hilton Riverside, Fountain, Third Floor

9:00 AM-10:30 AM
Companion Breakfast
Marriott, Blaine Kern DEF, First Floor

9:00 AM-11:00 AM
C852 Crop Registration Committee
Hilton Riverside, Oak Alley, Third Floor
S584 Soils Certification Board
Marriott, Fleur de Lis, First Floor

9:25 AM-10:30 AM
Session No. 78
Heat and Drought Tolerance
Convention Center, Room 217, Second Floor

9:25 AM-10:40 AM
Session No. 111
Gaseous Fluxes from Forest Soils
Convention Center, Room 219, Second Floor

9:25 AM-10:45 AM
Session No. 107
Assessing Soil Management and Properties
Convention Center, Room 225, Second Floor
Session No. 54
Maize Breeding
Convention Center, Room 215, Second Floor

9:25 AM-11:00 AM
Session No. 64
Management of Grassy Crops: Corn, Sugarcane, Rice, and Wheat
Convention Center, Room 211, Second Floor

9:25 AM-11:15 AM
Session No. 104
Soil Genesis: I
Convention Center, Room 218, Second Floor

9:25 AM-11:20 AM
Session No. 87
Soil Science and Scientists in the Early History of ASA
Convention Center, Room 228, Second Floor

9:25 AM-11:30 AM
Session No. 116
Carbon Cycling
Convention Center, Room 227, Second Floor
Session No. 79
Genetics of Nutrition and Quality
Convention Center, Room 214, Second Floor

9:25 AM-11:45 AM
Session No. 55
Cereal Breeding
Convention Center, Room 216, Second Floor

9:25 AM-11:55 AM
Session No. 48
Cover Crops in Cropping Systems
Convention Center, Room 205, Second Floor
Session No. 84
Symposium--Crop Genetic Vulnerability Thirty Five Years after T-Cytoplasm
Convention Center, Room 210, Second Floor

9:25 AM-12:00 PM
Session No. 91
Arsenic Chemistry in Soils
Convention Center, Room 230, Second Floor
Session No. 69
Seed Yield and Quality (includes Joint C02/C04 Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Room 212, Second Floor

9:25 AM-12:05 PM
Session No. 41
Symposium--Agriculture, Rivers, and Coasts: I. The Mississippi
Convention Center, Room 226, Second Floor

9:25 AM-12:15 PM
Session No. 76
Robert F Barnes Graduate Student Competition
Convention Center, Room 213, Second Floor
Session No. 95
Soil Biology of Cropping Systems
Convention Center, Room 220, Second Floor
Session No. 100
Symposium--Advances in N Calibration for Corn
Convention Center, Room 223, Second Floor
Session No. 88
Symposium--Advancing Measurement Techniques and Modeling Synergy for Environmental Soils Research in Space and Time: I. Advances in Soil Sensing and Measurement Technologies and their Applications
Convention Center, Room R03-R05, Second Floor
Session No. 45
Symposium--Agronomy Matters: Achieving Millennium Development Goals in Rice-Based Agriculture
Convention Center, Room 204, Second Floor

9:25 AM-12:30 PM
Session No. 118
Symposium--Advanced Analytical Methods for Understanding the Chemistry of Nutrient Elements in Soils: I
Convention Center, Room 222, Second Floor
Session No. 94
Symposium--Soil Biology and Environmental Health: What Have We Learned Since Hurricane Katrina?
Convention Center, Room 221, Second Floor

9:25 AM-1:30 PM
Session No. 33
Symposium--Yield Response to Water: Examination of the Role of Crop Models in Predicting Water Use Efficiency
Convention Center, Room 203, Second Floor

9:25 AM-2:55 PM
Session No. 114
Symposium--Distribution of Soil Minerals in Landscapes (includes Graduate Student Competition): I
Convention Center, Room 229, Second Floor

9:25 AM-3:55 PM
Session No. 53
Symposium--Understanding the Agronomic Issues Related to the Biofuel Demand
Convention Center, Room 206, Second Floor

9:30 AM-11:30 AM
Session No. 19
National Student Research Symposium Poster Contest
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor

9:30 AM-12:00 PM
Session No. 20
Graduate School Interviews
Convention Center, Room R06-R09, Second Floor
Session No. 108
Howard M. Taylor Memorial Lecture on Root Soil Relationships/Div. S06 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 224, Second Floor

9:30 AM-12:15 PM
Session No. 46
Symposium -- Historical Perspectives of the Development of the Experiment Station System – A 100 Year Perspective
Convention Center, Room 202, Second Floor

9:30 AM-12:30 PM
Soil Science Society of America Journal Editorial Board
Hilton Riverside, Belle Chasse, Third Floor

10:00 AM-11:30 AM
Session No. 25
Communicating Science to the Public
Convention Center, Room 207, Second Floor
Golden Opportunity Scholar and Mentor Discussion
Convention Center, Room 232, Second Floor

10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Session No. 119
Environmental Impacts of Organic Amendments: I
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 42
Nutrients and Pesticides in the Environment (includes Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 31
Teaching Programs, Activities and Achievements
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
e-Journal Editors Breakout Session
Hilton Riverside, Durham, Third Floor
e-Journal Editors Breakout Session
Hilton Riverside, Newberry, Third Floor
e-Journal Editors Breakout Session
Hilton Riverside, Fountain, Third Floor

11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Session No. 21
CCA Workshop
Convention Center, Room 201, Second Floor
Div. S06 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 224, Second Floor
Session No. 112
S.A. Wilde Lectureship on Forest Soils
Convention Center, Room 219, Second Floor

11:00 AM-1:00 PM
A532 Agronomy Certification Board
Marriott, Fleur de Lis, First Floor

11:30 AM-1:30 PM
Journal of Environmental Quality Technical Editors
Hilton Riverside, Le Croissant Restaurant, First Floor

12:00 PM-1:00 PM
Golden Opportunities Scholar and Mentor Luncheon
Convention Center, Room 231, Second Floor

12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Branch Leader's Lunch
Marriott, Magnolia, First Floor

12:55 PM-3:00 PM
Session No. 26
Symposium--The Role of Statistics in Agricultural Research: Past, Present, and Future
Convention Center, Room 217, Second Floor

