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Author Index
Author Index: C
C Cury Saad, J.
Biochemical Changes In Brachiaria Plants As a Function of Silicon Application and Water Stress.
Comparison Between Irrigation and Non-Irrigation In Bean Flowering Stage.
Cabral, F. A.
Soil Density and Root Length of Brachiaria Decumbens Stapf. In Consortium with Different Woody Legumes In the �Zona Da Mata' of Pernambuco State, Brazil.
Cabrera, A.
Issues and Management In Using Low Permeability Tarps to Reduce Emission From Broadcast Soil Fumigation.
Cabrera, M.
Sorption of Monensin and Oxytetracycline On Broiler Litter-Amended Pasture Soil.
Nitrogen Transformations In Broiler Litter As Affected by Relative Humidity.
Comparing Southern P Indices to Runoff Data.
Integrating Management Into the Georgia P-Index.
Evaluation of Two Methods to Measure Soluble Phosphorus In Broiler Litter.
Nitrogen Mineralization of Bee Frass.
A Web Based Model of Nitrogen Mineralization.
Cabrera, R. I.
Effects of No-till, Residue Management and Buffer Strips On Sediment and Nutrient Runoff From a Cropped Calcareous Soil.
Cacovean, H.
Teaching and Research Experiences from an Agricultural Fulbright In Eastern Europe.
Cade-Menun, B. J.
Freeze Thaw Cycle Effects on Infiltration Rate and Bulk Density of Three Saskatchewan Soils.
Nutrient Loss In Snowmelt Runoff From Cattle Winter Bale-Grazing In SW Saskatchewan.
Cady, R.
Using Passive Capillary Lysimeter Water Flux Measurements to Improve Flow Predictions In Variably Saturated Soils.
Caesar-TonThat, T.
Management Practices Influence On Dryland Soil Carbon Dynamics.
Tillage, Crop Rotation, and Cultural Practice Effects On Dryland Soil Nitrogen Dynamics.
Cafer, A. M.
Healthy Crops, Healthy Families: The Importance of Water in South Wollo, Ethiopia.
Cahn, M.
Suction Lysimeter Method for Estimating Nitrate Leaching Losses In Horticultural Crops.
Impact of Low-Residue and Full-Term Cover Crops On Nitrate Leaching From Intensive Vegetable Ground.
Cahoon, D. R.
Sediment and Soil Dynamics In Mangrove Ecosystems of Florida.
Cai, J.
Monitoring Plant and Canopy Leaf Water Contents Based On Canopy Hyperspectra In Rice.
Cai, Q.
Combining Ability Analysis On Seven Maize Physiological Traits At 6th Leaf Seedlings.
Cajas, S.
Development of Waterlogging-Tolerant Brachiaria Genotypes for Humid Areas of Latin America to Increase Cattle Production and to Adapt Grazing Systems to Climate Variability and Change.
Cajiao, C.
Drought Resistance In Elite Lines of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Is Associated with Higher Values of Pod Harvest Index.
Calanca, P.
Model-Based Analysis of Ecosystem Processes Controlling Nitrous Oxide Emissions from an Intensively Managed Grassland In Switzerland.
Calder, W.
Tillage and N Source Effects On Nitrous Oxide Emissions From Soils.
Calderon, F.
Aggregate Stratification Assessment of Soil Bacterial Communities and Organic Matter Composition: Coupling Pyrosequencing and Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy Techniques.
The Role of Soil Characteristics and Microbial Community In Substrate Utilization.
Mid-Infrared Soil Spectral Changes Due to Cultivation, C Mineralization, and Short-Term Substrate Utilization.
The Impacts of Natural N Enrichment On Soil Organic Matter Dynamics On Nutrient Poor Sands.
Calderon, F.
Soil Microbiology, Ecology and Biochemistry: An Exciting Present and a Great Future Based On a Solid Past.
Calder�n, M.
Behavior of Oxyfluorfen In Two Soils of SW Spain Amended with Solid Organic Waste From Olive Oil Production.
Caldwell, T. G.
Inverse Modeling Water Contents of Semiarid Soils Using Multi-Objective Parameter Optimization to Obtain the Compromise Solution.
Callistein, S.
Germplasm Intellectual Property Options and Considerations In the Current Landscape.
Calvo-Velez, P.
Microbial Inoculants As Tools for Reducing Nitrous Oxide Emissions From Soil.
Camarena-Aguilar, E. A.
Evaluating Effluent From Anaerobic Bio-Digester As a Bio-Fertilizer On Lucerne and Grass Growth.
Camargo, F. D. O.
Soil Science - Meeting Societal Needs and Challenges: The Brazilian Perspective.
Cambardella, C.
Introduction to the Doran Symposium.
Soil Quality Changes with Organic No-till Production.
Effects of Cover Cropping In Organic Systems Including Organic No-till.
Changes in Soil Quality Indictors After 57 Years of Agriculture in a Central Texas Vertisol.
Quantities and Qualities of Physical and Chemical Fractions of Soil Organic Matter Under a Rye Cover Crop.
Camberato, J. J.
Soil N Dynamics As Affected by Band-Injected UAN with and without Instinct� Nitrogen Stabilizer.
Rethinking Recommendation Philosophies and Benefits to Regional Approaches for Soil Test Recommendations.
Identifying Relationships Between N Status and Canopy Reflectance In Corn Using Two Active Optical Reflectance Sensors.
Estimation and Prediction of Hybrid Maize Performance In Mega-Environments.
Estimating Nitrogen Mineralization In Indiana Soils.
Relating Crop Yield Tosoil Functional Properties Created by Data Mining and Knowledge-Based Inference Soil Mapping Techniques.
Sulfur Cycling In a Wheat, Double Crop Soybean Rotation In Southwest Indiana.
Evaluation of Cover Crop Slurry Seeding On Germination Rates Under Controlled Conditions and Field Trials.
Cambouris, A.
Lessons Learned From Potato Precison Agriculture Experiences In Eastern Canada.
Plant-Based N Diagnostic Methods: Whole Plants or Some Parts of the Plants?.
Can We Predict Soil N Supply Using Soil N Tests?.
Short-Range Variability of NO3- and PO4-3 Desorbed From Anionic Exchange Membranes.
Agri-Environmental Effect of N Fertilizer On Potato Production.
Cammarano, D.
Evaluating the CROPGRO-Cotton Model for Estimating Cotton Production In the Australian Sub-Tropics.
Campany, C.
Mineralization of Carbon Stored In the Soil of Forests After Exposure to Elevated Concentrations of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Ozone.
Campbell, B. T.
Issues to Consider in Using and Preserving Transgenic Cotton Germplasm After Intellectual Property Protection Expires.
International Efforts to Protect the Global Cotton Genetic Resources.
Campbell, C.
Interactions Between Co-Occurance Land Uses: Management for Military and Conservation.
Permeable Parking Lot Considerations for Karst-Clay Soils On Military Lands.
Campbell, C.
Are Soil Moisture Characteristic Curves Developed Under Pressure the Same As Those Developed Under Suction?.
Measuring Soil Water Potential (soil suction) In the 0 to -20 KPa Range with a Solid Matrix Equilibration Sensor.
Geostatistical Analysis of Field-Scale Space-Time Soil Moisture Data.
Campbell, C.
Effect of Crop Residue Removal On Soil Carbon In North American Great Plains.
Campbell, E.
Farm-Level Accounting of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions: Can Farmer's Be the New Carbon Accountants?.
Campbell, G.
Instrumenting the Vadose Zone - the Gee Legacy.
Are Soil Moisture Characteristic Curves Developed Under Pressure the Same As Those Developed Under Suction?.
Measuring Soil Water Potential (soil suction) In the 0 to -20 KPa Range with a Solid Matrix Equilibration Sensor.
Campbell, J.
QUEST: Quantifying Uncertainty In Ecosystem Studies.
Campbell, K.
Identification of QTL for High-Temperature Adult-Plant Resistance to Stripe Rust in the Winter Wheat Cultivar �Coda'.
Campbell, S.
Biochar Ash and Volatile Matter Effects On Soil Properties and Plant Growth In An Acid Ultisol.
Campos, F. V.
Glutathione Levels and Physiological Responses of Chromium-Stressed Seedlings of
Brachiaria Ruziziensis
B. Brizantha
Canas, J.
The Effects of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes On Soil Microbial Community Functional and Structural Diversity.
Canham, C. D.
Will Biomass Harvesting of Northern Hardwood Forests Lead to Nutrient Depletion In the Northeastern US?.
Cannan, T. M.
Utility and Stewardship of Dicamba In Dicamba Tolerant Cropping Systems.
Cannon, J. B.
Effect of Distillation Time On Peppermint Yield and Oil Composition.
Cano-Garcia, M.
Pleistocene Lake Lomax: A Mystery On the Texas High Plains.
Cantao, F.
Disease Control Versus Leaf Health In Pyraclostrobin-Induced Yield Increases In Maize?.
Cantet, R.
Soil Organic Carbon Changes In the Argentine Pampas From 1960-1980 to 2008.
Effect of Distillation Time On Peppermint Yield and Oil Composition.
Cantrell, K. B.
Comparison of Elemental Compositional, Spectral and Thermal Characteristics of Biochars Produced Via High and Low Temperature Pyrolysis.
Biochar From Livestock Manure As a Fertilizer Source for Ryegrass.
Cantrell, R. S.
Growth Responses of Seashore Paspalum to Sodium Chloride Stress.
Cao, B.
Monitoring Plant and Canopy Leaf Water Contents Based On Canopy Hyperspectra In Rice.
The Terrestrial Carbon (TerraC) Information System to Facilitate Carbon Synthesis Across Heterogeneous Landscapes.
Cao, W.
Definition of Wheat Growth Management Zones Based On Remote Sensing and Geostatistics.
