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Author Index: G
G, K. P.
Novel Approach In Conserving Land Races Through Farmers' Participation In India.
G. N., D.
Novel Approach In Conserving Land Races Through Farmers' Participation In India.
Gaddie, S.
Temperature Induced Changes In Soil Solution Chemistry Following Timber Harvest: A Column Simulation Study.
Gagn�, P.
Gas Emissions In Poplar Grown with Biochar and Biofertilizers.
Gaiad, S.
Emission In Soils Under Sewage Sludge Amendment In Afforested Areas.
Gailans, S.
Comparing N Management and Productivity of Conventional and Alternative Cropping Systems in Central Iowa.
Gainer, A. E.
Characterization of Drainage and Nutrient Transport Below the Root Zone of a Short Rotation Coppice Irrigated with Municipal Treated Waste Water In the Boreal-Parkland Transition Zone, Alberta, Canada.
Galbraith, J.
Knowledge Gained Through Sheperding Scientists.
Effects of Biosolids Rates and Harvest Frequency on Switchgrass Yield and Biomass Feedstock Quality.
Proposed Changes to Soil Taxonomy to Incorporate Human-Altered and Human-Transported Soils.
Advancing Pedology in the 21st Century.
Galdino, A. C.
Macroptilium Spp., Stylosanthes Spp., and Desmanthus Spp. Occurrence On Different Soils In the Semiarid of Pernambuco, Brazil.
Gale, P.
Variation In Redoximorphic Features In Response to Seasonal Climatic Factors and Vegetative Cover.
Research and Writing Exercises to Explore Wetland Ecosystems In An Undergraduate Course.
Gallagher, M. E.
c Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy to Estimate Biochemical Stocks and Biofuel Feedstock Quality.
Gallagher, R.
Nitrogen Dynamics In Nine Rotation Systems From Transition to Certification of Organic Dryland Grain Production.
Gallandt, E.
The Effects of Crop Rotation and Topography On the Weed Seed Bank In the Palouse Wheat Region of Washington State.
Gallo, M.
Are All Elephantgrasses Invasive? Characterization of Natural Populations and Cultivated Types of a Bioenergy Grass In Florida.
Molecular Characterization of
Somatic Embryogenesis Receptor-Like Kinase-1
) Gene From Sugarcane (
spp. hybrid).
Gallo, M.
Heavy Metals As Indicators of Serpentinitic Soils.
Towards Modification of Lignin Content and Composition in Sugarcane by RNAi Suppression of Lignin Biosynthetic Genes.
Sugarcane Xylan Is Hydrolyzed to Fermentable Sugars Following Production of the GH10 Xylanase Xyl10B In Transgenic Sugarcane Leaves.
Galzerano, L.
Use of Stylosanthes As a Potential Replacement for N Fertilizer In Bahiagrass Pastures.
Grazing Frequency Effects On Bahiagrass Cultivars Fertilized with Low N Levels.
Gambin, B.
Genetic Basis of Grain Weight Determination In a Maize Ril Population.
Gamble, A. V.
Effects of Iron Chelates and Supplements to Alleviate Iron Chlorosis In Soybean In High pH Soils.
Gami, S.
Sulfur Needs of Alfalfa and Tools for Sulfur Management.
Gan, J.
Dom-Induced Artifacts In Kd Measurement for Hydrophobic Contaminants.
Gan, J.
Degradation of Pharmaceutical and Industrial Compounds In Soil.
Biomimetic Methods to Evaluate Bioavailability.
Degradation and Sorption of Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products Under Oxic and Anoxic Conditions In Wetland Soils.
Gan, Y.
Legume Crops to Improve Soil Fertility for Enhanced Canola Production.
Gan, Y.
Impact of Long-Term Pulse Crop Rotations On Glomalin-Related Soil Protein and Water Aggregate Stability.
Ganapathi Shanmugam, S.
Changes In Soil Bacterial Community Structure and Diversity Along a Coastal Sand Chronosequence.
Ganci, M.
The North Carolina State University Agronomy Club: Establishing a School Vegetable Garden.
The Affect of Pythium Irregulare On Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungi Structures In Strawberry Roots.
Gang, W. Sr.
Study On the Community Structure and Abundance of Soil Collembolan Flora In Paddyfields of Transgenic Bt Rice with Different Breading and Genotypes.
Ganguly, A. R.
Data Mining and Visualization Reveal Networks Among Components of a Large Soil Carbon Dataset.
Gangwar, B.
Impact of Soil and Climate On Long-Term Yield Trends of Rice-Rice System In India.
Ganjegunte, G.
Beneficial Effects of Cellulosic Bioenergy Crops On Soil Salinity and Sodicity Management.
Feasibility of Treated Urban Wastewater Irrigation for Bioenergy Crop Production In the Far West Texas.
Gao, B.
Effects of Cu and Ca On Ciprofloxacin Transport In Saturated Porous Media.
Mercury Sorption by Biochars Produced From Invasive Brazilian Pepper At Different Temperatures.
Experimental Analysis of Colloid Capture by a Cylindrical Collector In Laminar Overland Flow.
Effects of pH and Ionic Strength On Sulfamethoxazole and Ciprofloxacin Transport In Saturated Porous Media.
Transport and Interactions of Kaolinite and Mercury In Saturated Sand Media.
Adsorpiton of Heavy Metals Onto Biochars From Anaerobically Digested Residues.
Removel of Perfluorochemicals (PFCs) From Aqueous Solution by Biochars.
Adsorpiton of Phosphate Onto Biochar From Anarobically Digested Sugar Beet Tailings.
Effect of Solution Chemistry On Nanoparticle Mobility In Porous Media.
The Effect of Strong Surface Deposition on Mobility of Carboxyl Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes in Natural Porous Media.
Engineered Biochar to Improve Environmental Sustainability.
Characteristics and Mechanisms of Hexavalent Chromium Removal by Biochar From Sugar Beet Tailing.
Gao, S.
Issues and Management In Using Low Permeability Tarps to Reduce Emission From Broadcast Soil Fumigation.
Gao, S.
Fumigant Emissions Affected by Bed Design and Other Factors From Low Permeability Tarped Fields.
Gao, S.
Degradation of Fumigants As Affected by Application Rate in Different Soils.
Gao, W.
Elevated Ultraviolet-B Radiation Affects Sweetpotato Growth and Yield.
Gao, X.
Response of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Fiber Quality to Carbohydrates and Nitrogen In the Subtending Leaf of Cotton Boll.
Gao, X.
Impact of Long-Term Application of Cadmium In Phosphate Fertilizer On Extractable Cadmium As Affected by Soil Characteristics.
Gao, Y.
Efficacy of Foliar Applied Liquid Fertilizer Affected by Tank-Mixed Organic Amendment on Creeping Bentgrass.
Differentiation of Carbonate, Chloride, and Sulphate Salinity Responses In Tall Fescue.
Garcia, F.
Soil Potassium Dynamics In Mollisolls of the Argentine Pampas.
Garcia, J. F.
Mineral Characteristics and Safety of Montmorillonites As Potential Aflatoxin Enterosorbents.
Garcia, L.
Solution Chemistry Effects On Soil Hydraulic Properties: Changes with Changing Soil Water Content.
Garcia, M.
Novel Anammox Bacteria for Wastewater Treatment.
Garcia y Garcia, A.
Implications of the Interannual Weather Variability On Water Use and Yield of Drybean Grown In the State of Wyoming, USA.