12:55 PM-3:15 PM
Session No. 101
Active Sensors for Nutrient Management (includes Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Room 223, Second Floor
Session No. 117
Nitrogen and Phosphorus Cycling (includes Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Room 227, Second Floor
Session No. 80
Symposium--Genomics Tools for Crop Improvement
Convention Center, Room 214, Second Floor

12:55 PM-3:45 PM
Session No. 109
Symposium-- Implications of Bioenergy Production for Agricultural Development
Convention Center, Room R02, Second Floor
Session No. 89
Symposium--Advancing Measurement Techniques and Modeling Synergy for Environmental Soils Research in Space and Time: II. Spatio-Temporal Measurement and Modeling of Soil Properties and Processes
Convention Center, Room 220, Second Floor

12:55 PM-3:55 PM
Session No. 61
Symposium--Yield Response to Water: Physiological Analysis of Crop Water Use and Efficiency
Convention Center, Room 221, Second Floor

12:55 PM-4:15 PM
Session No. 73
Graduate Student Oral Competition: II
Convention Center, Room 208-209, Second Floor
Session No. 62
Symposium--Leaf Growth Mechanisms in Grasses: A Celebration of Jerry Nelson's Career
Convention Center, Room 224, Second Floor

1:00 PM-2:00 PM
Golden Opportunity Scholar Reports
Convention Center, Room 231, Second Floor

1:00 PM-3:00 PM
Crop Science Technical Editors
Hilton Riverside, Belle Chasse, Third Floor
Session No. 103
Site-Specific Nutrient Relationships (includes Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 120
Symposium--Advanced Analytical Methods for Understanding the Chemistry of Nutrient Elements in Soils: II
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 102
Symposium--Advances in Nitrogen Calibration for Corn
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor

1:00 PM-5:00 PM
Session No. 121
Environmental Impacts of Organic Amendments: II
Convention Center, Room 222, Second Floor

1:05 PM-5:10 PM
Session No. 43
Symposium--Agriculture, Rivers, and Coasts: II. The Susquehanna/Div. A05 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 226, Second Floor

1:10 PM-3:40 PM
Session No. 113
Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Processes
Convention Center, Room 219, Second Floor

1:10 PM-4:45 PM
Session No. 49
Symposium--Precision Aspect of Balancing Soil Quality, Food, Fiber, and Energy Production: I
Convention Center, Room 205, Second Floor

1:10 PM-4:50 PM
Session No. 77
Forage Growth and Nutritive Value/Div. C06 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 213, Second Floor

1:15 PM-4:05 PM
Session No. 110
Management Effects on Water Quality
Convention Center, Room 225, Second Floor

1:25 PM-2:45 PM
Session No. 105
Soil Genesis: II
Convention Center, Room 218, Second Floor

1:25 PM-3:10 PM
Session No. 56
Genetic Improvement of Sorghum, Sugarcane and Brassica
Convention Center, Room 216, Second Floor

1:25 PM-3:30 PM
Session No. 27
Job Opportunities Outside Academia
Convention Center, Room 211, Second Floor

1:25 PM-3:45 PM
Session No. 39
Extension Education Methodology
Convention Center, Room 204, Second Floor

1:25 PM-5:25 PM
Session No. 70
Symposium--Ethylene Suppression in Crop Yield Formation
Convention Center, Room 212, Second Floor

1:30 PM-3:00 PM
Session No. 28
Doubling Science Funding: You Can Help
Convention Center, Room 207, Second Floor

1:30 PM-4:00 PM
Session No. 22
Internship Interviews
Convention Center, Room R06-R09, Second Floor

1:55 PM-4:50 PM
Session No. 32
Teaching Histories, Philosophies, and Trends/Div. A01 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 202, Second Floor

2:25 PM-5:00 PM
Session No. 34
Climate and Change: Effects on Agriculture and Effects of Agriculture
Convention Center, Room 203, Second Floor

3:00 PM-5:00 PM
Crop Science Editorial Board
Hilton Riverside, Belle Chasse, Third Floor
Hilton Riverside, Warwick, Third Floor

3:00 PM-6:00 PM
Session No. 96
Soil Biology and Biochemistry Student Poster Competition
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor

3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Session No. 23
Mock Interview Workshop
Convention Center, Room 201, Second Floor

3:50 PM-4:50 PM
Div. A01 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 202, Second Floor
Div. C06 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 213, Second Floor

4:00 PM-4:45 PM
SSSA Awards Reception
Convention Center, Room R03-R05, Second Floor

4:00 PM-5:00 PM
Biomass Working Group
Convention Center, Room 206, Second Floor

4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Session No. 58
Alfalfa and Forages: QTLs and Genetic Gain (includes Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 99
All Kinds of Nitrogen Transformation and Some Carbon Too
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 50
Building Sustainable Ecosystems Through Organic Agricultural Research and Practice: I
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 98
Carbon Sequestration
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 66
Corn and Sorghum Management: Skip Rows, Nematodes, Herbicide-Resistance, No-Till, and Organic
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 71
Crop and Seed Physiology (includes Joint C02/C04 Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 75
Drought & Water Management
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 36
Elevated Carbon Dioxide Effects
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 40
Extension Education in Fertility Management
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 81
Genomic, Marker, and Mapping Resources
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 74
Graduate Student Poster Competition: I
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 65
Graduate Student Poster Contest--Crop Ecology, Management, and Quality
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 44
Green House Gases and Atmospheric Effects
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 47
How Experiment Stations Address Challenges for Funding, Research and the Environment
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 59
Maize Breeding (includes Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 92
Metals in Soils
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 37
Modeling Crop Response
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 51
Nitrogen Management in Crop and Crop-Livestock Systems
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 93
Organic Contaminants in Soils
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 57
Plant Breeding Funding, Education and Quantitative Tools (includes Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 68
Small Grains Management: Seeding Date and Rate, Water Response, and No-Till
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 97
Soil Biochemistry
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 86
Soil Science Society of America Reception and Awards Program
Convention Center, Room R03-R05, Second Floor
Session No. 90
Symposium--Advancing Measurement Techniques and Modeling Synergy for Environmental Soils Research in Space and Time: III
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 115
Symposium--Distribution of Soil Minerals in Landscapes (includes Graduate Student Competition): II
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 67
The Diversity of Division C03: Cotton Fibers, Sunn Hemp Toxicity, and Dodder Control
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 106
The Genesis, Geomorphology, and Characterization of Soils
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 82
Transgenics and Regulation of Gene Expression
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 60
Wheat and Barley Breeding (includes Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 52
Woody and Alternative Crops in Agricultural Systems
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 35
Yield Response to Water
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor

4:10 PM-5:10 PM
Div. A05 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 226, Second Floor

4:15 PM-5:00 PM
Session No. 85
Calvin Sperling Biodiversity Memorial Lectureship
Convention Center, Room 210, Second Floor

4:15 PM-6:00 PM
Session No. 63
Physiological Responses to Irrigation, Drought, Salinity, Cold, and Hypoxia
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor

5:00 PM-6:00 PM
*CAST Town Hall Meeting
Convention Center, Room 206, Second Floor

5:00 PM-7:00 PM
*Arkansas Razorback Pig Out
Marriott, Blaine Kern F, First Floor

5:15 PM-6:45 PM
SASES Business Meeting: III
Convention Center, Room 208-209, Second Floor

5:15 PM-10:00 PM
Session No. 24
Business Meeting: III/Officer Elections/Awards/Officer Meeting
Convention Center, Room 208-209, Second Floor

5:30 PM-7:00 PM
*Missouri Reception
Astor Crowne Plaza, Astor Ballroom II, Second Floor
*University of Minnesota Mixer
Astor Crowne Plaza, St. Charles B, First Floor

5:30 PM-7:30 PM
*Association of Chinese Soil and Plant Scientists of North America Annual Meeting
Hilton Riverside, Elmwood, Third Floor
*Colorado State University Reception
Astor Crowne Plaza, St. Charles A, First Floor
*Iowa State University Mixer
Marriott, Blaine Kern B, First Floor
*North Dakota State University Blizzard Party
Astor Crowne Plaza, Astor Ballroom I, Second Floor
*Purdue Boilermaker Reception
Astor Crowne Plaza, Toulouse AB, Second Floor Mezzanine

5:30 PM-8:00 PM
Session No. 29
Minorities Poster Contest and Reception
Convention Center, Room 225, Second Floor

6:00 PM-7:00 PM
ASA Biosecurity Committee
Hilton Riverside, Warwick, Third Floor
Biometry Working Group
Hilton Riverside, Durham, Third Floor

6:00 PM-7:30 PM
*Penn State Mixer
Astor Crowne Plaza, Astor Ballroom III, Second Floor

6:00 PM-8:00 PM
*Michigan State University Spartan Reception
Marriott, Blaine Kern A, First Floor

6:00 PM-8:30 PM
Session No. 30
Committee on Organic and Sustainable Agriculture Reception/Roundtable
Marriott, Blaine Kern CD, First Floor

6:30 PM-7:30 PM
S880 Soils Geomorphology Committee
Hilton Riverside, Newberry, Third Floor

7:00 PM-8:30 PM
National Soils Judging Contest Committee
Hilton Riverside, Belle Chasse, Third Floor

7:00 PM-9:00 PM
*All Illinois Mixer
Marriott, Blaine Kern E, First Floor
*S1014 Multistate Project
Marriott, Fleur de Lis, First Floor

7:30 PM-9:30 PM
*ICASA Open Forum
Hilton Riverside, Fountain, Third Floor
Tuesday, November 6, 2007

6:30 AM-8:00 AM
*Fellowship Breakfast
Marriott, Blaine Kern C, First Floor
Session No. 172
Forage and Grazinglands Breakfast
Marriott, Blaine Kern EF, First Floor
Forage and Grazinglands Breakfast
Marriott, Blaine Kern EF, First Floor
Soil Testing and Plant Analysis Breakfast
Marriott, Blaine Kern D, First Floor

7:15 AM-5:00 PM
Session No. 148
Agronomy Tour
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A Lobby, First Floor

8:00 AM-9:00 AM
ACS837 Hydropedology Working Group
Marriott, Magnolia, First Floor
Session No. 122
Plenary Session: III. Betty Klepper Endowed Lectureship
Convention Center, La Louisiane Ballroom, First Floor

8:00 AM-6:00 PM
Session No. 140
Educational Materials Display
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor

8:55 AM-11:55 AM
Session No. 167
Graduate Student Oral Competition: III
Convention Center, Room 208-209, Second Floor

9:00 AM-11:30 AM
ACS321 Editorial Affairs Committee
Hilton Riverside, Fountain, Third Floor

9:00 AM-12:00 PM
Manuscript Central
Hilton Riverside, Oak Alley, Third Floor

9:20 AM-3:30 PM
Session No. 173
Symposium--Evaluating Grasslands with Remote Sensing and Georeferenced Sampling
Convention Center, Room 213, Second Floor

9:25 AM-10:25 AM
Session No. 202
Compaction Assessment and Effects
Convention Center, Room 218, Second Floor
Div. S09 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 232, Second Floor

9:25 AM-10:30 AM
Session No. 177
Mapping Strategies and Methods
Convention Center, Room 215, Second Floor

9:25 AM-10:40 AM
Session No. 228
William H Patrick Jr. Wetland Biogeochemistry Lectureship
Convention Center, Room 223, Second Floor

9:25 AM-11:00 AM
Session No. 190
Nutrient Management in Sustainable and Organic Cropping Systems
Convention Center, Room R02, Second Floor

9:25 AM-11:15 AM
Session No. 134
Military Land Use and Management
Convention Center, Room 201, Second Floor

9:25 AM-11:30 AM
Session No. 226
Div. S09 Business Meeting/Mineralogical Controls on Soil Physical, Chemical, and Biological Processes (includes Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Room 232, Second Floor
Session No. 176
Symposium--Breeding for Nutritional Aspects
Convention Center, Room 207, Second Floor

9:25 AM-11:45 AM
Session No. 185
Organic Contaminants
Convention Center, Room 229, Second Floor