Modeling Grain Starch Accumulation Based On Carbon Flow In Rice.
Cao, X.
Characterization of Maple Wood Chars Produced At Different Temperatures Using Advanced 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Quantitative Estimation of Aromatic Cluster Sizes.
Cao, X.
Turning Waste Biomass Into Biochar for Application In Remediation of Contaminated Waters and Soils.
Capareda, S.
Mineral Nutrient Recovery From Pyrolysis Systems.
Post Removal of Oil/Tar Materials From Biochar and Subsequent Impact On Weathering.
Capel, P.
Using Specific Conductance As a Tracer of Preferential Flow Through Glacial till Soils of Iowa.
Caplan, J. L.
Measure and Model Dissolution of Explosive Compounds TNT, RDX, and HMX Under Continuous Flow Conditions.
Cappellazzi, J.
Effects of Disturbance On Ectomycorrhizal Mat Microbial Communities: Perspectives From a Long-Term Birth/Death Study.
Caputo, M. C.
Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Ethanol-Blended Fuel on Unsaturated Hydraulic Properties.
Caragea, P. C.
Categorical Analysis of Spatial Variability In Corn Yield Response to Nitrogen.
Carbone, I.
Development and Characterization of Microsatellite Markers for
Sclerotinia Homoeocarpa
What Is the True Identity of the Fungus That Causes Dollar Spot On Turfgrass?.
Cardenas, J.
Root Characteristics of Soybean Stem-Termination Isolines.
Cardina, J.
Summer Annual Crop Mixtures for Weed Suppression and Biomass Production.
Cardina, J.
Regional-Scale Variation In Demographic Parameters of
Ambrosia Trifida
Helianthus Annuus
Cardon, G.
Growth, Yield, and Quality of Teff Forage In Response to Seeding Rate, N Fertilization, and Harvest Timing.
Cardoso, J.
Development of Waterlogging-Tolerant Brachiaria Genotypes for Humid Areas of Latin America to Increase Cattle Production and to Adapt Grazing Systems to Climate Variability and Change.
Cardoso, R. D.
Influence of Phosphorus, Potassium and Liming On Yield of Two Alfalfa Genotypes.
Cardwell, V.
Just-In-Time Adventure Learning about Food and Agriculture In South America.
Symposium Overview.
Panel Discussion and Questions.
Caride, C.
Soil Organic Carbon Changes In the Argentine Pampas From 1960-1980 to 2008.
Carl, P. H.
Phosphorus Loss Through Subsurface Tile Drainage During Eleven Years of Manure or Fertilizer Application for Corn and Soybean.
Carley, C.
Bioavailable N and P Supply From Liquid Hog Manure In the Northern Great Plains.
Carlisle, E.
Influence of Fungal Endophyte Genotypes On Plant Diversity and Soil-Atmospheric Trace Gas Fluxes.
Carlisle, J.
Modeling Evapotranspiration In a Semi-Arid Mountain Ecosystem Integrating HYDRUS-1D and Weather Data.
Carlson, C. G.
Antimicrobial Runoff From Manure Treated Soils.
Carmona-Victoria, M.
Predicting Alfalfa Stand Nutritive Value by An Indirect Method In Southern U.S.A., and North of Mexico.
Carnelos, C. C.
Nitrogen IN SOIL AS Affected by Cropping SYSTEMS UNDER NO-till.
Caron, J.
Investigation of Limiting Soil Water Potential In Histosols to Limit Tip Burn Damage In Romain Lettuce.
Comparison of Site-Specific and Conventional Uniform Irrigation Management for the Lettuce.
Spatial Variability Analysis of Soil Water Availability for Plants As a Tool for Precision Irrigation In Organic Soils.
Spatial Variability of Soils and Local Irrigation Management In Strawberry Production.
Carpenter, G. M.
Association Between Seed Coat Luster and Water Imbibition In Black Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.).
Carpenter, M.
Survival and Re-Growth of Enterococcus Mundtii in South Texas Agricultural Soils.
Carr, P. M.
Suppressing Weeds with Rolled-Crimped Cover Crops In the Northern Great Plains.
Carretero, R. Jr.
Effects of Leaf Rust (Puccinia triticina) of Wheat On Photosynthesis Rate of Leaves Exposed to Different Light Intensities.
Leaf and Tillering Co-Ordination Under Contrasting Nutritional Conditions In Wheat and Barley.
Biomass Partitioning to the Grains As Determinant of Grain Yield In Wheat and Barley.
Carrillo, T.
Agricultural Science Centers In New Mexico: Challenges and Successes.
Carrington, E.
The Fate of Vascular Plant Biomolecules with Depth and Cultivation in a Canadian Grassland Soil.
Carroll, D.
Trends In Soil Sampling and Test Results In Arkansas From 2006-2010.
Carrow, R.
Intensive, New Water-Audit Approach and Decision-Support System.
Biodethatching Using Fungal Laccases: Process Optimization.
Carson, T.
Intensive, New Water-Audit Approach and Decision-Support System.
Carter, A.
Identification of QTL for High-Temperature Adult-Plant Resistance to Stripe Rust in the Winter Wheat Cultivar �Coda'.
Carter, B. J.
Investigation of a Parna (Silt) Dune Formation in the Panhandle of Oklahoma.
Carter, D.
Storage and Handling Procedures for Using Soil Molecular Biology As Trace Evidence.
Gravesoil Microbial Community Structure During Carcass Decomposition.
Carter, E. A.
Soil Disturbance and Site Impacts From a Thinning Operation In Kentucky.
Carter, P.
Perspectives for 21st Century Public-Private Collaboration in Extension/Outreach.
Carter, T.
Phenotypic and Genetic Similarity Between the Soybean Cultivars CNS, Punjab-1, and Nanking 332.
Breeding Approaches for Introgressing Alleles From Wild Soybean (G. soja) Into Cultivated Soybean (G.max).
Carter, T.
Nitrogen Management for Production of Hybrid Bermudagrass Hay In Tennessee.
Cartmill, A. D.
Effect of Soil Amendments and Planting Depth On Landscape Establishment of Live Oak.
Carvalho, J. L. N.
Impact of Pasture, Agriculture and Crop-Livestock Systems On Soil Carbon Sequestration In Brazilian Cerrado.
Carvalho, M. A.
Tropical Forage Biomass As An Alternative Source for Ethanol Production.
Nutritional Genetic Diversity On
Carvalho, M. T.
Testing Nitrogen Fertilizer Sources to Increase N-Use Efficiency of Common Beans in the Brazilian Savanna.
Carvalho, M. S.
Total and Monthly Yield of Annual Ryegrass and Arrowleaf Clover Grown In Pure and Mixed Stands with or without Nitrogen Fertilization In Southeastern Brazil.
Carvalho, M. S.
Testing Nitrogen Fertilizer Sources to Increase N-Use Efficiency of Common Beans in the Brazilian Savanna.
Carvalho, N. C.
Heavy Metal Concentration In a Degraded Soil After Sewage Sludge Application.
Carver, B.
Comparison of Phosphorus Use Efficiency Among Wheat Cultivars.
Cary, T.
Interactions Between Co-Occurance Land Uses: Management for Military and Conservation.
Optimizing Training Land Allocation At Camp Guernsey, WY.
Casanova, J. J.
Field Tests of a Down-Hole TDR Profiling Water Content Measurement System.
Casarin, V.
Ecological Intensification of Maize Production In the Brazilian Cerrado.
Casby-Horton, S.
Pleistocene Lake Lomax: A Mystery On the Texas High Plains.
Comparing Conceptual Models Used to Map Soils In Arid and Semiarid Vs. Humid Soil Landscapes.
Case, A.
Identification of QTL for High-Temperature Adult-Plant Resistance to Stripe Rust in the Winter Wheat Cultivar �Coda'.
Casey, F. M.
Modeling Sorption and Degradation of 17β-Estradiol-17-Sulfate In Agricultural Soils.
Bioavailability of Colloidal Organic Carbon Bound Estrogen.
Casey, F.
Soil Physics 1936-2011 and a Look Ahead.
Cashman, M.
Native Plant Conservation Partnership with BLM and Development of Seed Zones for Restoration.
Casler, M.
Characterization of the Genetic Diversity of Perennial Grasses Using Genotyping by Sequencing.
Genome-Wide Association Studies and Genomic Selection In Perennial Grasses.
Casler, M.
Temporal and Spatial Variation In Switchgrass Biomass Composition and Theoretical Ethanol Recovery.
Biomass Characteristics of 14 Switchgrass Cultivars Grown In Marginal Vs. Prime Soil.
Predictive and Postdictive Analysis of Forage Yield Trials.
DNA Marker Diversity of Big Bluestem Populations In the North Central and Northeastern USA.
Runoff Losses of Phosphorus and Nitrogen In a Corn Silage System: A Field-Scale Paired Watershed Approach.
Ploidy Variation and Reproductive Pathways In Upland Switchgrass.
Sparse-Flowering Orchardgrass Is Stable Across Temperate North America.
C�ssaro, F. A.
Soil Water Retention Estimated From Pore Size Distribution Measured by X-Ray Microtomography.
Cassel Sharma, F.
Elephant Grass (Pennisetum sp.) As a Bio-Filter Crop for Soils Irrigated with Secondary Treated Municipal Waste Water and Dairy Effluent.
Cassity, K. B.
Nitrogen Transformations In Broiler Litter As Affected by Relative Humidity.
Cassman, K.
Evaluation of Climate Input for Estimation of Crop Yields.
Soybean Growth and Developmental Stage-Driven Crop Coefficient Simulation.
Estimating Crop Yield Potential At National Scales.
Irrigated Maize Can Achieve High Yield and Input-Use Efficiency with Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
Casta�eda, C.