Garder, J.
Transport of Tylosin and Tylosin-Resistance Genes In Subsurface Drainage Water From Manured Fields.
Gardiner, N.
Variations In PAM Effectiveness As An Erosion Control Method In Texas Coastal Soils As a Function of Soil Chemical Properties.
Gardner, C.
Maize Haploid Induction and Doubling II � Experience with Exotic and Elite Maize Populations.
Chromosome Doubling of Haploid Maize Seedlings by Various In Vitro Treatments.
Gardner, D.
Late Spring Establishment of An Organic Lawn.
The Impact of Ultraviolet-B Light On Turfgrass Pigmentation and Physiology.
Effects of Repeated Compost Topdressing Applications On Turfgrass Quality In Athletic Turf Under Traffic.
Gardner, T. G.
Soil Microbial Communities Associated to Plant Rhizospheres In An Organic Farming System In Alabama.
Garey, J.
Study On the Correlation Between Microbial Metazoan (animal) Compositions In Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Animal Number/Biomass.
Garg, A.
Effect of Conservation Agriculture On Biological Nitrogen Fixation by Soybean and Fate of 15N-Fertilizer Applied to Wheat In Semi-Arid Subtropical India.
Garland, G.
Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Options for California Agriculture.
Garland-Campbell, K.
Responses of Wheat Genotypes to Phosphorus In Organic and Conventional Cropping Systems In the Pacific Northwest.
Comparing Mixed Models of Multiple Environment Plant Breeding Trials.
Incorporation of Pedigree and Climate Data Into G by E Analysis of Washington Wheat Yield Trials.
Garner, E. R.
Cool-Season Annual Legume Cover Crops for Production Agriculture In the Southern U.S.
Garnier, P.
Diversity of Crop Residue Mulches in Conservation Agriculture and Their Role in Water Retention.
Garrett, H.
Reducing Herbicides and Veterinary Antibiotics Losses From Agroecosystems Using Vegetative Buffers.
Non Point Source Pollution Reductions From Row Crop and Grazed Pasture Watersheds by Agroforestry Buffers.
Garrett, L.
Monitoring Soil Carbon Stock Change Following Harvesting In a
Pinus Radiata
Plantation Forest In New Zealand.
Garrison, M.
Abundance of Poa Pratensis As An Invasive Species In the Prairie Ecosystem.
Evaluation of Mowing Height and Fertilizer Regime On Quality and Weed Invasion of Five Lawn Grasses.
Garten, C. T. Jr.
Data Mining and Visualization Reveal Networks Among Components of a Large Soil Carbon Dataset.
Gaskin, J.
Integrating Management Into the Georgia P-Index.
The Effect of Co-Application Pine Chip Biochar and Poultry Litter On N Mineralization.
Gassman, P.
Environmental Impacts of Continental Scale Biofuel Production.
Gaston, L.
Assessment of the Phosphorus Index for Louisiana.
Agroforestry Switchgrass: Productivity and Environmental Quality with Poultry Litter.
Gaston, L.
Behavior Characteristics and Environmental Control of Tylosin In Soil and Manure.
Gates, J. B.
Vadose Zone Recharge Studies In Arid and Semi-Arid Northern China.
Gathala, M.
Estimating Greenhouse Gas Fluxes by Gas Chromatography and the Photoacoustic Infrared Detection System.
Gaus, T. A.
Exotic Genes From Teosinte for Improving Grain Quality and Yield In Maize.
Gaussoin, R. E.
Improved Turfgrass Digital Image Analysis Through Normalization to Single Light Conditions.
Gaussoin, R. E.
Evaluation of Herbicides for Common Purslane Control In Turfgrass.
Gaussoin, R. E.
The Effects of Seed Treatments (solid-matrix priming, PGRs, and hydrocharging) on Germination, Establishment and Survival of
Zoysia Japonica
L. ,
Poa Pratensis
L. and
Agrostis Stolonifera
Organic Matter Characterization, Development and Management In Turfgrass Systems.
Gautam, M. R.
Artificial Neural Network Pedotransfer Functions: Model Development Issues.
Gautam, N.
Soil Denitrification Potential and Gene Diversity of Nirk, Nirs and Nosz Across Field Scale Comparisons of Low Input Sustainable and Business-As-Usual Agricultural Systems.
Gautam, R.
Effects of Source, Rate and Timing of Nitrogenous Fertilizers On Nitrate Leaching and Aesthetic Quality of St. Augustinegrass.
Gbur, E. E.
Rice Rotation and Tillage Effects on Soil Aggregates and Their Associated Carbon and Nitrogen Contents.
Gbur, E. E.
Long-Term Rice Rotation and Tillage Effects On Soil Surface CO2 Flux.
Ge, F.
Study On the Community Structure and Abundance of Soil Collembolan Flora In Paddyfields of Transgenic Bt Rice with Different Breading and Genotypes.
Ge, Y.
The Identification of Susceptible Soil Bacteria to TiO2 and ZnO Nanoparticles Using a Bar-Coded Pyrosequencing Approach.
Ge, Y.
Identifying Unique Soil VNIR Spectra for Application to Forensic Soil Science.
Gearhart, M.
Ammonia Volatilization From Sulf-N26 (fused ammonium sulfate nitrate) On Calcareous Soils.
Reproduction Capacity of Polygonum Cognatum Meissn. (Madimak).
Gebhart, D.
Cheatgrass and AMF: Impacts of Invasion and Mitigation for Restoration.
Gee, G.
Capillary Barriers: Reflections On Theory, Testing, and Performance.
Using a Geocentrifuge to Study Colloid Transport In Unsaturated Porous Media.
Gehl, R.
Fertilizer Potassium to Replace Plant Potassium Removal In Burley Tobacco.
Geisseler, D.
Factors Affecting the N Uptake Pathway of Soil Microorganisms.
Gelder, B.
Environmental Impacts of Continental Scale Biofuel Production.
Gennadiev, A. N.
Impact of Land Use Change and Soil Erosion On SOC Retention In Upper Mississippi River Valley.
Quantitative Assessment of Soil Erosion by Magnetic Tracer Method At Sites within Russia and USA.
Genovesi, A.
Development of Seeded Zoysiagrass Cultivars with Improved Turf Quality and High Seed Yields.
Genovesi, A.
Development of Improved Zoysiagrasses with Potential for Use On Greens, Tees, and Fairways.
Gentile, R.
Integrated Soil Fertility Management: Effects On Soil C and N Stabilization.
Gentry, L.
Investigating the Soil Microbial Community Structure Under Reclaimed Roads In North Dakota.
Gentry, L. E.
Can An Illinois Nutrient Standard Protect Against Both Local and Downstream Effects?.
Illinois Stream Nitrate Concentrations and Loads: Response to Fall Fertilization.
Gentry, T.
Evaluation of the Impacts of Grazing Management and off-Stream Watering Facilities On Bacterial Runoff.
Carbon and Nitrogen Mineralization of Whole and Lipid Extracted Algae Meal In Sandy Soil.
Biological Degradation of Mycotoxins.
Recovery of Soil Functionality and Quality In a Post-Lignite Surface Mine Chronosequence In East Texas.
Degradation of Mesotrione and Its Impact On Soil Microbial Activity.
Impact of Mustard (Brassica juncea) and Flax (Linum usitatissimum) Seed Meal Amendments On Soil Nitrogen Dynamics and Microbial Community Composition.
Degradation of Mesotrione and Its Impact On Soil Microbial Activity: II.