9:25 AM-12:00 PM
Session No. 141
Extension Education in Crop Management, Variety Selection, and Cropping Systems
Convention Center, Room 204, Second Floor
Session No. 155
Genetic Improvement of Cotton and Industrial Crops
Convention Center, Room 216, Second Floor
Session No. 146
Symposium--Collaborative Research Support Programs (CRSPs) and the Enhancement of Agricultural Development in Sub-Saharan Africa
Convention Center, Room 205, Second Floor

9:25 AM-12:10 PM
Session No. 213
Symposium--Can Forest Soils be Used for Carbon Credits or Registries?
Convention Center, Room 222, Second Floor

9:25 AM-12:15 PM
Session No. 144
Effects of Manure and Biosolids on the Environment
Convention Center, Room 212, Second Floor
Session No. 180
Soil Structure and Hydraulic Properties
Convention Center, Room 221, Second Floor
Session No. 162
Symposium--Agronomic Aspects of Biofuel Crop Production: I
Convention Center, Room 214, Second Floor
Session No. 195
Symposium--Gypsum & Soluble Salts in Soils: I. Occurence, Dilemmas, and Solutions
Convention Center, Room 230, Second Floor
Session No. 221
Symposium--Nutrient Management for Biofuels Production
Convention Center, Room R03-R05, Second Floor

9:25 AM-12:20 PM
Session No. 179
Soils and Civilizations
Convention Center, Room 225, Second Floor

9:25 AM-12:30 PM
Session No. 188
Assessing and Comparing Microbial Communities
Convention Center, Room 228, Second Floor
Session No. 181
Symposium--Advancing Measurement Techniques and Modeling Synergy for Environmental Soils Research in Space and Time: Proximal Soil Sensing for Digital Soil Mapping
Convention Center, Room 220, Second Floor
Session No. 160
Yield Physiology
Convention Center, Room 226, Second Floor

9:25 AM-12:35 PM
Session No. 201
Irrigation and Drainage Water Management
Convention Center, Room 217, Second Floor

9:25 AM-12:45 PM
Session No. 137
Advances in Water Use and Water Use Efficiency
Convention Center, Room 203, Second Floor

9:25 AM-2:30 PM
Session No. 166
Symposium--Modification of Seed Composition to Promote Health and Nutrition
Convention Center, Room 227, Second Floor

9:25 AM-3:40 PM
Session No. 203
Symposium--Soil Erosion Processes and Modeling: Past, Present, and Future: I
Convention Center, Room 219, Second Floor

9:25 AM-3:55 PM
Session No. 153
Symposium--New Management Practices for Fertilizer N/Div. A09 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 206, Second Floor

9:25 AM-5:05 PM
Session No. 230
Symposium--Environmental Impact and Sustainability of Degraded Water Reuse: I
Convention Center, Room 224, Second Floor

9:25 AM-5:30 PM
Session No. 178
National Society of Consulting Soil Scientists Career Opportunities
Hilton Riverside, Jefferson Ballroom, Third Floor

9:25 AM-5:40 PM
Session No. 149
Symposium--Building Sustainable Ecosystems Through Organic Agricultural Research and Practice: II
Convention Center, Room 210, Second Floor

9:30 AM-11:30 AM
Session No. 123
Writing Manuscripts for Publication
Convention Center, Room 211, Second Floor

9:30 AM-1:00 PM
ASF Board of Trustees
Marriott, Fleur de Lis, First Floor

9:55 AM-12:00 PM
Session No. 131
Approaches and Exercises in Student Assessment and Recruitment
Convention Center, Room 202, Second Floor

10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Session No. 174
Biomass and Bioenergy
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 175
Breeding and Genetics of Forage Crops
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 231
Characterization of Contaminated Systems: I
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 204
Management Effects on Soil Carbon and Phosphorus
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Hilton Riverside, Newberry, Third Floor
Session No. 205
Soil Management Effects on Soil Nitrogen and Green House Gases
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 222
Utilization of Nutrients from Manure and Biosolids (includes Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor

10:30 AM-11:30 AM
ACS731 Location of Meetings Committee
Hilton Riverside, Warwick, Third Floor

11:30 AM-12:00 PM
ACS320 Books and Multimedia Publishing Committee
Hilton Riverside, Fountain, Third Floor

11:30 AM-1:00 PM
Golden Opportunities Scholars and Mentor World Hunger Luncheon
Convention Center, Room 231, Second Floor
Session No. 124
Grant Writing Navigation
Convention Center, Room 215, Second Floor
Session No. 125
Women in Agronomy, Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences Luncheon
Marriott, Blaine Kern CD, First Floor
Women in Agronomy, Crops, Soils & Environment Sciences Luncheon
Marriott, Blaine Kern CD, First Floor

12:55 PM-2:40 PM
Session No. 214
Soil Responses to Fire
Convention Center, Room 222, Second Floor

12:55 PM-3:00 PM
Session No. 191
Interactions of Plants, Soil and Nutrients (includes Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Room 214, Second Floor

12:55 PM-3:05 PM
Session No. 132
Techniques and Technology in Teaching
Convention Center, Room 202, Second Floor

12:55 PM-4:30 PM
Session No. 168
Graduate Student Oral Competition: IV
Convention Center, Room 208-209, Second Floor
Session No. 182
Symposium--Evaluating Water Flux in the Vadose Zone: Computational Methods and Geostatistical Approaches--Analytical and Quasi-Analytical Solutions to Water Flow: In Honor of Art Warrick
Convention Center, Room 221, Second Floor

12:55 PM-5:30 PM
Session No. 229
Symposium--Nitrogen Biogeochemistry in Riparian Ecosystems: Honoring the Lifetime Accomplishments of Wendell Gilliam/Div. S10 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 223, Second Floor

1:00 PM-3:00 PM
Session No. 164
All Things Oilseeds: Canola, Flax, Okra, Soybean, and Sunflower
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 127
Navigating Funding Opportunities at the National Science Foundation
Convention Center, Room 201, Second Floor
Session No. 224
Symposium--Aspects of Nutrient Use Related to Biofuels Production (included Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 163
Symposium--Scientific Advances in Crop Rotation Research During the Last Century: Where Do We Go from Here?: I
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 223
Technologies for Nutrient Assessment and Efficient Utilization (includes Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor

1:00 PM-4:55 PM
Session No. 206
Symposium--Major Advances in Soil and Water Conservation: What Now?: I
Convention Center, Room 217, Second Floor

1:00 PM-7:00 PM
Session No. 128
CSREES, USDA--Integrated Competitive Programs Grantsmanship
Convention Center, La Louisiane Ballroom, First Floor

1:05 PM-3:00 PM
Div. C02 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 226, Second Floor
Session No. 161
Div. C02 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 226, Second Floor

1:15 PM-3:50 PM
Session No. 126
Symposium--The African Green Revolution Takes Shape
Convention Center, Room R02, Second Floor

1:20 PM-5:30 PM
Session No. 189
Francis E. Clark Distinguished Lectureship: A New Look at Microbial N-Transformations in Agroecosystems: Going Beyond (De)nitrification/Div. S03 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 207, Second Floor

1:25 PM-3:45 PM
Session No. 207
Management Effects on Soil Carbon and Phosphorus
Convention Center, Room 218, Second Floor

1:25 PM-5:00 PM
Session No. 138
Spectral Clues to Crop Behavior and Condition/Div. A03 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 203, Second Floor

1:25 PM-5:30 PM
Session No. 196
Symposium--Gypsum & Soluble Salts in Soils: II. NCSS Gypseous Soils Task Force/Div. S05 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 230, Second Floor

1:30 PM-2:30 PM
ACS526 Women in Agronomy, Crops, Soils, and Environmental Sciences Committee
Marriott, Magnolia, First Floor

1:30 PM-3:00 PM
Session No. 129
Being an Expert Witness: Have You Got What it Takes?
Convention Center, Room 216, Second Floor

1:30 PM-3:30 PM
Session No. 165
Symposium--Agronomic Aspects of Biofuel Crop Production: II
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor

1:30 PM-5:35 PM
Session No. 145
Symposium--Agriculture, Rivers, and Coasts: III. The San Joaquin River
Convention Center, Room 212, Second Floor

2:00 PM-4:00 PM
Session No. 209
Compaction Assessment and Effects
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 218
Developing Soil Quality Approaches
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 217
Effects of Invasive Species
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 216
Fire Effects
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 208
Irrigation and Drainage Water Management
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 215
Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor

2:25 PM-5:00 PM
Session No. 147
Rice, Wheat and Barley: I/Div. A06 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 205, Second Floor

2:30 PM-4:30 PM
Soil Plant Analysis Council
Hilton Riverside, Newberry, Third Floor

3:00 PM-4:00 PM
Session No. 135
Div. A02 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 215, Second Floor
Div. A02 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 215, Second Floor

3:00 PM-5:00 PM
Session No. 192
Leo M. Walsh Soil Fertility Distinguished Lecture/Div. S04/Div. S08 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 220, Second Floor

3:15 PM-3:55 PM
Div. A09 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 206, Second Floor

3:25 PM-4:50 PM
Session No. 133
Curriculum and Course Revitalization
Convention Center, Room 202, Second Floor

4:00 PM-4:45 PM
CSSA Awards Reception
Convention Center, Room R03-R05, Second Floor

4:00 PM-5:00 PM
Div. A03 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 203, Second Floor
Div. A06 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 205, Second Floor
Div. S04/S08 Joint Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 220, Second Floor
Session No. 225
Div. S08/Div. S04 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 220, Second Floor
Div. S08/S04 Joint Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 220, Second Floor
Session No. 219
Poster Discussion Session
Convention Center, Room 222, Second Floor
Vadose Zone Journal Editorial Board
Hilton Riverside, Fountain, Third Floor

4:00 PM-5:30 PM
Session No. 154
Crop Science Society of America Reception and Awards Program
Convention Center, Room R03-R05, Second Floor

4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Session No. 139
Advances in Water Use and Water Use Efficiency
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 198
Ancient Cultures, Soil Genesis and Landuse Management
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 186
Arsenic Chemistry
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 211
Assessing Soil Management and Properties
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 158
Cereals: Rice, Wheat and Barley Breeding (includes Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 156
Cotton Genetics and Breeding (includes Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 152
Disease, Insect, and Weed Management in Agricultural Systems: I
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 151
Diverse, Dynamic, and Integrated Crop and Crop-Livestock Systems
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 227
Environmental Mineralogy (includes Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 142
Extension Education in Crop Management
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 143
Extension Education: Innovation in Delivering the Message
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 157
Forage Germplasm and Breeding
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 171
Graduate Student Poster Competition: II
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 187
Humus Chemistry
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 212
Management Effects on Water Quality
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 200
Organic Carbon and Soil Organic Matter in Soils
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 169
Plant Breeding & Genetics
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 150
Precision Aspect of Balancing Soil Quality, Food, Fiber, and Energy Production: II
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 193
Sensors for Site-Specific Nutrient Management (includes Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 183
Soil Physical Properties
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 199
Soil Water Movement: Examples, Applications, Implications
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 159
Soybean and Bean Breeding for Disease Resistance and Improved Quality (includes Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 136
Sustainable Military Land Management
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 194
Sustainable and Organic Nutrient Management (includes Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 184
Symposium--Evaluating Water Flux in the Vadose Zone: Computational Methods and Geostatistical Approaches: In Honor of Art Warrick
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 197
Symposium--Gypsum & Soluble Salts in Soils: III. Occurrence, Dilemmas, and Solutions
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 210
Symposium--Soil Erosion Processes and Modeling: Past, Present, and Future: II
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 170
Weed & Disease Management and PGR's
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor

4:15 PM-5:30 PM
Div. S05 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 230, Second Floor

4:25 PM-5:25 PM
Div. S10 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 223, Second Floor

4:30 PM-5:30 PM
Div. S03 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 207, Second Floor

4:30 PM-6:30 PM
*NRCS Employees
Hilton Riverside, Belle Chasse, Third Floor

5:00 PM-6:00 PM
Div. S07 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 222, Second Floor
Session No. 220
Div. S07 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 222, Second Floor