Gypsum-Rich Horizons In Saline Playa-Lakes of Monegros, Spain.
Castano, A. M.
CREFT a Model for Growth, Nutrient Extraction and Carbon Sequestration for Perennial Species In the Tropics.
Casteel, S. N.
Soybean Yield Decisions: Interactions of Variety, Planting, and Foliar Protection.
Delayed Soybean Emergence: Competition or Compensation?.
Genetic Gain x Management Interactions In Soybean: III Planting Date.
Genetic Gain X Management Interactions In Soybean: IV Disease Effects.
Genetic Gain X Management Interactions In Soybean: I. Nitrogen Utilization.
Sulfur Cycling In a Wheat, Double Crop Soybean Rotation In Southwest Indiana.
Casteel, S. N.
Genetic Gain X Management Interactions In Soybean: II Population Effects.
Castellano, M.
Water and Salt Extractable Organic Matter As Affected by Soil Depth and Tillage System.
Nitrous Oxide Emissions From a No-till Corn-Soybean Rotation Comparing N Fertilization and Cover Cropping Treatments.
Incorporating Carbon Saturation Concepts and Nitrogen Retention Theory.
Castellarin, J.
Grain Yield and Individual Kernel Weight As Affected by Nitrogen and Sulfur Addition In Two Maize Hybrids In the Argentinean Pampas.
Castilleja, J.
Air Emissions During the Land Application of Manure: a Field Study In Northern New York.
Castilleja, J. A.
Trace Gas Emissions During Manure Spreading At Field and Lab Scale: Ammonia.
Castillo, M.
Techniques to Determine Salt Tolerance In Safflower.
Castillo, M. S.
Harvest Frequency and Timing Affect Perennial Bioenergy Grass Yield and Composition.
Strip-Planting of Rhizoma Peanut In Bahiagrass Pastures to Increase Production and Sustainability of Low-Input Forage-Livestock Systems In Florida.
Castillo, R. L.
Mobile Phone and Internet Applications Provide Rice Farmers with Precision Management Practices and Supporting Services.
Castillo-Gonzalez, F.
Conserving Maize Genetic Diversity In Traditional Agricultural Systems.
Castle, S.
Linking Soil Sorption to Plant Uptake of the Systemic Insecticide Imidacloprid In Viticulture.
Castoldi, G.
Nitrogen IN SOIL AS Affected by Cropping SYSTEMS UNDER NO-till.
INITIAL GROWTH of Physic Nut Affected by Phosphorus RATES.
Castonguay, Y.
Temperature and CO2 Affect Yield, Root Biomass, and Nutritive Value of Canadian Tame and Native Forage Species.
Castro, G. S. Sr.
Soil Physical Attributes Affected by Crop Systems and Materials for Acidity Correction.
Castro, L.
Development of An
In Vitro
Method to Evaluate the Potential of Micronutrient Import to Rice Grains.
Castro, S.
Yield Determination In a Recently Released Maize Hybrid.
Castro, S.
The Response of Three Varieties of Sugarcane to Water and Heat Stress In Southern Tamaulipas Mexico.
Cataldi, J.
The Effects of Biosolids On Tall Fescue Sod Production and Soil Properties.
Biosolids Impact On Tall Fescue Antioxidant Metabolism and Drought Resistance.
Cathey, S.
Rooting of Warm Season Grasses Inhibited by Increased Soil Bulk Density.
Transpiration Response of Warm-Season Turfgrasses to Drying Soil.
Cavallaro, N.
The Globals Research Alliance On Agricultural Greenhouse Gases.
Cavigelli, M.
Modeling Nitrous Oxide Fluxes In Conventional and Organic Cropping Systems Using the DNDC Model.
SOM Characterization In Areas Under Different Tillage and Crop Rotation.
Evaluation of Supplemental N Source and Timing of Application for Organic Field Corn Production Following a Vetch Cover Crop.
Establishing the e-Organic Grain Cropping Systems Community of Practice.
Organic Management Systems to Enhance Ecosystem Services and Reliance On Renewable Local Resources.
Soil Denitrification Potential and Gene Diversity of Nirk, Nirs and Nosz Across Field Scale Comparisons of Low Input Sustainable and Business-As-Usual Agricultural Systems.
Caviglia, O. P.
Sensor Based N Rates Prescription Models for Maize: Sensitivity to Response Index Estimation and Other Parameters.
Cayuela, M. L.
GHG Implications of Soil Amendment with Biofuel Rest Products: A
c /
n Tracer Study.
Cebert, E.
Temporal Distribution of Major Pest and Benefical Insects On Bioenergy Crops In North Alabama.
Celis, R.
Soil Leaching Behavior of the Herbicide Clopyralid Supported On Chitosan-Intercalated Montmorillonite.
Cerise, L. M.
Effects of Hillslope Terracing On Soil Properties In Semi-Arid Ponderosa Pine Habitat In Western Montana.
Cerri, C. C.
Impact of Pasture, Agriculture and Crop-Livestock Systems On Soil Carbon Sequestration In Brazilian Cerrado.
Soil C and N Stocks Under Burned and Unburned Sugarcane Harvesting Systems In Brazil.
Cerrudo, A. A.
Yield Determination In a Recently Released Maize Hybrid.
Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Maize Hybrids Released In Different Decades.
Cervantes-Martinez, I.
Pyramiding, Identification and Mapping of Genes for Resistance to Soybean Mosaic Virus (SMV).
Cerven, V.
Winter Cover Crops In High Tunnels: Growth and Soil Responses.
C�sar, M.
Biomass Partitioning to the Grains As Determinant of Grain Yield In Wheat and Barley.
Cessna, A. J.
Dissipation of Three Veterinary Antimicrobials In Feedlot Manure Stockpiles.
Cey, E.
Bacteria and Colloids In the Vadose Zone: Filter or Freeway?.
Chabbi, A.
Does Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) From Different Agro-Ecosystems Land-Use Influence Adsorption of Organic Pollutants to the Subsoil?.
Chahal, M.
Geostatistical Analysis of Field-Scale Space-Time Soil Moisture Data.
Chaikaew, P.
Influence of Validation Sample Selection In Ecological Modeling.
Spatio-Temporal Interactions Between Soil Carbon and Nutrient Cycles In the Lower Suwannee River Basin.
The Terrestrial Carbon (TerraC) Information System to Facilitate Carbon Synthesis Across Heterogeneous Landscapes.
Spatially-Explicit and Spectral Soil Carbon Modeling In Florida.
Chain, P. S.
Soil As Metagenomics Greatest Challenge: The Great Prairie Project.
Chakraborty, D.
Phosphorus Loss From Illuvial Horizons of Coastal Plain Soils.
Chamberlain, R.
Practical Applications of Agricultural Gypsum to Improve Crop Productivity.
Practical Applications of Agricultural Gypsum to Improve Soil and Water Quality.
Chambers, A.
Farm-Level Accounting of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions: Can Farmer's Be the New Carbon Accountants?.
Conservation Practices Can Help to Mitigate Climate Change.
Chambers, K. B.
Bioavailability of Colloidal Organic Carbon Bound Estrogen.
Chanasyk, D.
Influence of Soil Cap Depth and Vegetation On Phosphogypsum Stack Reclamation In Alberta, Canada.
Chander, Y.
Antibiotic Uptake by Vegetable Crops From Manure-Applied Soils.
Chandler, K.
Use of Spectroscopy to Identify Carotenoids In Maize.
Chandna, P.
Impact of Soil and Climate On Long-Term Yield Trends of Rice-Rice System In India.
High Resolution Refined Methane Budget Estimates From Paddy Fields of Karnal Using Remote Sensing and GIS.
Chandra, A.
Use of Molecular Markers for Identity Preservation In St. Augustinegrass: Elucidating the Authenticity of �Raleigh' Samples From Sod Farms Across the Southeastern United States.
Pre-Emergence Herbicide and Fertilizer Selection Influence Re-Establishment of Zoysiagrass Sod Fields.
Development of Seeded Zoysiagrass Cultivars with Improved Turf Quality and High Seed Yields.
Development of Improved Zoysiagrasses with Potential for Use On Greens, Tees, and Fairways.
High Throughput Phenotyping of Turfgrasses for Drought Tolerance.
Chang, H. S.
In-Situ Chemical Oxidation to Address Residual VOC Plumes.
Cr(VI) Behavior In Subsurface Soil From Savannah River Site Through Laboratory and Modeling Efforts.
Chang, K. C.
The Procedure of Site Selection within a Watershed for Further Soil Sampling and Surveying.
Chang, K. H.
Simulated Carbon Dynamics In Agriculture and Forest Ecosystem Using the Process-Based Models : Daycent and CN-CLASS.
Chang, S.
Using Hybrid Poplar Trees to Sequester Carbon In Western Canada's Boreal Region.
Tree Ring and Soil Chemistry Responses of Pinus Banksiana and Populus Tremuloides to Changes in Atmospheric Environments in the Oil Sands Region of Alberta, Canada.
Chang, S. X.
Nutrient Loading of White Spruce and Jack Pine Seedlings for Potential Out-Planting In Oil Sands Reclamation.
Chantigny, M.
Ammonia Volatilization From Banded Urea: Impact of Application Rate and Depth of Incorporation.
Chantigny, M.
Mitigating Soil Nitrous Oxide Emissions From Organic Amendments: A Meta-Analysis of 30 Years of Research.
Evidence and Gaps In Knowledge of Soil Biological Functioning Under Cold Conditions.
Crop Residues Influence Response of Soil N
o Emissions to Freeze-Thaw Cycles.
Chao, S.
Can Mapping Be Done In a Narrow Cross?.
Identification of Marker-Trait Associations In the Virginia Tech Winter Barley Program Using Genome-Wide Mapping.