George, J.
Soil Microbial Biomass and Their Activities Under Three Different Soils Exposed to Arsenic Contamination.
George, S.
Soil Microbial and Biochemical Properties In Sod Based and Conventional Peanut-Cotton Rotations.
Gerardo-Cuervo, H.
Are All Elephantgrasses Invasive? Characterization of Natural Populations and Cultivated Types of a Bioenergy Grass In Florida.
Effects of Irrigation Efficiency, Phosphorus Rate, and Tillage On Phosphorus Runoff Losses In a Furrow Irigated Cotton Field.
Gerik, J.
Issues and Management In Using Low Permeability Tarps to Reduce Emission From Broadcast Soil Fumigation.
Gertner, G.
Interactions Between Co-Occurance Land Uses: Management for Military and Conservation.
Gesch, R.
Development of Sunflower Oil and Composition with Respect to Seed Moisture and Physiological Maturity.
Gessler, P.
Modeling Spodosol Distribution In Northern Idaho Using Topographic and Environmental Variables.
Geyer, A.
Weed Control Strategies for Controlling Transgenic Herbicide Resistant Volunteer Corn.
Effects of Plant Population On Late Planted Corn.
Ghani, A.
Soil Nitrogen Isotopes As An Indicator of N Losses From Grazed Pastures In New Zealand.
Ghasemi, S.
Increased Yield of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) by Foliar Fertilization Through Multi-Component Fertilizers.
Ghazal, N.
Sorption of Metals and Organic Contaminants to Biochar.
Ghezzehei, T. A.
Effect of Desiccation Induced Shrinkage On Meadow Water Holding Capacity.
Effects of Low Temperature Fire On Soil Aggregate Stability.
Ghezzi, J. L.
Properties and Interaction of Environmental Nanoparticles with Selected Metal Contaminants.
Ghimire, R.
Soil Organic Matter Changes with Transition to Organic and Reduced Input Crop-Range-Livestock Production: First and Second Year Results.
Gho, C.
Development of Commercial Drought Tolerant Maize Hybrids.
Ghosh, P.
Arsenic Transformation In Soils by Arsenic-Resistant Bacteria Isolated From the Rhizosphere of Hyperaccumulator Pteris Vittata L.
Arsenic-Resistant Bacteria Solubilized Fe and Enhanced Plant Growth of Arsenic-Hyperaccumulator Pteris Vittata L.
Ghosh, S.
Sorption of PAHs In Dissolved Organic Matter: Nonlinear Isotherms, Desorption Hysteresis and Competition.
Ghosh, U.
Controlling Bioavailability of Hydrophobic Organics In Soils Using Carbon Amendments.
Giacomini, S. J.
Methane Emissions During the Flooded Rice Growing Season As Affected by Different Straw Managements in Southern Brazil.
Giagnoni, M.
Maize Seed Moisture Variation At Harvest: Within Ear and Between Ear Variation At Different Harvest Moistures.
Gianfagna, T.
Elevated Cytokinin Content In Creeping Bentgrass May Promote Drought Tolerance by Regulation of the Metabolite Profile.
Gianfagna, T.
Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes In Creeping Bentgrass with Elevated Cytokinin Content Under Drought Stress.
Giannini, C.
Comparison of Glyphosate Tolerant and Conventional Alfalfa Cultivars Under Differing Herbicide Regimes.
Giband, M.
International Efforts to Protect the Global Cotton Genetic Resources.
Giese, G.
Measuring the Influence of An Inter-Row Fescue Crop On the Below-Canopy Humidity In a North Carolina Vineyard.
Stress Induction and Water Dynamics for North Carolina
V. Vinifera
Giese, G.
Perennial Cover Crops to Optimize Vegetative Growth of Cabernet Sauvignon Grapevines.
Gieske, M. F.
Plant Growth Attributes of Brassicaceous Cover Crops.
Gilbert, J. J.
Canopy Height Alterations, PGR and Vertical Mowing On Overseed Success of Seashore Paspalum.
Responses of Various Buffalograss Cultivars to Drought Stress.
Enhancing the Overseed Performance of Seashore Paspalum with Mechanical and Herbicide Treatments.
Gilbert, R.
Lignin and Fermentable Sugars of Perennial Biofuel Crops.
Gilbert, R.
Biomass Yield and Mineral Composition of Six Potential Perennial Grass Bioenergy Crops for the Southeast.
Gilbert, Y.
Harvest Date Affects Herbage Composition and Methane Production From Switchgrass Grown In Eastern Canada.
Gilfillen, R.
Using Arbuscular Mycorrhizae to Influence Yield, Vegetative Quality and Nutrient Uptake In Conventional Vs. Organic Vegetable Production.
Evaluating Microbial Communities In Livestock Waste Treatment Systems to Optimize Manure Management.
Soil Nutrients, Bacterial Communities, and Veterinary Pharmaceuticals In Beef Cattle Backgrounding Confinement On Karst Environment.
Using Inorganic Fertilizer to Assist In Removal of Excess Soil Nutrients From Broiler Litter Application In Orchardgrass Soils.
Gilker, R.
Keyline Plowing As a Tool to Mitigate Soil Compaction Occurring In Rotationally Grazed Dairy Pastures.
Gilkes, R. J.
Transformations of Soil Materials Under Semi-Arid Conditions In Valley Floors In S.W Australia.
Sulfur Minerals Cause Acidification of Aquic Podosols On the Swan Coastal Plain, Western Australia.
Gill, B. S.
High Temperature Tolerance In
Species and Its Potential Transfer to Wheat.
The Wheat Genetic and Genomic Resources Center at Kansas State University.
Gill, B.
Response of Aegilops Species to Drought Stress During Reproductive Stages of Development.
Gillabel, J.
Controlling Factors On Temperature Sensitivity of Soil Respiration At the Soil Profile Scale.
Gillespie, A.
The Quantity and Quality of Soil Organic Matter In a Sub-Arctic Cryosol.
Gillespie, A. W.
Glomalin-Related Soil Protein Contains Thioredoxin, Non-Mycorrhizal-Related Heat-Stable Proteins, Lipids and Humic Materials.
Molecular-Scale Organic Matter Composition of a Sub-Arctic Soil Profile: a C and N K-Edge XANES Study.
Gillette, K. L.
The Carbon Footprint of Colorado Golf Courses Estimated by Clubhouse Energy Use, Trace Gas Emissions and Modeling Carbon Sequestration.
Gillis, J. D.
Charting New Territory In High School Soil Science Education In Canada.
Cyber Shovels In High School: An Online Soil Science Resource for Educators.
Triclosan Concentrations Over Time In Agricultural Soil Amended with a High Rate of An Alkaline-Stabilized Biosolid.
Gimenez, D.
Applications of Wavelets to the Prediction of Soil Moisture Profiles.
Gingera, G.
Development of Omega-9 Canola (Brassica napus) Resistant to Clubroot (Plasmodiophora sp.).
Giordano, P. R.
Investigating Mechanisms of Dollar Spot Reduction Through Light-Weight Rolling On Creeping Bentgrass Putting Greens.
Giraldez, J.
Effect of Soil Management and Topography On the Spatial and Temporal Organization of Soil Moisture.
Is Enough One ECa Map for Site Specific Management Delineation?.
Girma, K.
Effect of Different Winter Legumes As Nitrogen Sources for Switchgrass Grown for Cellulosic Ethanol.