5:00 PM-7:00 PM
*Gator Gathering
Marriott, Blaine Kern C, First Floor

5:30 PM-6:30 PM
Golden Opportunity Scholar Committee Debriefing Meeting
Convention Center, Room R02, Second Floor

5:30 PM-7:00 PM
ACS237 Membership and Society Identity Committee
Marriott, Fleur de Lis, First Floor

5:30 PM-7:30 PM
*Cornell Thirsty Bear Reception
Marriott, Blaine Kern D, First Floor
*Nebraska Cornhusker Mixer
Marriott, Blaine Kern EF, First Floor
Early Career Member Social
Convention Center, Room 206, Second Floor
Session No. 130
Early Career Member Social
Convention Center, Room 206, Second Floor

6:00 PM-7:00 PM
S844 Soil Micromorphology Committee
Marriott, Magnolia, First Floor

6:00 PM-7:30 PM
*University of Delaware/Virginia Tech Social
Astor Crowne Plaza, Toulouse AB, Second Floor Mezzanine
*Warrick Reception
Convention Center, Room 231, Second Floor

6:00 PM-8:00 PM
*Buckeye Bash
Astor Crowne Plaza, Bienville, Second Floor Mezzanine

6:30 PM-8:00 PM
*Association of Women Soil Scientists
Hilton Riverside, Fountain, Third Floor
Div. S-3 Soil Quality Working Group
Hilton Riverside, Oak Alley, Third Floor

6:30 PM-8:30 PM
*Association of Agricultural Scientists of Indian Origin
Hilton Riverside, Elmwood, Third Floor

7:00 PM-8:00 PM
*Land-Based Wastewater Treatment
Marriott, Magnolia, First Floor

7:00 PM-9:00 PM
*Oregon State University/University of Idaho/Washington State University
Astor Crowne Plaza, St. Charles B, First Floor
2008 Program Planning
Hilton Riverside, Jefferson Ballroom, Third Floor
S205.1 Council on History, Philosophy, and Sociology of Soil Science
Hilton Riverside, Warwick, Third Floor

7:00 PM-9:30 PM
*University of Wisconsin Badger Huddle
Astor Crowne Plaza, St. Charles A, First Floor
Wednesday, November 7, 2007

6:30 AM-8:00 AM
Session No. 240
Extension Agronomists Breakfast
Marriott, Blaine Kern C, First Floor
Extension Agronomists Breakfast
Marriott, Blaine Kern C, First Floor

6:30 AM-8:30 AM
*U.S. National Committee for Soil Science and IUSS Officers
Marriott, Magnolia, First Floor

7:15 AM-4:00 PM
Session No. 254
Learning More about the Super Highway for Agriculture Tour
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A Lobby, First Floor

7:55 AM-10:15 AM
Session No. 265
Graduate Student Oral Competition: V
Convention Center, Room 208-209, Second Floor

8:00 AM-9:00 AM
Session No. 232
Plenary Session: IV. Low Input High Diversity Biofuels: Is This the Path to Follow?
Convention Center, La Louisiane Ballroom, First Floor

8:00 AM-6:00 PM
Session No. 241
Educational Materials Display
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor

9:00 AM-11:00 AM
Session No. 271
Forage Production and Physiology
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Journal of Environmental Quality Editorial Board
Hilton Riverside, Belle Chasse, Third Floor
Session No. 270
Measuring Pasture Growth and Animal Production
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor

9:25 AM-10:10 AM
Div. C04 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 211, Second Floor
Session No. 264
Div. C04 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 211, Second Floor

9:25 AM-11:15 AM
Session No. 248
Tropical and Sub-tropical Crops, Soils and Livestock: I
Convention Center, Room 205, Second Floor

9:25 AM-11:25 AM
Session No. 289
Beyond (De)nitrification: An in Depth Look at Alternative N Transformation Pathways
Convention Center, Room 218, Second Floor

9:25 AM-11:40 AM
Session No. 310
Measuring Forest and Rangeland Soil C Pools
Convention Center, Room 227, Second Floor

9:25 AM-11:45 AM
Session No. 242
Extension Education in Fertility Management, Soil Health, and Water Quality/Div. A04 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 204, Second Floor
Session No. 295
Nitrogen and Crop Production (includes Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Room 215, Second Floor
Session No. 303
Symposium--Soil Erosion Processes and Modeling: Past, Present, and Future: III
Convention Center, Room 226, Second Floor

9:25 AM-11:55 AM
Session No. 304
Soil Amendments Effects on Soil Properties and Water Quality
Convention Center, Room 225, Second Floor

9:25 AM-12:00 PM
Session No. 260
Abiotic Stress Physiology
Convention Center, Room 213, Second Floor
Session No. 252
Building Sustainable Ecosystems Through Organic Agricultural Research and Practice: III/Div. A08 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 210, Second Floor
Session No. 286
Humus Chemistry/Div. S02 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 229, Second Floor
Session No. 255
Maize Quantitative Genetics/Div. C01/Div. C08 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 207, Second Floor
Session No. 237
Management Aspects of Native Species on Military Lands
Convention Center, Room 201, Second Floor

9:25 AM-12:05 PM
Session No. 251
How Experiment Stations Manage Research, Environment, and the AES Mission/Div. A07 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 202, Second Floor

9:25 AM-12:10 PM
Session No. 266
Plant Breeding & Genetics
Convention Center, Room 214, Second Floor

9:25 AM-12:15 PM
Session No. 318
Soil and Plant Analytical Methods (includes Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Room 217, Second Floor

9:25 AM-12:20 PM
Session No. 243
Nutrient and Pesticide Management in Agricultural Landscapes (includes Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Room 212, Second Floor

9:25 AM-12:25 PM
Session No. 282
Symposium--Evaluating Water Flux in the Vadose Zone: Computational Methods and Geostatistical Approaches--Solutions to Scaling and Spatial Variability Problems: In Honor of Art Warrick
Convention Center, Room 221, Second Floor