Association Mapping of Crown Rust Resistance of Oat.
Chaparro, C.
Cis-Regulatory Elements Occurrence In Promoters of Antioxidant Signaling Network Genes up-Regulated In Rice Under Iron Stress Toxicity.
Chapell, G.
Alternative Winter Cover Crop Species for Virginia.
Barley As a Production Cover Crop In the Mid-Atlantic USA.
Chapman, K.
Nitrogen Requirements of Contemporary Cotton Cultivars.
Chapman, K.
Kenaf (
Hibiscus cannabinus
) and Sunn Hemp (
Crotalaria juncea
): Monoculture and Polyculture Production.
Chapman, S. C.
Applications of Remote Sensing In Wheat Breeding.
Wheat Response to Increasing Temperatures: The Role of Genetic Variability.
Tillering and Water Soluble Carbohydrates Accumulation As Adaptive Traits In Wheat.
Chapotin, S. M.
Research Investments Under the Feed the Future Initiative for the Sustainable Intensification of Major Agro-Ecological Systems.
Chappell, G.
Pigeonpea: A New Food and Feed Legume Crop for the Southern USA.
Chappell, M.
Characterization of Maple Wood Chars Produced At Different Temperatures Using Advanced 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Quantitative Estimation of Aromatic Cluster Sizes.
Understanding Changes In Litter Carbon Chemistry Caused by Decomposition Using Advanced Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy.
Chappell, M.
Elucidating Depleted Uranium Geochemistry In Firing Range Soils.
Chappell, M.
Preferential Sites In Soil Organic Matter Probed with Stable Nitroxyl Free Radicals.
Theoretical Basis for Coupling Colloid Dispersion and Dissolution Potentials with Respect to Engineered Nanoparticles.
Chard, J.
Mini-Lysimeter Systems to Monitor Transpiration and Control Drought Stress.
Charles, A. M.
Mitigating Soil Nitrous Oxide Emissions From Organic Amendments: A Meta-Analysis of 30 Years of Research.
Charlton, N.
Endophyte Infected Canada Wildrye Has Enhanced Growth and Adaptability.
Chase, C.
Quantifying Phosphorus Levels In Landscapes Associated with Bahiagrass-Based Pastures and Beef Cattle Operation In Subtropics.
Chase, C. D.
Are All Elephantgrasses Invasive? Characterization of Natural Populations and Cultivated Types of a Bioenergy Grass In Florida.
Chase, C. A.
Using Biodiversity to Link Agricultural Productivity with Environmental Quality: Results From Three Field Experiments In Iowa.
Chastain, T.
Camelina: Planting Date and Method Impacts On Stands and Seed Yield In Oregon, Washington, and Idaho.
Camelina: Grain Yield and Protein Response to Applied Nitrogen In Oregon, Washington, and Idaho.
Chastain, T.
Camelina: Genotype and Environment Impacts On Seed Yield In Washington, Oregon, and Idaho.
Chatterjee, A.
Soil Carbon Dynamics During the Transition to Cellulosic Ethanol Feedstock Production.
Chattopadhyay, S.
Agricultural Practices Affecting Soil Carbon Sequestration Cause Shifts In Microbial Community Assembly As Revealed by Tag Encoded Pyrosequencing.
The Role of Soil Characteristics and Microbial Community In Substrate Utilization.
The Impacts of Natural N Enrichment On Soil Organic Matter Dynamics On Nutrient Poor Sands.
Chau, H. W.
Determination of the Intrinsic Conducting Porosity From Infiltration Measurements on a Water Repellent Sandy Soil.
Determination of Critical Soil Water Content and Water Repellency in Soils.
Chaudhuri, S.
Temporal Evolution of Spatial Structure In Soil Carbon Stocks.
Chaulk-Grace, C.
A Plant Science Company's Perspective: Targets for Improved Productivity in Corn in the Next Decade � Water Optimization.
Chaurand, P.
Copper and Zinc Speciation In Pig Slurry: Implications On Mobility and Bioavailability In Soils.
Reactivity and Toxicity of Imogolite Nanotubes.
Chaves, B.
Relationship of Base Temperature to Development of Winter Wheat In the Southeast.
Chaves, B.
Methane Emissions During the Flooded Rice Growing Season As Affected by Different Straw Managements in Southern Brazil.
Chavez, H.
Socioeconomic and Environmental Impact of Development Interventions: Rice Production and �Gallito Ciego� (Peru) Reservoir Case Study.
Checkai, R.
A Standard Method for Soil-to-Clothing Contact Transfer of Soil-Sorbed Chemical Agents.
Cheema, M. A.
Varietal Comparison of Bt and Non-Bt Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Under Different Sowing Dates and Nitrogen Rates.
Comparative Response of Maize Hybrids to Non-Composted and Composted Poultry Manure Under Different Irrigation Regimes.
Impact of Foliar Applied Boron on Yield and Yield Components of Spring Maize (Zea mays L.) Under Drought Condition.
Chefetz, B.
Interaction of Dissolved Organic Matter with Mineral Soil Matrices: Sorption-Desorption and Fractionation.
Transport of Pharmaceutical Compounds in Soils: Effects of Biosolids Application and Soil Solution Chemistry.
Chen, C.
Soil Organic Matter-Mineral Interactions Along Hillslope Transects: Importance of Iron-Redox Coupling Processes.
Chen, D.
Fate and Transport Modeling of Nitrogen and Organic Matter In Soils Using HP1.
Chen, D.
Physiological Effect of 1-Methycyclopropene On Cotton Plants by Electrolyte Leakage Method.
Chen, D.
Managing and Mitigating N Gas Emissions From Cattle Feedlots and Manure Stockpiles.
Nitrogen Fertilizer Recovery of Wheat Under Elevated Carbon Dioxide and Supplementary Irrigation In Southern Australia.
Growth and Nitrogen Fixation of Two Soybean Cultivars Under Elevated Carbon Dioxide In Semi-Arid Region of Northern China.
and CH
Fluxes Under Elevated CO
From Wheat Cropping System in Semi-Arid Environment in Southern Australia and Northern China.
Chen, F. J. Sr.
Study On the Community Structure and Abundance of Soil Collembolan Flora In Paddyfields of Transgenic Bt Rice with Different Breading and Genotypes.
Chen, G.
Evaluation of the FAO AquaCrop Model for Subsurface Drip and Furrow Irrigated Processing Tomatoes.
Chen, H.
Effects of Cu and Ca On Ciprofloxacin Transport In Saturated Porous Media.
Effects of pH and Ionic Strength On Sulfamethoxazole and Ciprofloxacin Transport In Saturated Porous Media.
Chen, J.
Bioavailable N and P Supply From Liquid Hog Manure In the Northern Great Plains.
Chen, J.
Incorporating Surface, Unsaturated and Saturated Zone Flow Processes In a Fully-Integrated Model to Explore Climate Change Impacts On a Continental Scale.
Chen, J.
Are There Common QTL for Scab Resistance In Soft Red Winter Wheat Cultivars.
QTLs Associated with Grain Yield and Carbon Isotope Discrimination Were Mapped In the Flanking Regions of QTLs Associated with Plant Height and Days to Heading.
chen, J.
Carbon Assimilation and Loss In Early Bioenergy Systems: Effect of Land Conversion of Permanent Grassland and Agricultural Sites.
Chen, J.
Water Footprints of Land Use Change From Cropland Vs. Grassland to Bioenergy Crop Production.
Soil and Land Quality Effects of Bioenergy Crop Production On Marginal Lands.
Chen, J.
Development of Drought and/or Heat Tolerant Crop Varieties, An Adaptation Approach to Mitigate Impact of Climate Change On Agriculture.
Chen, K. Y.
Influences of the Peat Soils Carbonized At Different Temperatures On the Concentrations of Dissolved Organic Carbons.
Chen, L.
Windrow Composting of Paint Sludge Containing Melamine Resins.
Chen, N.
Characterization of Maple Wood Chars Produced At Different Temperatures Using Advanced 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Quantitative Estimation of Aromatic Cluster Sizes.
Understanding Changes In Litter Carbon Chemistry Caused by Decomposition Using Advanced Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy.
Chen, P.
Pyramiding, Identification and Mapping of Genes for Resistance to Soybean Mosaic Virus (SMV).
Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) Associated with Soybean Sucrose and Stachyose.
Selection and Evaluation of Low Phytate/Low Stachyose Soybean Genotypes in Arkansas.
Allelomorphic Relationship Between Rsv1-y in Cultivar York and Rsv1 In PI 96983 for Resistance to Soybean Mosaic Virus.
Identification of SSR Markers and QTL for Calcium Content and Seed Hardness of Soybean.
Chen, X.
Identification of QTL for High-Temperature Adult-Plant Resistance to Stripe Rust in the Winter Wheat Cultivar �Coda'.
Chen, Y.
Development of Swine Farms In Eastern China: Implications to Contamination of Soil and Water by Veterinary Antibiotics.
Modeling Grain Starch Accumulation Based On Carbon Flow In Rice.
Pyramiding High Sucrose, Low Stachyose, and Low Phytate in Soybean Breeding Lines.
Chen, Y.
Physiological Effect of 1-Methycyclopropene On Cotton Plants by Electrolyte Leakage Method.
Chen, Y.
Characterization of Soil Carbon Pools Three Years After Urban Soil Rehabilitation.
Chen, Z.
Conserved Locus Conditioning Soil-Borne Wheat Mosaic Virus Resistance On Chromosome 5DL.
Diagnostic Markers for Soil-Borne Wheat Mosaic Virus Resistance In Soft Red Winter Wheat.
Chen, Z. Y.
Comparative Proteomics of Recalcitrant Seed Death in
Spartina alterniflora
Cheng, W.