Nitrogen and Phosphorus Requirement of Teff Grown Under Dryland Production Systems of South Central USA.
Giroux, M.
A Maize Leaf Starch Knockout Has Reduced Productivity Under Field Conditions.
Gish, T.
Comparison of Herbicide Runoff and Volatilization Fluxes Over Multiple Years.
Canopy Level Detection of Nitrogen Stress In Corn Using Remote Sensing Techniques.
Gitz, D.
Field Test of An Open System to Measure Canopy Gas Exchange.
Glahn, R.
Assessment of Iron Bioavailability In Staple Food Crops.
Glasener, K.
The Soil Scientist's Role Educating a Reluctant Congress.
Glass, K. V.
The Impact of El Ni�o Southern Oscillation (ENSO) On Wheat Production In the Southeast U. S.
Glaubitz, J. C.
Characterization of the Genetic Diversity of Perennial Grasses Using Genotyping by Sequencing.
Glavina del Rio, T.
Soil As Metagenomics Greatest Challenge: The Great Prairie Project.
Glaz, B.
Sugarcane Genotype Selection for Sand Soils In Florida.
Glaz, B.
Relationships Between Sugarcane Leaf Hyperspectral Reflectance, Leaf Nitrogen Content, and Yield Components.
Glenn, B.
Evaluation of Non-Traditional Herbicides for Crabgrass Management In St. Augustinegrass.
Glett, D.
Soybean and Corn Growth As Influenced by Methods for Controlling Previous Cover Crop, Including Winter Kill, Flaming, Disking, and Crimping.
Glett, D.
Development of the University of Nebraska Organic Farming Research Program.
Glewen, K. L.
Cooperative Effort to Promote Cover Crop Usage In Nebraska.
Glover, J.
Roots and Residues: Soil Organic C and Soil Food Web Dynamics In Both Perennial and Annual Production Systems In Kansas.
Glover, K.
Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Activity In South Dakota Wheat Lines.
Family-Based Linkage Mapping of Preharvest Sprouting Resistance QTL In Spring Wheat.
Glover, R.
Ancient Vegetative Histories of Potential Agricultural Soils near Lowland Maya Sites of Blue Creek and Lamanai, Belize, and El Zotz, Guatemala.
Glozier, N.
Nutrient Release and Transport In Snowmelt and Rainfall-Generated Runoff On the Canadian Prairies.
Glynn, N.
Relationships Between Sugarcane Leaf Hyperspectral Reflectance, Leaf Nitrogen Content, and Yield Components.
Goad, C.
Switchgrass Selfing Confirmed by SSR Markers.
Goatley, J.
Influence of Fall Fertilization Programs On the Traffic Tolerance and Recovery of Sprigged Bermudagrass Varieties.
Effects of Compost Sources and Treatments On Germination and Emergence of Four Turfgrass Species.
Goddard, T.
Conservation Practices to Mitigate and Adapt to Climate Change.
Godsey, C.
Soybean Seed Yield and Yield Components As Affected by Planting Date and Maturity Group for Oklahoma Production.
Does the Potential for Variable Rate Fungicide Application In Soybean Exist?.
Intensified No-till Cropping Systems for More Efficient Use of Precipitation In Oklahoma.
Rapid Assessment of Carbon Sequestration In Southern Plains No-till Management.
Godsey, S. E.
Thermal and Hydrological Responses to Erosion Associated with Permafrost Degradation in Northern Alaska.
Godwin, G.
Sulfur Needs of Alfalfa and Tools for Sulfur Management.
Potassium (K) Fertilization of Alfalfa: How Much Do We Really Need?.
Godwin, R. J.
Effects of Different Landcare Regimes On Survival of Buried Archaeology and Soil Sustainability.
Goebel, J.
Evaluation of the Kansas P-Index with CEAP National Assessment Data.
Goebel, T. S.
Rainwater Use by Cotton Under Subsurface Drip and Center Pivot Irrigation Treatment Conditions in the Southern High Plains.
Goecker, A. D.
Workforce Supply and Demand and Competencies Expected of Agronomy, Crops and Soils Professionals for the 21st Century.
Goff, B. M.
Ergovaline Recovery From Digested Residues of Grazed Tall Fescue Seedheads.
Chemical Suppression of Reproductive Development In Endophyte-Infected Tall Fescue for Improving Cattle Weight Gain and Physiology.
Goggi, A. S.
Alternating Temperatures Promote Germination of Seeds of Miscanthus Sinensis.
Influence of Seed Priming On Agronomic Performance In Soybeans.
Gogos, G.
Development of the University of Nebraska Organic Farming Research Program.
Goh, T. B.
Hexavalent Chromium Remediation by Redox-Sorption Processes.
Goidts, E.
Reporting Reliable Soil C Stocks From the Field to the Region.
Golabi, M. H.
Evaluating the Effect of Long-Term Conservation Practices On Soil Quality and Soil Carbon Dynamics On Severely Eroded Soils of Southern Guam.
Using Vetiver Grass Systems (VGS) for Controlling Shore Line Erosion and Mitigating Sedimentation From the Construction Sites In Southern Guam.
Gold, A.
Greenhouse Gas Impacts of Landscape Conservation Practices.
Goldberg, S.
Variability of Solute Transport In Large Lysimeters.
In-Situ ATR-FTIR and Surface Complexation Modeling Studies On the Adsorption of Dimethylarsenic Acid and p-Arsanilic Acid On Iron-(oxyhydr)Oxides.
Goldberger, J.
Agroecological Learning From Stakeholders On Their Turf: Student Reactions and Reflections.
Golden, M.
Development of a Universal Soil Classification System.
Goldman, J.
Forage Quality of Winter Canola Grown On the Southern Plains.
Goldsborough, G.
Quantifying the Relationship Between Soil P Measures and P Loss by Runoff for Manitoba Soils Under Field Conditions.
Goldsby, A.
Water Availability and Restrictions Are Becoming More Widespread.
Golembiewski, R.
The Impact of Soil Amendments On Divot Recovery.
Golembiewski, R.
Maturity and Temperature Sensitivity of Two Glyphosate Tolerant Perennial Ryegrass Cultivars, �JS501' and �Replay'.
Evaluation of Start Date and Number of Applications for Control of Anthracnose On An Annual Bluegrass Putting Green.
Evaluation of Potassium Phosphite for Control of Microdochium Patch On An Annual Bluegrass Putting Green.
Gollany, H.
Soil-Profile Organic Carbon Stock Changes with Increased Cropping Intensity and Reduced Tillage.
Golob, C. T.
Bluegrass Seed Production without Field Burning.
Selective Bentgrass Removal From Perennial Ryegrass with Mesotrione ('Tenacity').
Gomes, J.
Strategies Targeting American Agricultural Resources Sustainability: A 6-State Study of Energy and C Sequestration Associated with Row Cropping Attributes.
Gomes, S.
Incorporating Local Weather and Soil Variation In Adaptive Nitrogen Management: Validating the Adapt-N Tool for On-Farm Sidedress Recommendations for Corn.
Gomez, L. F.
Effects of Increase Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide On the Canopy Gas Exchange, Activity of Photosynthetic Enzymes and Growth In Coffee (Coffea arabica L. cv. Caturra).
G�mez Paniagua, H.
Molecular Marker Analysis and Validation of Resistance to Cassava Mosaic Disease in Selected Elite Genotypes in Nigeria.
Gomez-Luna, B. E.