9:25 AM-12:30 PM
Session No. 300
Digital Soil Prediction & Mapping: I. Methods, Examples, Issues
Convention Center, Room 224, Second Floor
Session No. 283
Measuring and Modeling Water and Solute Fluxes in Soils
Convention Center, Room 222, Second Floor
Session No. 273
Symposium--Epigenetics: Untapped Potential for Crop Improvement?/Div. C07 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 206, Second Floor

9:25 AM-4:00 PM
Session No. 321
Symposium--Characterization and Reactivity of Natural and Synthetic Nanoparticles In Soils (includes Graduate Student Competition): I
Convention Center, Room 232, Second Floor
Session No. 239
Symposium--Past, Present, & Future of Research in Controlled Environments
Convention Center, Room 203, Second Floor
Session No. 262
Symposium--Scientific Advances in Crop Rotation Research During the Last Century: Where Do We Go from Here?: II/Div. C03 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 216, Second Floor

9:25 AM-4:15 PM
Session No. 290
Symposium--Microbial Controls over Soil Organic Matter Structure and Function
Convention Center, Room 223, Second Floor

9:25 AM-4:30 PM
Session No. 326
Characterization of Contaminated Systems: II/Div. S11 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 220, Second Floor

9:30 AM-10:30 AM
Session No. 281
Smithsonian Soils Exhibit: 2008 Opening Preview
Convention Center, Room 230, Second Floor

9:30 AM-11:30 AM
Session No. 233
Leadership: Science or Myth?
Convention Center, Room 219, Second Floor

9:55 AM-11:15 AM
Session No. 323
Redox Effects and Wetland Soils (includes Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Room 228, Second Floor

10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Session No. 328
Carbon Sequestration and Release
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 297
Nitrogen and Crop Response (includes Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 296
Nutrient Relationship with Crop Growth and Yield (includes Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 327
Symposium--Environmental Impact and Sustainability of Degraded Water Reuse. II
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 305
Tillage and Soil Management Effects on Hydrology and Soil Water
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor

10:25 AM-12:00 PM
Session No. 267
What's New in the Turfgrass Industry?
Convention Center, Room 208-209, Second Floor

10:45 AM-11:45 AM
Div. A04 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 204, Second Floor

10:45 AM-12:00 PM
Div. S02 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 229, Second Floor

11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Div. A08 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 220, Second Floor
Div. C01/C08 Joint Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 207, Second Floor
Div. C08/C01 Joint Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 207, Second Floor
Session No. 276
Div. C08/Div. C01 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 207, Second Floor

11:00 AM-1:00 PM
Session No. 268
Turfgrass Management & Physiology
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor

11:15 AM-12:05 PM
Div. A07 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 202, Second Floor

11:45 AM-12:30 PM
Div. C07 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 206, Second Floor

11:45 AM-6:00 PM
Session No. 272
Forage and Grazinglands Tour
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A Lobby, First Floor

12:55 PM-2:25 PM
Session No. 311
New Techniques to Measure Forest Soil Properties
Convention Center, Room 228, Second Floor

12:55 PM-2:40 PM
Session No. 312
Forest Soil Assessments Across Large Spatial Scales
Convention Center, Room 227, Second Floor

12:55 PM-3:00 PM
Session No. 256
Symposium--Breeding and Genomics of Crops for Bioenergy
Convention Center, Room 207, Second Floor

12:55 PM-3:15 PM
Session No. 298
Nutrient Variability and Management (includes Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Room 215, Second Floor

12:55 PM-4:20 PM
Session No. 284
Symposium--Evaluating Water Flux in the Vadose Zone: Computational Methods and Geostatistical Approaches--Modeling Approaches to Problem Solving: In Honor of Art Warrick/Div. S01 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 221, Second Floor

1:00 PM-3:00 PM
*USDA-ARS Scientists Meeting
Hilton Riverside, Jefferson Ballroom, Third Floor

1:00 PM-4:15 PM
Session No. 277
Crop Germplasm Collection, Characterization, and Utilization
Convention Center, Room 211, Second Floor

1:00 PM-5:00 PM
*AgroFresh Team Meeting
Marriott, Magnolia, First Floor

1:00 PM-5:45 PM
Session No. 238
Cumulative Impacts on Training Lands
Convention Center, Room 201, Second Floor

1:00 PM-5:50 PM
Session No. 269
Symposium--Public Perceptions and Reality: Addressing Environmental Concerns of Nitrogen Use in Turfgrass/Div. C05 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 214, Second Floor

1:10 PM-2:55 PM
Session No. 253
Disease, Insect, and Weed Management in Agricultural Systems: II
Convention Center, Room 210, Second Floor

1:25 PM-3:00 PM
Session No. 287
Redox Reactions in Soils
Convention Center, Room 229, Second Floor

1:25 PM-3:45 PM
Session No. 291
There Is More to the Nitrogen Cycle
Convention Center, Room 218, Second Floor

1:25 PM-4:15 PM
Session No. 244
Management and Remediation of Nutrients, Metals, Salts, and Pesticides (includes Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Room 212, Second Floor

1:25 PM-4:30 PM
Session No. 306
Tillage and Soil Management Effects on Hydrology and Soil Water
Convention Center, Room 225, Second Floor

1:45 PM-3:45 PM
Session No. 234
Symposium--Katrina Disaster and Sustainable Coastal Development: An Integrated Perspective and the Role of Land and Water Sciences. I
Convention Center, Room R02, Second Floor

2:00 PM-4:00 PM
Session No. 316
Forest Soil Biology
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 314
Forest Soil Carbon Storage
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 313
Nutrient Accounting and Water Use
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 315
Remote Sensing and GIS Approaches
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor

2:30 PM-3:30 PM
A101 Nominations for President-Elect Committee
Hilton Riverside, Warwick, Third Floor
C101 Nominations for President-Elect Committee
Hilton Riverside, Durham, Third Floor
S101 Nominations for President-Elect Committee
Hilton Riverside, Newberry, Third Floor

2:45 PM-4:00 PM
Div. C03 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 216, Second Floor

3:20 PM-4:20 PM
Div. S01 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 221, Second Floor

3:25 PM-5:30 PM
Session No. 319
Crop Response to Manure and Biosolids Application (included Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Room 217, Second Floor

3:30 PM-4:30 PM
Div. S11 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 220, Second Floor