Soil Microbial Biomass C and δ
C Values of Total and Soluble Organic C Responded to Free Air CO
Enrichment (FACE) In Rice Paddy.
Cheong, Y. K.
Functional Compositions and Antioxidant Activity of Domestic Oat (Avena sativa) Cultivars.
Cherney, D. J. R.
Sulfur Needs of Alfalfa and Tools for Sulfur Management.
Cherney, J. H.
Ploidy Variation and Reproductive Pathways In Upland Switchgrass.
Characterization of the Genetic Diversity of Perennial Grasses Using Genotyping by Sequencing.
Sparse-Flowering Orchardgrass Is Stable Across Temperate North America.
Sulfur Needs of Alfalfa and Tools for Sulfur Management.
Genome-Wide Association Studies and Genomic Selection In Perennial Grasses.
Potassium (K) Fertilization of Alfalfa: How Much Do We Really Need?.
Chevrier, D.
Molecular-Scale Organic Matter Composition of a Sub-Arctic Soil Profile: a C and N K-Edge XANES Study.
Chew, C.
Using GPS Interferometric Reflectometry to Estimate Shallow Soil Moisture Fluctuations.
Chiaretti, J.
Comparing Conceptual Models Used to Map Soils In Arid and Semiarid Vs. Humid Soil Landscapes.
Chiavegatto, R. B.
Glutathione Levels and Physiological Responses of Chromium-Stressed Seedlings of
Brachiaria Ruziziensis
B. Brizantha
Chica, H.
CREFT a Model for Growth, Nutrient Extraction and Carbon Sequestration for Perennial Species In the Tropics.
Chien, S. H.
Ammonia Volatilization From Sulf-N26 (fused ammonium sulfate nitrate) On Calcareous Soils.
Chighladze, G.
Estimation of Nitrate-Nitrogen Concentration In Soil Solution Using Spectral Response.
Chikushi, J.
Time Domain Reflectometry Application to Measurements of Groundwater Level and Freshwater/Saltwater Interface Level In Sandy Layer.
Childs, K.
Expression Analysis Supporting Functional Genomics Research In Maize.
Chillrud, S.
Could Magnetite Be a Stable and Promising Iron Mineral Phase for Immobilizing Arsenic?.
Chim, B. K.
Precision Planting of Corn to Manipulate Leaf Geometry.
Chim, B. K.
Effect of Seed Distribution and Population On Maize (Zea mays L.) Grain Yield.
EFFECT of Nitrogen Placement ON CORN YIELD.
Effect of Seed Distribution and Population On Maize (Zea mays L.) Grain Yield: II.
Chim, B.
By-Plant Nitrogen Fertilization In Maize (Zea mays L.) Using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index.
Chimner, R.
Increases In Woody Plant Root Respiration Found with Decreased Water Depth In a Northern Peatland.
Chiquito, A. A.
Assessment of Cucumber Seed Physiological Potential by An Automated Computer Imaging System (SVIS�) Compared to Traditional Procedures.
Chittleborough, D. J.
Highly Effective Fertiliser Formulations to Enhance Selenium Biofortification In Rice Grain.
Spatial Variability of Diuron Sorption In a Hilly Apple Orchard.
Cho, H.
Two Dimensional Measurement of Water Content and Electrical Conductivity of Surface Soil with a Multiple-Rod TDR Probe.
Analysis of Soil-Water Movement by Using HYDRUS-1D In a Maize Field In the Arid Region of China.
Cho, J. S.
Adsorption of Nitrogen and Phosphorus by Biochars From Different Water Plants In Constructed Wetlands.
Cho, J. S.
Pollutants Balance In Two Different Free Water Surface Constructed Wetlands Surrounding Juam Lake for Treating Non-Point Source Pollution.
Cho, K.
Changes In Protein Expression In Chloroplasts of Wheat Under Salt Stress.
Patterns of Protein Expression In Drought-Stressed Wheat Chloroplasts.
Cho, Y. G.
Patterns of Protein Expression In Drought-Stressed Wheat Chloroplasts.
Choi, B.
Sources, Sinks and Yield of Organic Constituents In Managed Headwaters of Mississippi.
Choi, I. S.
Quality Characteristics of Korean Rice Varieties As Aseptic-Packaged Cooked Rice.
Choi, I. S.
Structural and Functional Characteristics of Endosperm Starches From Korean Rice Cultivars.
Choi, I.
Functional Compositions and Antioxidant Activity of Domestic Oat (Avena sativa) Cultivars.
Choi, J. S.
Antioxidant Activities and Component of Pearling by-Products of Hull-Less Barley by the Different Degree of Pearling.
Choi, J. S.
Changes In Protein Expression In Chloroplasts of Wheat Under Salt Stress.
Patterns of Protein Expression In Drought-Stressed Wheat Chloroplasts.
Choi, W. J.
Tree Ring and Soil Chemistry Responses of Pinus Banksiana and Populus Tremuloides to Changes in Atmospheric Environments in the Oil Sands Region of Alberta, Canada.
Chong, A.
Production of Citric Fruits and Farmer`s Type At Colima, Mexico.
Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization and Development On Leaf Photosynthesis of Evening Primrose Crop, a C3 Plant, Under Different CO2 Concentrations.
Nitrogen Effect On the Growth of Evening Primrose Crop. Plant Structures and Yield.
Chong, S. K.
Mapping Soil Compaction of An American Football Field.
Choppala, G.
Chemo-Dynamics of Chromate Reduction In Soils: Implications to Remediation.
Biochar and Black Carbon Reduce the Bioavailability and Phytotoxicity of Heavy Metals.
Chopra, S.
Determining Maize Gene Expression Response to Sustainable and Conventional Soil Management Systems.
Chorover, J.
Dissolved Organic Matter Effect On Accurate Laboratory Detection of Organic Contaminants Through Interference and Complexation Interactions.
Chrichensen, S.
Jasmonic Acid Is Essential for Maize Plant to Cope with Soil-Borne Pathogens and Insects In the Nature.
Christen, H.
Willie and the Beanstalk: Climbing to the Top In Agronomy.
Christensen, A.
Influence of Soil Capping Depth On Moisture Dynamics In Phosphogypsum Stack Reclamation.
Christensen, C.
Influence of Shade on Growth Parameters of Zoysiagrass Genotypes.
Christensen, R.
Nutrient Uptake by
Poa Pratensis
From Oxidation of Elemental Sulfur Impregnated with Micronutrients.
Christian, E.
Alternating Temperatures Promote Germination of Seeds of Miscanthus Sinensis.
Christman, M. C.
Annual Ryegrass Spring Removal and Regrowth of Tifton 85 Bermudagrass.
Tifton 85 Bermudagrass Grazing Management Effects On Performance of Dairy Heifers.
Chu, B.
Veterinary Antibiotic Sorption and Transport Through Agroforestry Buffer, Grass Buffer and Cropland Soils.
Can Vegetative Filter Strips Mitigate Veterinary Antibiotic Loss From Agroecosystems?.
Chua, T.
Sorption of Estrogens to Colloidal Material: Of Swine Manure and Soil Origin.
Sorption of 17�-Estradiol to Manure Components In the Presence of Soil Colloids.
Chun, A.
Structural and Functional Characteristics of Endosperm Starches From Korean Rice Cultivars.
Chung, H.
Influence of Thinning On Carbon Storage In Soil and Forest Floor of
Spp. Stands In Gangwon Province, Korea.
Soil Organic Matter Dynamics and Microbial Distribution Under Elevated CO2 and Drought.
Chung, J.
Biochar and Black Carbon Reduce the Bioavailability and Phytotoxicity of Heavy Metals.
Chung, K. Y.
Changes In Protein Expression In Chloroplasts of Wheat Under Salt Stress.
Chung, N. J.
Change of � - Amylase Activity In Germination and Early Rice Seedlings Under Hypoxic and Anoxic Water.
Church, C.
Filtering Dissolved Phosphorus From Drainage Waters Using Synthetic Gypsum: Water Quality Impacts.
Chytyk, C.
Monitoring of N Release From ESN and Impact on Winter Wheat in Northern Great Plains.
Ciampitti, I.
Plant Density and N Rate Impacts On Maize Plant N Uptake Dynamics During Vegetative and Reproductive Stages.
Physiological Processes Affected by Plant Density and Nitrogen Stress Tolerance In Maize Hybrids: Association Between Maize Grain Yield and N Uptake.
Soil Potassium Dynamics In Mollisolls of the Argentine Pampas.
Cichy, K.
Association Between Seed Coat Luster and Water Imbibition In Black Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.).
Genes Expressed In Dry Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Pods Related to Zinc Movement.
Ciha, A.
Master of Science In Plant Breeding: A New Distance Program In the Iowa State University Agronomy Department.
Ciha, A.
Graduate Education Perspectives of Advancing Agronomy Via Public-Private Collaboration.
Cihacek, L.
Application of Flue Gas Desulfurization Gypsum (FGDG) to Two North Dakota Soils and Its Impact On Soil Chemistry and Wheat Grain Quality.
Vegetation and Fertilization Effects On Soil Water Soluble Organic Carbon.
Evaluating Regional Research Data Contributing to the U. S. Rapid Carbon Assessment Program In the Northern Great Plains.
Cinel, B.
Determination of the Effect of pH On Exchangeable and Soluble Na+, K+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ for Seven Horizons In a Dry Pond Soil, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada.
Claessens, A.
Relationship Between Soil Nitrate Accumulation and In-Season Corn N Nutrition Indicators.
Claessens, A.
Harvest Date Affects Herbage Composition and Methane Production From Switchgrass Grown In Eastern Canada.
Clark, A.
Validation of Quantitative Trait Loci Conferring Resistance to
Head Blight In Soft Red Winter Wheat.
Validation of
In Several SRW Wheat Breeding Populations.
Clark, D.