Evaluating Effluent From Anaerobic Bio-Digester As a Bio-Fertilizer On Lucerne and Grass Growth.
Gon�alves, S. B.
Tropical Forage Biomass As An Alternative Source for Ethanol Production.
Gonzales, L.
Careers That Change the World.
Gonzalez, A. M.
Coupled Transport of Nitrate and Chloride Through Layered Porous Media.
Gonz�lez Belo, R.
Oil Yield Components and Oil Quality of High Stearic-High Oleic Sunflower Genotypes As Affected by Intercepted Solar Radiation During Grain Filling.
Gonz�lez, D.
Residual Effect of Synthetic Zn Chelates On the Availability of This Metal In Different Soils Under Waterlogged Conditions.
Gonzalez, J.
Effect of Distillation Time of Artemisia Annua On Essential Oil Yield and Artemisinin Content.
Soil Lignin Phenolics: Comparison of the CuO Oxidation Vs. the Ester- and Ether-Linked Phenolics Methods.
Gonzalez Rubio, A.
The Impact of Magnesium Versus Calcium On Infiltration.
Gonzalez-Hernandez, J.
Family-Based Linkage Mapping of Preharvest Sprouting Resistance QTL In Spring Wheat.
Good, L.
Phosphorus Indices and the 590 Revision: Why We Need to Take Stock of How We Are Doing.
Testing the Wisconsin P Index At the Field and Watershed Scales.
Goodchild, M.
A Method for Precision Closed-Loop Irrigation Control.
Genetic Variation In Wheat Root Penetration Through Strong Soil and Water Uptake.
Goodman, J.
Relating Crop Yield Tosoil Functional Properties Created by Data Mining and Knowledge-Based Inference Soil Mapping Techniques.
Goodman, M. M.
Choices of Diverse Maize Breeding Materials: Accessions, Synthetics, Hybrids or Inbreds.
Goodson, M.
Without Carrot or Stick: Promoting Conservation Practices On Small Dairy Farms.
Goorahoo, D.
Elephant Grass (Pennisetum sp.) As a Bio-Filter Crop for Soils Irrigated with Secondary Treated Municipal Waste Water and Dairy Effluent.
Gooseff, M. N.
Thermal and Hydrological Responses to Erosion Associated with Permafrost Degradation in Northern Alaska.
Goosey, H.
Sheep Grazing Effect On Greenhouse Gas Emissions Under Dryland Cropping System.
Goossens, D.
Natural and off-Road-Vehicle-Generated Dust Containing Palygorskite and Arsenic: Health Effects Due to Acute Exposure, Nellis Dunes Recreation Area, Nevada USA.
Gordon, B.
Planting Date, Seed Treatment and Foliar Fungicide Effects On Soybean.
Gordon, B. L.
Determination of Poultry Litter's Nitrogen-Fertilizer Value for Winter Wheat Production.
Gordon, R.
Denitrification Losses In Manure Amended, Permanent Forage and Corn-Soybean-Wheat Rotations In Atlantic Canada.
Relationship Between Dairy Slurry Total Solids Levels and Greenhouse Gas and Ammonia Emissions.
Nitrous Oxide Fluxes Measured by Micrometeorological Techniques in a Barley Crop.
Gordon, W.
Improving the Efficiency of Phosphorus Fertilizer with the Use of AVAIL.
Improving Nitrogen Management In No-till Production Sysstem.
Gore, M.
Genome-Wide Association Studies and Genomic Selection In Perennial Grasses.
Joint Linkage-Association Mapping Identifies Genes Associated with Provitamin A and Vitamin E Content In Maize Kernel.
Gore, S.
Development of Omega-9 Canola (Brassica napus) Resistant to Clubroot (Plasmodiophora sp.).
Gorres, J.
Keyline Plowing As a Tool to Mitigate Soil Compaction Occurring In Rotationally Grazed Dairy Pastures.
Effect of Invasive Earthworms On Leaf Litter Decomposition, Available Nutrients and Water Dynamics.
Correlation Between Nitrate and Calcium In Soils with and without Earthworms.
Goryachkin, S.
Development of a Universal Soil Classification System.
Goryachkin, S. V.
Soil Environment of the Russian Arctic.
Goss, R.
Southern New Mexico's Major Turfgrass Weed: Khakiweed Herbicide Control Options and Seed Germination.
Gotmare, V.
International Efforts to Protect the Global Cotton Genetic Resources.
Gottschall, N.
Measuring the Effects of Water Table Management On Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Corn and Soybean Fields In Eastern Canada.
Assessing Field-Scale Effects of Controlled Tile Drainage On N Mass Balance From Corn and Soybean Fields In Eastern Ontario, Canada.
Gou, J.
Development of SNP Markers Associated with Biofuel Traits In Alfalfa.
Govin, K.
Impact of Foliage Applied Nutrients On Strawberry Production.
Gowda, C. L.
Germplasm Resources to Overcome Challenges of Global Climate Change.
Gowda, P.
Bushland Reference ET Calculator.
Lysimetric Evaluation of Eddy Covariance Fluxes Over Irrigated Cotton In the Texas High Plains.
Automated Methodology for Selecting Hot and Cold Pixel for Remote Sensing Based Evapotranspiration Mapping.
Evaluating Shade Effects On Crop Productivity In Sorghum-Legume Intercropping Systems Using Support Vector Machines.
Sorghum and Legume Intercropping to Improve Resource Use Efficiency of Forage Production Systems In the Southern High Plains.
Gowda, V.
Functional Roles of Plastic Root System Development In Dry Matter Production Under Water Stress In Rice.
Goyer, C.
Denitrification, Nitrous Oxide Emissions and Denitrifier Abundance in Cold and Freezing Soils Under Different Agricultural Management Practices.
Goyne, J.
An Interactive Web-Based Environmental Content Management and Mapping Tool Designed to Enhance Student Experiential Learning On University Campuses.
Goyne, K.
An Interactive Web-Based Environmental Content Management and Mapping Tool Designed to Enhance Student Experiential Learning On University Campuses.
Influence of Conservation Management Practices On Indicators of Soil Quality In a Claypan Agroecosystem.
Temperature Induced Changes In Soil Solution Chemistry Following Timber Harvest: A Column Simulation Study.
Veterinary Antibiotic Sorption and Transport Through Agroforestry Buffer, Grass Buffer and Cropland Soils.
Reducing Herbicides and Veterinary Antibiotics Losses From Agroecosystems Using Vegetative Buffers.
Can Vegetative Filter Strips Mitigate Veterinary Antibiotic Loss From Agroecosystems?.
Use of Animal Wastes In Beef Cattle and Enviromental Considerations: A Case Study of Tokat � Turhal District of Turkey.
Graber, E.
Impact of Biochar Amendment On Pesticide Efficacy: Bioassays and Sorption Studies.
Grace, P.
Evaluating the CROPGRO-Cotton Model for Estimating Cotton Production In the Australian Sub-Tropics.
The Impact of Crop Management and Rotation Sequences On Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Temperate and Tropical Soils.
Influence of Land Use Change On the Biosphere-Atmosphere-Exchange of C and N Trace Gases In the Humid, Subtropical Region of Queensland.
Grady, K.
Soil Nitrogen Transformations and Surface Runoff Chemistry In Post-Wildfire Restoration Treatments.
Graham, C.
Soil Moisture Spatial-Temporal Patterns and Their Controls In Two Contrasting Landscapes.
Graham, C.
Balancing Nitrogen Sinks and Sources Using Cover Crops On Manured Fields.