4:00 PM-4:45 PM
ASA Awards Reception
Convention Center, Room R03-R05, Second Floor

4:00 PM-5:00 PM
Session No. 317
Poster Discussion Session
Convention Center, Room 228, Second Floor

4:00 PM-5:30 PM
Session No. 235
American Society of Agronomy Reception and Awards Program
Convention Center, Room R03-R05, Second Floor

4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Session No. 263
Agroecology: Cropping Systems to Optimize Nitrogen Use Efficiency
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 324
Biogeochemical Cycling (includes Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 278
Conservation and Evaluation of Legume Germplasm
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 279
Conservation, Evaluation, and Utilization of Poaceae Germplasm
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 320
Cropping System Effects on Nutrient Utilization (includes Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 301
Digital Soil Prediction & Mapping: II. Methods, Examples, Issues
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 245
Effects of Manures and Biosolids on the Environment (includes Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 257
Forages and Canola Breeding
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 258
Genetic Improvement of Peanut and Soybean for Disease Resistance and Quality
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 259
Genetic Improvement of Rice and Tropical Plants
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 274
Genetics of Insect, Disease, and Herbicide Resistance
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 261
Genotypic Variation: Physiological Responses
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 280
Germplasm Management and Utilization
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 308
Management Impacts on Soil Productivity and Crop Yields
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 285
Measuring and Modeling Water and Solute Fluxes in Soils
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 325
Methodology, Indicators, and Characterization of Wetland Soils (includes Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 293
Methods For Evaluating the Biology and Biochemistry of Soil
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 294
Mycorrhizal Communities in Soil
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 275
Nutrition and Quality Traits
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 292
Response of Microbial Communities To Their Environment
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 250
Rice, Wheat and Barley: II
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 307
Soil Amendments Effects on Soil Properties and Water Quality
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 288
Soil Minerals Chemistry
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 302
Soil Survey & Classification
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 329
Soil and Water Quality: I
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 247
Surface and Groundwater Quality (includes Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 322
Symposium--Characterization and Reactivity of Natural and Synthetic Nanoparticles in Soils (includes Graduate Student Competition): II
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 309
Symposium--Major Advances in Soil and Water Conservation: What Now?: II
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 246
Trace Elements, Heavy Metals, and Nutrients in the Environment (includes Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 249
Tropical and Sub-tropical Crops, Soils and Livestock: II
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
Session No. 299
Use of Slow-Release Nitrogen Fertilizers
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor

4:20 PM-5:50 PM
Div. C05 Business Meeting
Convention Center, Room 214, Second Floor

4:30 PM-5:30 PM
*National Cooperative Soil Survey Steering Team Committee
Marriott, Fleur de Lis, First Floor

7:00 PM-9:00 PM
Centennial Reception
Convention Center, La Louisiane Ballroom, First Floor
Session No. 236
Centennial Reception
Convention Center, La Louisiane Ballroom, First Floor
Thursday, November 8, 2007

7:55 AM-10:30 AM
Session No. 335
Physiology and Stress (includes Joint C02/C04 Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Room 213, Second Floor

7:55 AM-11:40 AM
Session No. 338
Drought, Water Management & Establishment
Convention Center, Room 210, Second Floor

7:55 AM-11:55 AM
Session No. 337
Turfgrass Management and Physiology
Convention Center, Room 208-209, Second Floor

8:00 AM-10:00 AM
Session No. 330
Symposium--Katrina Disaster and Sustainable Coastal Development: An Integrated Perspective and the Role of Land and Water Sciences. II
Convention Center, Room 207, Second Floor

8:00 AM-10:25 AM
Session No. 346
Symposium--Major Advances in Soil and Water Conservation: What Now?: III
Convention Center, Room 222, Second Floor

8:00 AM-10:45 AM
Session No. 332
Decision Aids in Agricultural Systems
Convention Center, Room 201, Second Floor

8:00 AM-12:00 PM
CSSA Board of Directors
Convention Center, Room 225, Second Floor

8:25 AM-9:30 AM
Session No. 336
Agroecology: Weed Management Strategies
Convention Center, Room 204, Second Floor

8:25 AM-9:45 AM
Session No. 342
Chemistry of Soil Minerals
Convention Center, Room 219, Second Floor

8:25 AM-10:00 AM
Session No. 345
Controlled Release Nitrogen and Nitrogen Use Efficiency
Convention Center, Room 215, Second Floor

8:25 AM-10:30 AM
Session No. 348
Nutrient Use Efficiency (includes Graduate Student Competition)
Convention Center, Room 217, Second Floor

8:25 AM-10:55 AM
Session No. 347
Forest Soil Responses to Anthropogenic Intrusions
Convention Center, Room 216, Second Floor

8:25 AM-11:00 AM
Session No. 333
Soybean Rust Year 3: What Have We Learned?
Convention Center, Room 205, Second Floor

8:25 AM-11:25 AM
Session No. 334
Genetic Improvement of Soybean and Legumes
Convention Center, Room 211, Second Floor

8:25 AM-11:30 AM
Session No. 331
Models and Modeling of Crop and Soil Systems
Convention Center, Room 203, Second Floor
Session No. 341
Surface, Subsurface Hydrological Processes and the Impact of Land Use Changes
Convention Center, Room 221, Second Floor

8:25 AM-12:05 PM
Session No. 349
Soil and Water Quality: II
Convention Center, Room 206, Second Floor

8:55 AM-10:50 AM
Session No. 339
Grazing Systems
Convention Center, Room 214, Second Floor

8:55 AM-11:15 AM
Session No. 344
More about Soil Organic Matter
Convention Center, Room 218, Second Floor

9:25 AM-10:30 AM
Session No. 340
Genetics of Disease Resistance and Transgenic Crops
Convention Center, Room 212, Second Floor

10:00 AM-12:00 PM
ASA Board of Directors
Convention Center, Room 227, Second Floor
SSSA Board of Directors
Convention Center, Room 226, Second Floor

10:15 AM-11:50 AM
Session No. 343
Soils and Metals
Convention Center, Room 219, Second Floor

View The ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings (November 4-8, 2007) At a Glance