Twin-Row Corn Production - Nitrogen Rates, Seeding Rates, and Cultivar Selection.
Cotton/Corn Rotation In the MidSouth - Effect On Yield and Nematode Dynamics.
Clark, J.
Seeding Rate and Row Spacing Effects On Growth and Yield of Safflower.
Clark, J. A.
Beneficial Effects of Cellulosic Bioenergy Crops On Soil Salinity and Sodicity Management.
Clark, J. A.
Feasibility of Treated Urban Wastewater Irrigation for Bioenergy Crop Production In the Far West Texas.
Clark, M.
Wetland Soils Nutrient Index Evaluation.
Clark, R.
High Throughput Phenotyping of Root and Shoot Traits Underlying Mineral Acquisition and Accumulation.
Clark, R.
An Index to Describe Potential Yield Increases From Precision Agriculture Technologies.
Clark, R.
Alternative Winter Cover Crop Species for Virginia.
The Virginia No-Tillage Alliance: Promoting the Successful Implementation of No-till Practices.
Clark, S.
Linking Academics and Farm Work: Experiential Agricultural Education At a Small Liberal Arts College.
Clarke, B. B.
Influence of Scarification Depth on Anthracnose Severity of Annual Bluegrass.
What Is the True Identity of the Fungus That Causes Dollar Spot On Turfgrass?.
Watering In Fungicides and Impacts On Dollar Spot Control.
Nitrogen Fertilization Programming Effects On Anthracnose Disease of Annual Bluegrass Putting Green Turf.
Claure, T. E.
Histological Analysis of Pre- and Post-Freezing Nodal Structure of St. Augustinegrass (Stenotaphrum secondatum (Walt.) Kuntze).
Clay, D.
Feeding the World and Soil Sustainability.
The Influence of Strata On the Nutrient Recycling within a Tropical Certified Organic Coffee Production System.
Antimicrobial Runoff From Manure Treated Soils.
Early Corn Growth and Development In Response to Weed, Nitrogen, and Shade Stresses.
Landscape Position Effects On Water Deficit, Corn Growth, and Gene Expression At Late Vegetative Stage.
Soil Properties of Agricultural Lands Transitioning to Bioenergy Production In a Heterogenous Landscape.
Clay, S.
Linking Molecular and Applied Approaches for Improving Agronomic Recommendations.
Regional-Scale Variation In Demographic Parameters of
Ambrosia Trifida
Helianthus Annuus
The Influence of Strata On the Nutrient Recycling within a Tropical Certified Organic Coffee Production System.
Antimicrobial Runoff From Manure Treated Soils.
Early Corn Growth and Development In Response to Weed, Nitrogen, and Shade Stresses.
Landscape Position Effects On Water Deficit, Corn Growth, and Gene Expression At Late Vegetative Stage.
Clay, S.
Late Emerging Weed Suppression by Interseeded Cover Crops Planted At V6 Corn Growth Stage.
Clayton, R. E.
Evaluating the Impacts of a Surface Barrier with a Hydraulic-Conductivity-Reduction Factor.
clement, P.
Understanding the Dipole-Like Nature of Macroporous Flow In Soils.
clement, P.
On the Validity of Darcy's Law In Subsurface Flow Regimes.
Clevenger, W.
Delivering Continuing Education At the Ohio Conservation Tillage Conference.
Cline, V.
Intensive, New Water-Audit Approach and Decision-Support System.
The Turfgrass Industry.
Clingensmith, C.
The Influence of Soil Mineral Assemblage On Organic Carbon Cycling In a Lithosequence of Temperate Forest Soils: From the Molecular Scale to the Pedon Scale.
Close, T.
Cowpea: SNP-Based Diversity Analyses and Genetic Improvement for Marignal Environments.
Clough, B.
A Double Sampling Strategy for Estimating Soil Organic Carbon Content At the Regional Scale.
Clough, T.
O Tracing Reveals the Importance of Soil Moisture and Bulk Density for N
O Reduction.
Coale, F.
Constructing a Revised Maryland � Delaware Phosphorus Site Index: Lessons Learned.
Coats, K.
Identification of Pythium Species Causing Damage to Poa Annua L. On Golf Greens In the Pacific Northwest.
Cobb, J.
High Throughput Phenotyping of Root and Shoot Traits Underlying Mineral Acquisition and Accumulation.
Coblentz, W.
Sparse-Flowering Orchardgrass Is Stable Across Temperate North America.
Cobos, D.
Are Soil Moisture Characteristic Curves Developed Under Pressure the Same As Those Developed Under Suction?.
Measuring Soil Water Potential (soil suction) In the 0 to -20 KPa Range with a Solid Matrix Equilibration Sensor.
Dielectric Spectroscopy of Bentonite and Kaolinite.
Geostatistical Analysis of Field-Scale Space-Time Soil Moisture Data.
Cochran, F.
Statistical Consideration In Conducting Landscape Level Soil Studies.
Codling, E. E.
Effect of Coal Byproducts Encapsulated Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer On Wheat Growth and Uptake of Nitrogen and Metals.
Coelho, D. L.
Soil Density and Root Length of Brachiaria Decumbens Stapf. In Consortium with Different Woody Legumes In the �Zona Da Mata' of Pernambuco State, Brazil.
Coffelt, T.
Harvest Height Effects On Yields of Five Guayule Lines.
Coffey, K.
Establishment Strategies for Crimson and White Clovers In the Southeastern US.
Coffey, S.
Texas A&M University Agronomy Society Provides Active Learning Experiences for Disadvantaged Children.
Cogburn, B.
TxDOT's Use of Compost to Control Erosion.
Cogger, C.
Estimating Long-Term Compost Application Effects on Active Soil Carbon with 24-Hour Basal Respiration.
Multi-Scale Variation of Soil Quality Indices and Association with Edaphic Properties.
Cohen, Y.
Fusion of Hyperspectral and Thermal Imagery for Evaluating Nitrogen and Water Status In Potato (Solanum tuberosum, L.) for Variable Rate Application.
Cohn, M.
Comparative Proteomics of Recalcitrant Seed Death in
Spartina alterniflora
Coker, D.
Managing Phosphorus for Grain Sorghum Production.
Colaizzi, P. D.
Soil Heat Flux Determined From Diel Water Content and Temperature Variations.
Cole, J. R.
Soil As Metagenomics Greatest Challenge: The Great Prairie Project.
Cole, K.
Runoff and Phosphorus Loads From Two Row-Cropped Fields with and without Applied Manure, 2000-2011.
Cole, N. A.
Gaseous Emissions From Cattle Feedyards and Dairies: An Overview.
Cole, N. A.
Use of Absorption Isotherms to Determine the Ammonium Sorption Potential of Beef Cattle Feedyard Manure.
Cole, R.
Statistical Perspectives On a Large On-Farm Weed Management Study.
Coleman, M.
Assessing Bioenergy Harvest Risks: Geospatially Explicit Tools for Maintaining Soil Productivity in Western US Forests.
Collins, D.
Estimating Long-Term Compost Application Effects on Active Soil Carbon with 24-Hour Basal Respiration.
Multi-Scale Variation of Soil Quality Indices and Association with Edaphic Properties.
Collins, G. D.
The Utility of Stance� for Managing Growth of New Earlier Maturing Cotton Varieties In Georgia.
A New Method of Evaluating Cotton Cultivar Performance In the Southeast US.
Smoothing As a Method for Data Analysis In Cotton within-Plant Boll Mapping.
Collins, H.
Multi-Scale Variation of Soil Quality Indices and Association with Edaphic Properties.
Soil Carbon Dynamics During the Transition to Cellulosic Ethanol Feedstock Production.
Collins, K.
Soil Nitrogen and Carbon Responses to Salvage Harvesting Alternatives In Pine Beetle-Infested, Colorado Forests.
Field Trial Study of Transgenic Creeping Bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) Plants Expressing An Arabidopsis H+-Pyrophosphatase.
Collins, M.
National Soil Science Field Camp: Today's High-Tech.
Undergraduate Soil Science Education At Selected Land Grant Universities.
Combs, D. K.
Effect of Increasing Seeding Rates of Tall Fescue, Meadow Fescue, & Orchardgrass in Binary Mixtures with Alfalfa on the Yield & Neutral Detergent Fiber of the Forage Mixture.
Comerford, N.
Lessons Learned From Representing SSSA: How Should We Advocate for Forest Soils?.
Solubility of Phosphate Minerals In the Pine Rockland's Calcareous Soils After Prescribed Fire.
The Role of Roots and Litter In Maintaining Forest Soil Carbon.
Modeling Soil Carbon In a Hydrologically Complex Region: Lessons Learned In Florida.
Are Soil Carbon Models Transferable Across Distinct Regions or Scales In Florida?.
Spatio-Temporal Interactions Between Soil Carbon and Nutrient Cycles In the Lower Suwannee River Basin.
Carbon Mineralization Influenced by Biochar Loading Rates Under Different Land Uses and Soil Textures.
31 Years Experience In Forest Soil Fertility � Would Wilde Be Proud?.
Temporal Complementarity of Soil P Pools In a Model Sustainable Agroecosystem.
Prediction of Soil Carbon Fractions Using Mir Spectroscopy Across Florida.
Spatially-Explicit and Spectral Soil Carbon Modeling In Florida.
Compagnoni, A.
Effects of Decreased Snowpack On Nutrient Cycling In a Sagebrush-Steppe Ecosystem.
Comstock, J.
Relationships Between Sugarcane Leaf Hyperspectral Reflectance, Leaf Nitrogen Content, and Yield Components.
Conant, B. Jr.
A Year In the Life of An Agricultural Tile Drain.
Conant, R.
Agricultural Practices Affecting Soil Carbon Sequestration Cause Shifts In Microbial Community Assembly As Revealed by Tag Encoded Pyrosequencing.