Graham, G.
The Application of High Density Marker Data to a Commercial Breeding Program.
Graham, J.
Water Use Efficiency of Twelve Cotton Cultivars In the Texas High Plains.
Graham, J.
Effect of Reduced Tillage and a Nitrification Inhibitor on Nitrous Oxide Emissions After the Conversion of Pasture to Cropping; Preliminary Results After One Year of Continuous Monitoring by Automatic Chambers.
Graham, J.
Increased Nitrous Oxide Flux in Response to Urea Fertilizer in a Semi-Arid Climate, Identified by Smoothing Spline Models.
Graham, M. W.
Organic Grain Amaranth Production In Kamuli District, Uganda.
Graham, R. L.
Data Mining and Visualization Reveal Networks Among Components of a Large Soil Carbon Dataset.
Graham, R. C.
Contrasting Soils and Processes of Shrub Island � Interspace Landscapes In Southeastern California.
Hydropedology of Vesicular Horizons: Response to Changes In Structure and Porosity.
High Elevation Soils On Granite and Quartzite In An Arid Mountain Range.
Grainger, C. M.
Artificial Selection and the Genome: �Deep Pedigree� Analysis In An Elite Soybean Cultivar.
Grajales, M.
Drought Resistance In Elite Lines of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Is Associated with Higher Values of Pod Harvest Index.
Granato, T.
Improving Urban Soils and Sustainable Infrastructure In the Greater Chicago Using Biosolids.
Grand, S.
From the Field to the Classroom: A Web-Based Learning Tool On Soil Parent Material and Landscape Development.
Grandy, S.
Relationships Between Plant Diversity and Soil Ecosystem Health and Function In Agricultural Systems.
Grant, B.
Effect of Crop Residue Removal On Soil Carbon In North American Great Plains.
Grant, C.
Tillage and N Source Effects On Nitrous Oxide Emissions From Soils.
Legume Crops to Improve Soil Fertility for Enhanced Canola Production.
Agri-Environmental Effect of N Fertilizer On Potato Production.
Sulfur Management In the Northern Great Plains.
Impact of Long-Term Application of Cadmium In Phosphate Fertilizer On Extractable Cadmium As Affected by Soil Characteristics.
Grant, C.
Effect of Seed-Placed Sulfate and Phosphate On the Emergence of Brassicae Crops.
Grant, J.
Establishing a Fall Harvest Window for Switchgrass Based On Optimum Decline In Phosphorus and Potassium Levels In Shoots.
Grant, L.
Where Food Comes from and How to Create a Class Garden Just About Anywhere.
Grant, R.
Integrated Tillage and Nitrogen Management Effects On Nitrous Oxide Emission Reduction From Cornfields.
Grant, R.
Model-Based Analysis of Ecosystem Processes Controlling Nitrous Oxide Emissions from an Intensively Managed Grassland In Switzerland.
Modeling Environmental Controls On Net Ecosystem CO2 Exchange of a Tropical Bog.
Grass, L.
The Role of Quality Seed In Establishing Food Security.
Grassini, P.
Irrigated Maize Can Achieve High Yield and Input-Use Efficiency with Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
Grauke, L.
Seeing the Forest for the Trees: Conserving the
Genus for Utilization.
Graveel, J.
Using Calibrated Peer Review to Teach Basic Research Skills.
Soil Has a Charge and Cation Exchange.
Soil Chromatography and Nitrate Leaching.
Graves, P.
Texas A&M University Agronomy Society Provides Active Learning Experiences for Disadvantaged Children.
Gray, S.
Automated Soil Moisture Sensors to Measure Drought Conditions In Wyoming Rangelands.
Grayston, S.
Biomass Harvesting and Future Forest Productivity: The Significance of Fungal Import of Nitrogen Into Woody Residue.
Green, A.
Effects of Inter-Annual Weather Variability on Corn Grown in Southeastern USA.
Soybean Yield and Mineral Concentrations As a Function of Supplemental Irrigation Strategies for a Humid Environment.
Green, A.
Historical Components of Soft Red Winter Wheat Grain Yield.
Green, B. M.
Bacteriophage Therapy: An Innovative Approach to Enhance Nodulation and Biological Nitrogen Fixation In Soybean.
Green, B.
Field and Laboratory Evaluations of N Release From Organic Fertilizers.
Green, E.
A Double Sampling Strategy for Estimating Soil Organic Carbon Content At the Regional Scale.
Green, K.
Ssp. Genetic Resources and Its Potential As An Energy Crop.
Green, M.
Texas A&M University Agronomy Society Provides Active Learning Experiences for Disadvantaged Children.
QTL Mapping for Oleic and Linolenic Acids In Soybean.
Green, M. B.
QUEST: Quantifying Uncertainty In Ecosystem Studies.
Green, R.
Field-Scale Monitoring of PPCP/EDC Transport At Active Golf Course Sites.
Green, T. R.
Spatial Analyses of Soil Properties, Terrain, and Water Dynamics In a Semi-Arid Agricultural Landscape.
Green, V. S.
Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Biomass Grasses Using Chemical and Organic Nitrogen Fertilizers.
Soil Health Impacts of Dedicated Biomass Energy Cropping Systems In the Southern USA.
Soil Carbon Dynamics In Biomass Energy Cropping Systems.
Greene, S.
What's In Our Back Yard? Developing An Inventory of U.S. Native and Naturalized Crop Germplasm.
Greene, S.
A New NPGS Special Collection: Norman L. Taylor University of Kentucky Clover Collection.
Greene, T.
Transgenic Approaches to Drought Tolerance In Maize.
Greenfield, L.
Resource Limitations to Soil Microbial Activity In An Antarctic Dry Valley.
Greer, K.
Monitoring of N Release From ESN and Impact on Winter Wheat in Northern Great Plains.
Greer, K.
Bioavailable N and P Supply From Liquid Hog Manure In the Northern Great Plains.
Greer, K. D.
Broadcast and Deep-Band Phosphorus and Potassium Placement In Strip-till and No-till for Corn and Soybean.
Is Sulfur Limiting Corn Yields In Illinois?.
Gregorich, E.
Soil Dynamics In a Changing World: Some Microbial Mysteries to Explore.
Microbial Decomposition of Incorporated and Surface-Applied Barley Residue In Humid and Semi-Arid Climates Using
C-Labelled PLFA.
Measuring the Effects of Water Table Management On Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Corn and Soybean Fields In Eastern Canada.
Soil C Burial In Eroded Agricultural Landscapes.
Can Bomb
C Indicate Dynamic Replacement of Soil Carbon in Eroded Agricultural Landscapes?.
Resource Limitations to Soil Microbial Activity In An Antarctic Dry Valley.
A Multi-Site Decadal-Duration Litter Decay Study: Problems and Prospects.
A Multi-Site Decadal-Duration Decay Study: Early Findings From the First Half-Decade.
The Quantity and Quality of Soil Organic Matter In a Sub-Arctic Cryosol.
Molecular-Scale Organic Matter Composition of a Sub-Arctic Soil Profile: a C and N K-Edge XANES Study.
Gregorio, G. B.
Molecular Marker Application to Incorporate Salinity Tolerance to West Africa Rice Varieties.
Gregory, K.
Boll Maturation Time In Extra Long Staple Upland Cotton.
Gregory, K.
Degree of Whiteness Among World Cotton Cultivars.
Grevers, M.