Soil Microbiology, Ecology and Biochemistry: An Exciting Present and a Great Future Based On a Solid Past.
The Role of Soil Characteristics and Microbial Community In Substrate Utilization.
Mid-Infrared Soil Spectral Changes Due to Cultivation, C Mineralization, and Short-Term Substrate Utilization.
Condon, T.
Applications of Remote Sensing In Wheat Breeding.
Cong, W.
Structural Changes In Humic Acid During the Degeneration Process of a Steppe Soil.
Congreves, K. A.
Post-Harvest Organic Carbon Amendments to Minimize Mineral Nitrogen Losses in Cole Crop Production.
Conkle, J.
Degradation and Sorption of Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products Under Oxic and Anoxic Conditions In Wetland Soils.
Conley, M. M.
Infrared Warming of Open-Field Plots From Scales of 1 to 100 m.
Conley, S.
Genetic Gain x Management Interactions In Soybean: III Planting Date.
Genetic Gain X Management Interactions In Soybean: IV Disease Effects.
Genetic Gain X Management Interactions In Soybean: II Population Effects.
Genetic Gain X Management Interactions In Soybean: I. Nitrogen Utilization.
Conley, T. O.
Buried Soils of Late Pleistocene to Holocene Ages Accented In Stacked Soil Sequences.
Conner, R. L.
Evaluation of Worldwide Black Common Bean Collections for Adaptation to Western Canada.
Conner, W.
The Effect of Rising Salinity and Forest Mortality On Soil Nitrogen and Phosphorus Mineralization In Tidal Freshwater Forested Wetlands.
Freshwater Forested Wetlands of the Southeastern US: Trends In Aboveground Productivity In Relation to Hydrology and Salinity.
Constable, G.
International Efforts to Protect the Global Cotton Genetic Resources.
Contreras-Govea, F.
Dry Matter Yield and Stem Nutritive Value of Six Alfalfa Cultivars Under Two Irrigation Conditions In Southern High Plains, U.S.A.
Ensiling Characteristics of Four Warm-Season Annual Legumes and Alfalfa.
Predicting Alfalfa Stand Nutritive Value by An Indirect Method In Southern U.S.A., and North of Mexico.
Sorghum and Legume Intercropping to Improve Resource Use Efficiency of Forage Production Systems In the Southern High Plains.
Cook, F. J.
An Improved Solution for the Infiltration-Advance Problem In Irrigation Hydraulics.
Cook, J. P.
Genetic Architecture of Maize Kernel Composition In the Nested Association Mapping and Inbred Association Panels.
Cook, K.
Using Arbuscular Mycorrhizae to Influence Yield, Vegetative Quality and Nutrient Uptake In Conventional Vs. Organic Vegetable Production.
Effect of Volumetric Water Content and Crimson Clover (
Trifolium incarnatum
) Growth On the Survival of
Escherichia Coli
O157:H7 In a Soil Matrix.
Evaluating Microbial Communities In Livestock Waste Treatment Systems to Optimize Manure Management.
Soil Nutrients, Bacterial Communities, and Veterinary Pharmaceuticals In Beef Cattle Backgrounding Confinement On Karst Environment.
Atmospheric Emissions of N2O, CH4, and CO2 From Different Nitrogen Fertilizers.
Cooper, M.
Gene-to-Phenotype Modeling: From Theory to Practice In Breeding Maize for Drought Tolerance.
Cooper, M.
Transgenic Approaches to Drought Tolerance In Maize.
Development of Commercial Drought Tolerant Maize Hybrids.
Phenotypic and Genotypic Analysis of Biomass and Moisture Contents In Testcrossed Double-Haploids of Maize.
Breeding for Global Climate Change.
Cooper, T.
Postemergence Control of Broadleaf Weeds with F9009.
Postemergence Weed Control In High Density Olive (
Olea europaea
L.) Production.
Residual Large Crabgrass Control In Spring with Fall Indaziflam Applications.
Cooper, T.
Spring Dead Spot Recovery In Response to Preemergence Herbicide Applications.
Aminocyclopyrachlor Safety In Seeded Cool-Season Turfgrass.
Evaluation of Mulch and Preemergence Herbicides for Weed Control In High Density Olive (
Olea europaea
L.) Production.
The Effect of Fungicide Timing On Spring Dead Spot Control In Bermudagrass.
Development of Cold Tolerant Centipedegrass Cultivars.
Use of Cultural Practices to Enhance Spring Dead Spot Fungicide Efficacy.
Copeland, K.
Lysimetric Evaluation of Eddy Covariance Fluxes Over Irrigated Cotton In the Texas High Plains.
Effects of Irrigation Efficiency, Phosphorus Rate, and Tillage On Phosphorus Runoff Losses In a Furrow Irigated Cotton Field.
Cora, J.
Exploratory Multivariate Techniques to Discriminate Lots of Soybean Seeds.
Influence of Land Use On Soil Physical Properties and Organic Carbon Pool of Oxisol In a Tropical Environment.
Cordoba, O. J. Sr.
Weight Distribution of Individual Seeds In Castor Plants Submitted to Drought Stress.
Cormier, N.
Freshwater Forested Wetlands of the Southeastern US: Trends In Aboveground Productivity In Relation to Hydrology and Salinity.
Sediment and Soil Dynamics In Mangrove Ecosystems of Florida.
Cornejo, F.
CO2 and N2O Fluxes In Integrated Crop Livestock Systems.
Cornejo, J.
Behavior of Oxyfluorfen In Two Soils of SW Spain Amended with Solid Organic Waste From Olive Oil Production.
Soil Leaching Behavior of the Herbicide Clopyralid Supported On Chitosan-Intercalated Montmorillonite.
Corp, M. K.
Using the Train-the-Trainer Model In Experimental Learning.
Correa, J. C.
Web-Based Tools to Assist Growers Manage Cotton Crops.
Whole-Plant Water Use of Cotton Genotypes with Contrasting Water Economies.
Composition of SOIL Representative Sample Fertilized with Sewage Sludge.
Corr�a, J. C. Sr.
Bioavailability of Metals In No Tillage Soybean Crop As Influenced by Sewage Sludge and Industrial Residues.
Corr�a, J. C. Sr.
MICRONUTRIENT Contents and YIELD of Soybean AS Function AS Industrial and URBAN Residue Reuse.
Corr�a, L. S.
Induction of Callus From Leaf Explants of
Jatropha Curcas
Use of Antibiotics of Sodium Ampicillin and Chloranphenicol In the Culture Medium for Banana �Mysore' Micropropagation.
Correndo, A.
Soil Potassium Dynamics In Mollisolls of the Argentine Pampas.
Corriher, V.
Establishment of Warm Season Annual Legumes In Bermudagrass Sod or Prepared Seedbed.
Cortese, L.
Biomass Yield and Energy Characteristics of Switchgrass Cultivars Grown In New Jersey.
Broad Sense Heritability of Bioenergy Traits In 50 Switchgrass Clones Grown On Marginal Land.
Corwin, D. L.
Protocols and Guidelines for Field-Scale Measurement of Salinity Distribution Using ECa-Directed Soil Sampling.
Cosentino, V. R.
Factors Affecting N2O Emissions In Zero Tilled Loams Cropped to Soybean and Maize.
Cosh, M. H.
Soil Moisture Sensor Intercomparisons At the SMAP Marena In Situ Testbed.
Analysis of Field-Scale Soil Moisture Spatial Distributions by Geostatistics and Maximum Entropy Theory.
Calibration and Validation of the Soil Moisture Active Passive Mission with USDA-ARS Experimental Watersheds.
Costa, A. C.
Physical Atributes and Organic Carbon of An Oxisol Affected by Different Land Use and Soil Management.
Costa, A. M.
Glutathione Levels and Physiological Responses of Chromium-Stressed Seedlings of
Brachiaria Ruziziensis
B. Brizantha
Costa Crusciol, C.
Soil Physical Attributes Affected by Crop Systems and Materials for Acidity Correction.
Costa De Oliveira, A.
Cis-Regulatory Elements Occurrence In Promoters of Antioxidant Signaling Network Genes up-Regulated In Rice Under Iron Stress Toxicity.
Costa, E. T.
Comparing Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence and Atomic Absorption Spectrometry for Trace Element Analyses In Mining Areas.
Arsenic Retention On Red Mud Treated with Gypsum.
Competitive Sorption and Displacement of Arsenate by Phosphate On An Aluminum Mining by-Product.
Ionic Strength Effects Upon Sorption of Inorganic Contaminants by An Aluminum Mining by-Product.
Growth, Fruit Production and Phosphorus Critical Level In the Soil for Okra In Relation to Phosphate Fertilization.
Costello, R. C.
Compost Laboratory Titration to Predict Compost Response to Elemental S.
Effects of Acidified and Non-Acidified Composts On Highbush Blueberry Growth and Nutrient Uptake.
Costich, D.
Ploidy Variation and Reproductive Pathways In Upland Switchgrass.
Characterization of the Genetic Diversity of Perennial Grasses Using Genotyping by Sequencing.
Genome-Wide Association Studies and Genomic Selection In Perennial Grasses.
Cotching, W. E.
Challenges to Sustainable Potato Production in Tasmania, Australia.
Assessing the Risk of Nutrient Loss Under Intensive Crop Production In the Panatana Catchment, Tasmania, Australia.
Cothren, J. T.
Physiological Effect of 1-Methycyclopropene On Cotton Plants by Electrolyte Leakage Method.
Cotrufo, M. F.
Biochar Addition Rate Mediates Greenhouse Gas Flux of Four Soils - the Importance of Long-Term Data.
Interactive Effects of Biochar Addition Rates and Soil Type On Black C Losses As CO2 and Sequestration In Different Soil Organic Matter Fractions.
Distribution of Carbon and Nitrogen In Physically and Chemically Defined Soil Organic Matter Pools In Different Ecosystems Across Europe.
Cotton, J.
Cellulosic Ethanol Production of Forage Sorghum Under Deficit Irrigation.
Responses of Enzyme Activities In Sandy Soils to Cropping System Changes In a Semiarid Region.
Coufal, A.
Building An Irrigation System for the Department Greenhouse.
Coulman, B.
Sparse-Flowering Orchardgrass Is Stable Across Temperate North America.
Coulter, J.
Does K Affect N Response of Corn After Alfalfa?.
Productivity and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Continuous Corn with Stover Removal.
Corn Response to Nitrogen After Alfalfa As Affected by Tillage and Regrowth.
How Reliable Are N Credits From Alfalfa to Corn?.
Coulter, M.
Tillage and Sulfur Management for Corn In Fine Textured Soils.
Courtney, A.
The Effect of Compost Tea Additions On Extractable Soil Nutrients and Microbial Activity.
Cousineau, L.
Heavy Metals As Indicators of Serpentinitic Soils.
Coutinho, E. L. M.
Influence of Land Use On Soil Physical Properties and Organic Carbon Pool of Oxisol In a Tropical Environment.
Coutinho Neto, A.
Influence of Land Use On Soil Physical Properties and Organic Carbon Pool of Oxisol In a Tropical Environment.
Coutinho, P. R. C.
Improving Protein Extraction From
Brachiaria Ruziziensis
Leaf Samples by Using a Plant Protease Inhibitor Cocktail and a Chaotropic Reagent.
Cowan, J.
Biodegradable Mulches: Short-Term Degradability and Impacts On Soil Health.
Cox, A.
Improving Urban Soils and Sustainable Infrastructure In the Greater Chicago Using Biosolids.
Cox, M.
In-Field Aflatoxin Estimation for Corn Production.
Small Peptides with High Affinity to Clay Minerals.
Lime Requirement Method Comparison for Use In Mississippi.
Cox, S.
The Effects of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes On Soil Microbial Community Functional and Structural Diversity.
Coyne, M.
Land Use Impact On Soil Structure.
Coyne, M.
Soil Penetration Resistance As a Measure of Soil Structure Changes Under Forage Land Undergoing Renovation.
Crader, K.
Comparing Conceptual Models Used to Map Soils In Arid and Semiarid Vs. Humid Soil Landscapes.
Craft, C.
Water Quality Improvement Benefits of Restored and Natural Wetlands and Riparian Buffers.
Soil Properties and Processes of Alluvial and Blackwater Tidal Forests, Georgia, USA.
Craig, N.
Long-Term Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Accrual in Coal Mine Topsoil Substitutes Under Contrasting Vegetation in Southwest Virginia.
Crain, J.
Evaluation of New OSU NDVI Pocket Sensor Prototype.
Cramer, G.
Cover Crop Activities In Kansas.
Craufurd, P.
Effects of Provenance, Growth and Storage Agroecology on the Timing of Sprouting In Yam (D. rotundata Poir.).
Crawford, J.
Agricultural Education At Missouri Aes Centers, Farms and Forests.
Crawford, J.
Field-Scale Yield of Switchgrass Under Varying Nitrogen Management Treatments In New York State.
Crawford, R.
Field-Scale Yield of Switchgrass Under Varying Nitrogen Management Treatments In New York State.
Creamer, C.
Changes In Soil Amino Composition and Microbial N Acquisition Strategies In Response to Woody Plant Invasion of Grasslands.
Using Long-Term Soil Incubations to Determine Drivers of Soil Organic Carbon Accumulation In Response to Woody Encroachment.
Creamer, N.
Good Food for All: Using Service-Learning to Teach Agriculture to Diverse Audiences.
Creech, E.
Seeding Rate and Row Spacing Effects On Growth and Yield of Safflower.
Growth, Yield, and Quality of Teff Forage In Response to Seeding Rate, N Fertilization, and Harvest Timing.
Cregan, P. B.
Development and Evaluation of a SoySNP50K Iselect Infinium Assay.
QTL Mapping for Oleic and Linolenic Acids In Soybean.
Cresswell, H.
Quantifying the Pore Interaction Term In a Closed-Form Equation for Soil Hydraulic Conductivity.
Crimp, S.
Interactions Between Climate Change and Management Systems On Water Quality and Sugarcane Crop Production In Australia.
Cropper, K.
Examination of Potential Sources of Dollar Spot Resistance In Creeping Bentgrass.
Cross, J. W.
Responses of Tall Fescue Genotypes to Heat and Drought Stress.
Crossa, J.
Genomic Selection and Prediction In Maize and Wheat Plant Breeding.
Efective Population Size In Conservation of Maize Genetic Resources.
Crotwell, L.
Texas A&M University Agronomy Society Provides Active Learning Experiences for Disadvantaged Children.
Crouch, J. A.
What Is the True Identity of the Fungus That Causes Dollar Spot On Turfgrass?.
Crouse, D.
Fishing for Students � Undergraduate Recruiting in the Department of Soil Science At NC State University.
Crow, J. A.
Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Discovery In Medicago Sativa Using Illumina Transcriptome Sequencing.
Crowley, C.
Charting New Territory In High School Soil Science Education In Canada.
New Horizons: Innovations In Web-Based Agricultural and Soil Science Education.
From the Field to the Classroom: A Web-Based Learning Tool On Soil Parent Material and Landscape Development.
Cyber Shovels In High School: An Online Soil Science Resource for Educators.
The Virtual Field: Online Soil Science Education.
Crowley, D.
Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Interpreting Molecular Profiles of Microbial Communities.
Crowley, D.
Irrigation Requirements for Salinity Management on Perennial Ryegrass Turf.
Croy, A. L.
Soil Carbon Sequestration and Mineral Interaction In Tennessee Valley (Alabama) Rhodic Paleudults.
Crozier, C.
Improving Poultry Waste Nitrogen Use Efficiency In Wheat Production.
Verification of Granular Spreader Distribution Patterns At Multiple Rates.
Cruse, R.
Field Monitoring of Water Quality In Agricultural Landscapes: Environmental Benefits of Vegetative Filter Strips.
Cruz, M. M. C. P.
Effects of Potassium Fertilizer On Height and Gas Exchanges of
Corymbia Citriodora
Under Water Stress.
Cruz, V. M. V.
Seed Dormancy and After-Ripening Response Among Wild and Cultivated Lesquerella (Physaria fendleri and P. gordonii).
Effects of After-Ripening and Germination Regimes On Seed Germination Behavior of Seven Species of Physaria Germplasm.
Investigating Thermotolerance In Seeds of New Oilseed Crop Physaria and Relatives.
Cryer, S.
Empirical Approaches to Estimate Agronomic Soil Fumigant Flux Loss From Soil Based Upon Historical Field Observations.
Coupling Droplet Drift with Subsequent Volatility Following a Pesticide Application to Address Impact to off-Site Non-Target Organisms.
Using Nelder-Mead Optimization Routines with the USDA Soil Physics Model CHAIN_2D to Determine BMPs for Chemigation Practices.
Csorba, A.
Prediction of Selected Soil Parameters Based On Reflectance Measurements: a Case Study In a Hungarian Catchment Area.
Cui, C.
Development of Dow Agrosciences' Enlist
Herbicide Tolerant Trait In Soybean.
Development of Dow AgroSciences Enlist� Herbicide Tolerant Trait to Improve Weed Control In Glyphosate Tolerant Corn.
Cui, L.
Biomimetic Methods to Evaluate Bioavailability.
Cummings, D. P.
Usage and Availability of off-Patent Germplasm and Traits.
Cummings, H. D.
Evaluation of Turfgrass Traffic Injury Abatement Systems.
Cundiff, G.
Using Arbuscular Mycorrhizae to Influence Yield, Vegetative Quality and Nutrient Uptake In Conventional Vs. Organic Vegetable Production.
Cunha, M. V.
Macroptilium Spp., Stylosanthes Spp., and Desmanthus Spp. Occurrence On Different Soils In the Semiarid of Pernambuco, Brazil.
Cunningham, S.
Quantitating Enzyme Activity Using Starch-Agar Gels.
The Food Pyramid and a Healthy You.
Searching for Starch in the Food Pyramid.
Cunningham, S.
Influence of Potassium and Phosphorus on Yield and Composition of Switchgrass.
Curi, N.
Arsenic Retention On Red Mud Treated with Gypsum.
Competitive Sorption and Displacement of Arsenate by Phosphate On An Aluminum Mining by-Product.
Ionic Strength Effects Upon Sorption of Inorganic Contaminants by An Aluminum Mining by-Product.
Curran, W.
Integrating Winter Canola Into Dairy Crop Rotations.
Evaluating Dairy Cropping Systems Designed to Produce All Forage, Feed, and Fuel.
Predicting Late-Season Cereal Rye Biomass At Green-up Across a Range of Fall and Spring Available Nitrogen.
Curtis, P.
Fire Effects On Temperate Forest Soil C and N Storage.
Cushman, K.
Evaluation of Nitrogen Release Patterns From Controlled-Release Fertilizers Under Seepage Irrigation.
Custodio, L.
Use of Stylosanthes As a Potential Replacement for N Fertilizer In Bahiagrass Pastures.
Cwach, D. E.
Effects of Cover Cropping In Organic Systems Including Organic No-till.
Soil C and N Stocks Under Burned and Unburned Sugarcane Harvesting Systems In Brazil.
Czymmek, K.
P Index As a P Awareness Tool: Documented P Use Reductions In NYS.
Sulfur Needs of Alfalfa and Tools for Sulfur Management.
Potassium (K) Fertilization of Alfalfa: How Much Do We Really Need?.