Soil Nitrate and Crop Yield In Response to Subsoil Loosening by Paraplow.
Grey, T.
Economic and Weed Control Assessment of Double-Crop and Relay-Intercropping Systems of Peanut with Wheat.
Grichar, W. J.
Bradyrhizobium Inoculant and Nitrogen Fertilization of Texas Soybean.
Grieve, C.
Irrigation Requirements for Salinity Management on Perennial Ryegrass Turf.
Griffey, C.
Identification of Marker-Trait Associations In the Virginia Tech Winter Barley Program Using Genome-Wide Mapping.
Griffey, C.
Historical Components of Soft Red Winter Wheat Grain Yield.
Are There Common QTL for Scab Resistance In Soft Red Winter Wheat Cultivars.
Griffin, T. W.
Estimating Yield Potential by Planting Date Utilizing Observed Data From the Rice and Soybean Research Verification Programs.
Griffin, T.
A Systems Model for Estimating the Land Requirements of Livestock Production.
Griffis, S. D.
Unraveling the Role of Competitive Oxidation and Adsorption On Arsenic Cycling.
Griffith, K. M.
Responses of the Components of Northern Hardwood Soil Respiration to Experimental Warming and Moisture Additions.
Griffith, S.
Evaluation of Mowing Height and Fertilizer Regime On Quality and Weed Invasion of Five Lawn Grasses.
The Effect of Biosolids On Kentucky Bluegrass Sod Production In Wisconsin.
Grigar, J. J. Jr.
Plant Growth Attributes of Brassicaceous Cover Crops.
A Procedure for Predicting Soil & Phosphorus Loss with Cover Crops Using the Wind Erosion Prediction System (WEPS) Model. J.J. Grigar, USDA NRCS E. Lansing, MI, M. S. Sporcic & J. L. Lemunyon, USDA NRCS Ft. Worth, TX & T. M. Zobeck USDA ARS Lubbock, Tx.
Grigg, B. C.
Poultry Litter Effects On Switchgrass and Sorghum Biomass Yield and Macronutrient Removal.
Griggs, T.
Cool-Season Mixed Pasture Growth Responses to Winter Grazing Severity and Timing of Initial Spring Grazing.
Grimberg, S.
Trace Gas Emissions During Manure Spreading At Field and Lab Scale: Ammonia.
Air Emissions During the Land Application of Manure: a Field Study In Northern New York.
Grimes, C.
Soybean Research Verification Program - Three Decades of Educating Arkansas Soybean Growers.
Estimating Yield Potential by Planting Date Utilizing Observed Data From the Rice and Soybean Research Verification Programs.
Grimes, T.
Is Horseweed [Conyza Canadensis (L.)] In Oklahoma Becoming Glyphosate-Resistant?.
Grimmett, M.
Quantification of Gross Nitrogen Transformation Rates within a Conventional Potato Rotation Using Stable Isotopes.
Denitrification Losses In Manure Amended, Permanent Forage and Corn-Soybean-Wheat Rotations In Atlantic Canada.
Groenevelt, P. H.
Modeling of the Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity Function Refined.
Groenveld, T.
Quantifying the Effect of Climate On Root Water Uptake Reduction Due to Salinity.
Groeteke, J.
Evaluation of New Technologies with Non-Replicated Strip Trials.
Plant Population Response of Native Drought-Tolerant Corn Hybrids.
Groffman, P.
Conservation Practices to Mitigate and Adapt to Climate Change.
Greenhouse Gas Impacts of Landscape Conservation Practices.
Snow Depth, Soil Freezing and Nitrogen Losses In Northern Hardwood Forest Soils.
Gr�nlund, A.
Estimation of CO
Emissions From Cropland in Norway.
Gross, C.
Nutrient Tracking Tool � Apex (NTT-APEX).
Grosse, G.
Methane Emissions From 50 Years of Thermokarst In Alaskan Lakes.
Grossl, P.
Biogeochemical Factors Regulating Iodine Bioavailability In Soil Environments.
Reclamation of Abandoned Oil and Gas Well Pads In Arid Environments.
Selenium Biogeochemistry In the Pariette Wetland.
Grossman, J.
Good Food for All: Using Service-Learning to Teach Agriculture to Diverse Audiences.
Preparing Students for a Diverse Future: Improving Cultural Competency Through Community Engagement In Agriculture.
Building Soils, Building Minds: Evaluating Learning Gains Resulting From Community-Engaged Coursework.
Hairy Vetch Cultivation History Affects Nodulation and Biological Nitrogen Fixation Across Host Genotypes.
Grossman, R.
Silicate Clay and Argillic Horizon Formation and Destruction In Soils of the Desert Project, New Mexico.
Grove, J. H.
Sensing Soybean Canopy Development Responses to P and K Nutritional Stress.
Using An Active Optical Sensor to Improve Nitrogen Management In Corn Production.
Spectral Spatial Analysis Leads to a Better Understanding of Penetrometer Resistance.
Temporal Sediment Particle Size Distribution and Organic Carbon Release with Low and High Kinetic Energy Wetting In Interrill Erosion.
Impact of Maleic-Itaconic Copolymer On Phosphorus Nutrition of Soybean.
Grover, K.
Peanut Growth and Yield and Soil Quality In a Compost Amended Soil.
Grube, W. E. Jr.
75 Years of Mined-Land Reclamation Reported In SSSAP/J.
Grundtner, A.
Can River Bank Sediment Be a Carrier and Then Source of Available P In Lake Pepin?.
Grunwald, S.
Modeling Soil Carbon In a Hydrologically Complex Region: Lessons Learned In Florida.
Digital Soil Mapping Activities around the Globe.
Are Soil Carbon Models Transferable Across Distinct Regions or Scales In Florida?.
Influence of Validation Sample Selection In Ecological Modeling.
Spatio-Temporal Interactions Between Soil Carbon and Nutrient Cycles In the Lower Suwannee River Basin.
The Terrestrial Carbon (TerraC) Information System to Facilitate Carbon Synthesis Across Heterogeneous Landscapes.
Digital Soil Mapping & Modeling at Continental Scales � Finding Solutions for Global Issues.
Barriers and Opportunities In Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences Online Education.
Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy for Total Carbon Analysis of Hawaiian Soils.
Prediction of Soil Carbon Fractions Using Mir Spectroscopy Across Florida.
Spatially-Explicit and Spectral Soil Carbon Modeling In Florida.
Modeling Total Suspended Solids In the Rogue River Watershed (Michigan) for Future Buffer Implementation Projects.
Grusak, M.
Mineral, Fatty Acid, and Flavonoid Content In a Subset of Plant Introductions From the Pulse Species, Macrotyloma Uniflorum.
Development of An
In Vitro
Method to Evaluate the Potential of Micronutrient Import to Rice Grains.
Gu, B.
Soil Phosphorus Forms In Tree Islands of the Florida Everglades.
Mercury Sorption by Biochars Produced From Invasive Brazilian Pepper At Different Temperatures.
Transport and Interactions of Kaolinite and Mercury In Saturated Sand Media.
Guak, S.
Irrigation Strategy and Crop Load Affect Nutrition Mangement of Drip-Fertigated Ambrosia/M.9 Apple Trees.
Guber, A.
Using Passive Capillary Lysimeter Water Flux Measurements to Improve Flow Predictions In Variably Saturated Soils.
Modeling Rainfall-Induced Release of Manure Constituents From Surface-Applied Liquid Dairy Manure.
Guerber, C. A.
Poultry Litter Effects On Switchgrass and Sorghum Biomass Yield and Macronutrient Removal.
Guerinot, M. L.
Elemental-Composition and Plant-Trait Patterns In An Ionomically and Genetically Diverse Set of Rice Germplasm.
Guerrini, I. A.
Composition of SOIL Representative Sample Fertilized with Sewage Sludge.
Influence of Sewage Sludge Application On Growth of Atlantic Forest Species.
Heavy Metal Concentration In a Degraded Soil After Sewage Sludge Application.
INITIAL GROWTH of Physic Nut Affected by Phosphorus RATES.
Guertal, E. A.
Field and Laboratory Evaluations of N Release From Organic Fertilizers.
Issues and Problems with Undergraduate Crop Science Distance Education Courses.
Guertal, E. A.
Species in Managed Turfgrass Polycultures: Establishment and Maintenance Issues.
Challenges In Developing a New Distance Education Program: Lessons Learned.
Teaching a Laboratory-Intensive Course Using Distance Education.
Utilization of Zinc Sulfate for
Poa Annua
Thermal Weed Control for Turfgrass Management: Past Ideas Refined for Present Application.
Soil Texture and Planting Depth Effects On Emergence of Large Crabgrass (
Digitaria sanguinalis
), Virginia Buttonweed (
Diodia virginiana
), and Cocks-Comb Kyllinga (
Kyllinga squamulata
Field-Scale Measurement of Ammonia Volatilization From Turfgrass Fertilizers.
Nitrate Leaching As Affected by Soil Type and Controlled Release or Modified N Sources.
Guevara, E.
Development of Waterlogging-Tolerant Brachiaria Genotypes for Humid Areas of Latin America to Increase Cattle Production and to Adapt Grazing Systems to Climate Variability and Change.
Guevara-Berger, E.
Germination of Cas (Psidium friedrichsthalianum L.) Seeds with Different Extraction Methods, Temperatures, and Storage Periods.
Guildner, B.
Variability of Moisture Retention and Hydrophobicity Among Biochars.
Guilherme, L. R. G.
Comparing Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence and Atomic Absorption Spectrometry for Trace Element Analyses In Mining Areas.
Arsenic Retention On Red Mud Treated with Gypsum.
Competitive Sorption and Displacement of Arsenate by Phosphate On An Aluminum Mining by-Product.
Ionic Strength Effects Upon Sorption of Inorganic Contaminants by An Aluminum Mining by-Product.
Guimaraes, M. S.
Total and Monthly Yield of Annual Ryegrass and Arrowleaf Clover Grown In Pure and Mixed Stands with or without Nitrogen Fertilization In Southeastern Brazil.
Guldan, S.
Agricultural Science Centers In New Mexico: Challenges and Successes.
Gunal, H.
Soil Plant Relations In Diagnosing the Saline/Alkaline Soils from an Arid Region of Turkey.
Saline Soil Formation within a Lacustrine Environment In Mid-Anatolia of Turkey.
Temporal and Spatial Variation of Soil Quality Depending On Land Use Management.
Gunn, J.
Optimization of Wastewater Management At a Watershed Level.
Gunnlaugsson, H. P.
Could Microbial Activity Explain the Origin of Hematite and Maghemite In Anomalously Red Quaternary Deposits In the Temperate Climate In Denmark?.
Gunther, T. P.
Establishment of Switchgrass In Corn Influenced by Switchgrass Variety and Landscape Position.
G�nther, T.
Root Water Uptake Measurements At the Field Scale by TDR and ERT.
Guo, B.
Development of Peanut Germplasm Highly Resistant to Leaf Spot and the Peanut Root-Knot Nematode.
Guo, J.
Influence of Tall Fescue Cultivar and Endophyte Genotype on Rhizosphere Processes.
Guo, L.
Particulate Emissions From Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations.
Guo, M.
Transformation and Persistence of Biochar Carbon In Soil: Quality and Application Implications.
Guo, X.
Influence of Current and Previous Crop On Soil Basal and Potential Denitrification Rates.
Impacts of Constant Versus Fluctuating Water-Filled Pore Space On Carbon Mineralization In Soils.
Gupta, P. K.
High Resolution Refined Methane Budget Estimates From Paddy Fields of Karnal Using Remote Sensing and GIS.
Gupta, R.
Sustainable Intensification In South Asia Cereal Systems.
Gupta, S.
Micro-Watershed Atlas of Canada.
Gupta, S.
Quantifying River Bank Erosion with Lidar In Blue Earth County, Minnesota.
Gupta, S.
Effect of Soil Suction On Shear Strength and Resilient Modulus of Subgrade Soils.
Can River Bank Sediment Be a Carrier and Then Source of Available P In Lake Pepin?.
Antibiotic Uptake by Vegetable Crops From Manure-Applied Soils.
Gupta, V.
Sustaining Soil Biological Functions in Organic Systems in Southern Australian Rainfed Cropping Region.
Gupta, V.
High Resolution Refined Methane Budget Estimates From Paddy Fields of Karnal Using Remote Sensing and GIS.
Guretzky, J.
Does Nutrient Mining Affect the Choice of Harvest System and Nutrient Management Strategy for Producing Switchgrass Biomass?.
Biomass Yield Response to Nitrogen Fertilizer Rate of Five Potential Bioenergy Grasses.
Litter Deposition and Decomposition In Smooth Bromegrass Pastures.
Gurian-Sherman, D.
Raising the Steaks: Global Warming and Pasture-Raised Beef Production In the United States.
Guru, A.
Establishing An e-Community Resources for Plant and Soil Sciences Teachers.
Gurwick, N. P.
Choosing Policy Tools for Agriculture-Based Climate Change Mitigation.
Gustafson, B.
Cover Crop Activities In North Dakota.
Gustafson, S.
Watershed Level Examination of Urea Fate and Transport and the Production of the Biotoxin Domoic Acid.
Guthrie, S.
Water Vapor Movement Through a Drainage Layer In a Freezing Pavement System: Effects On Frost Heave and Pavement Stiffness.
Instrumentation and Monitoring of Concrete Bridge Decks: Moisture, Temperature, and Electrical Conductivity.
Gutierrez, J.
Increase of CH4 Emission In No-Tillage Paddy Soil During Rice Cultivation.
Gutierrez-Rodriguez, M.
Association of Spectral Reflectance Indices with Plant Growth and Lint Yield In Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.).
Guy, S.
Quantifying Wheat Vernalization, Photoperiod, and Freeze Tolerance In Controlled Environment Studies to Predict Survival At Variable Planting Dates.
Spring Wheat Response to Nitrogen Fertilizer Rate and Application: A Conventional and No Tillage Comparison.
Camelina: Genotype and Environment Impacts On Seed Yield In Washington, Oregon, and Idaho.
Camelina: Planting Date and Method Impacts On Stands and Seed Yield In Oregon, Washington, and Idaho.
Camelina: Grain Yield and Protein Response to Applied Nitrogen In Oregon, Washington, and Idaho.
Incorporation of Pedigree and Climate Data Into G by E Analysis of Washington Wheat Yield Trials.
Guzman, J. G.
Corn Residue Removal Effects on Carbon Sequestration and Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
Residue Removal Effects on Continuous Corn Production and Soil Quality Under Variable Nitrogen Rates and Tillage Systems.
Gwathmey, O.
Effects of Sulfur Application Rates On Lint Yield and Fiber Quality of No-till Cotton.