Author Index: J
Composition of N Gases Produced in Riparian Buffers: The Role of Artificial Drainage.,
The Carbon Balance of No-till Agroecosystems - A Chronosequence Analysis.,
Attenuation of Nitrate and Atrazine From Agricultural Runoff in a Bioretention Swale: The Importance of Season and Residence Time.,
Diffusion Limitation of Methane Oxidation in Soils Under Long Term No-till Management Practices.,
Linking N2O Production in No-till Soils to Organic Carbon Quality and Microbial Community.
Manure Application Rate and Solubilizing Bacteria Influence On Alfalfa Seed Yield and Yield Components in Semi-Saline Soil.,
Response of a New and Commonly Grown Forage Sorghum Cultivars to Limited Irrigation and Plant Density.,
Forage Yield and Quality of Barley-Annual Medic Intercrops: Additive Series.
Contents of Inorganic Nutrient in Leaf Perilla in Growing Stages Under Plastic Film House Cultivation.,
Differential Sensitivity of Rice Cultivars to HPPD-Inhibiting Herbicides and Their Influences On Rice Yield.,
Growth, Quality, and Yield of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) As Affected by Plastic Mulch and Row Number in Paddy Field in South Korea.
Progress and Challenges in the Use of High-Density Genetic Markers by CGIAR Breeding Programs to Increase Genetic Gains for Major Food Crops in the Developing World.,
Accelerating Wheat Breeding with Next-Generation Sequencing and High-Throughput Phenotyping.,
Genomic Selection Using Data From Long-Term International Wheat Trials: Dealing with Gxe.,
Understanding and Utilizing Genetic Diversity in Wheat Breeding.
Coupled Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in Southern California Biofuel Feedstock Production: Sensor-Based Monitoring to Process Modeling.,
Sensor-Based Monitoring to Constrain Process Modeling of Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in Forage Sorghum and Energy Cane Grown As Biofuel Feedstocks in the Low Desert.
Effects of Long-Term Fertilization and Water Regime Management On Soil-Profile Carbon in Clay Soil.,
Comparison of Growth Characteristics and Functional Properities of Amaranthus Species According to the Different Varieties in South Korea.,
Study On Reduction of Acrylamide in Potato Chips for Korean Varieties.,
Effects of Alkaline-Clay Mineral Complex On Methane Gas Emission in Paddy.
Microbial Community Shifts In Soil Profile In Response to Fall Conservation Deep Tillage.,
Response of Arbuscular Mycorrhizae to Soil Test Based Phosphorus Fertilization of Corn (Zea mays L.) in Eastern Nebraska.,
Soil Microbial Community Response to Nitrogen in Minimum till, High Yield Corn/Soybean Rotation.
Nitrous Oxide Emissions From Smooth Bromegrass Pasture Under Nitrogen Fertilizer and Ruminant Urine Application in Eastern Nebraska.,
Biofuels From Perennial Grasses: Effects On Soil Properties and Implications On Water Use and Quality.,
Trends in Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance in Soils Following Long-Term Application of Municipal Biosolids.,
Corn Stover Removal Impacts On Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Irrigated Continuous Corn Systems.,
Influence of Corn Stover Harvest On Soil Quality Assessments At Multiple Locations Across the U.S.
Comparison of Growth Characteristics and Functional Properities of Amaranthus Species According to the Different Varieties in South Korea.,
Study On Reduction of Acrylamide in Potato Chips for Korean Varieties.,
Growth, Quality, and Yield of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) As Affected by Plastic Mulch and Row Number in Paddy Field in South Korea.
Cover Crop Seed Germination As Affected by Swine Manure Under Controlled Conditions.,
Can We Improve in-Season Corn Nitrogen Fertilizer Recommendations with a Nitrogen Transformation and Loss Model?.,
Instinct or N-Serve with Band-Injected UAN: Does It Matter?.,
Effects of Swine Manure Application Time and Instinct On Corn Growth and Mineralizable Nitrogen On Two Indiana Soils.
Effect of Seed Treatments and Fall-Applied Foliar Fungicides On Winter Wheat Stand Establishment and Yield.,
Winter Wheat Cropping System Response to Seed Treatments, Seed Size and Sowing Density.,
Optimizing Seed Quality and Net Returns Through Enhanced N Management Strategies for Winter Wheat Production in the Canadian Prairies.
Wheat-Based Cropping System Strategies for Mitigating and Adapting to Climate Change.,
Improving Student and Teacher Knowledge of Climate Change and Agricultural Science in the Inland Pacific Northwest.,
Regional Approaches to Climate Change for Inland Pacific Northwest Cereal Production Systems.,
NET Nitrogen Mineralization From Dairy Manure in Eroded and Noneroded Calcareous SOILS.
Biochar, Compost, and Microbial Soil Amendments to High Tunnel Organic Romaine Lettuce.,
Aerial Seeding of Winter Cover Crops In the Mid-Atlantic USA.,
Seasonal Corn Nutrient Concentration and Uptake In the Mid-Atlantic USA.,
Long-Term Water Balance and Nitrate Biogeochemistry in Cultivated Alluvial Landscapes of Central Montana.,
Applying Multiple Crop Models for Assessing Climate Change Impact: The Devil Is in the Detail.
A Comparison of Approaches for Modeling Crop Growth and Transpiration Response to CO2 in Apsim, CERES, Cropgro, Cropsyst, EPIC, and Oryza Models.,
Optimizing Future Crop Yield Projection Using Weighted Multi-Model Ensemble Approaches: A New Framework for An Integrated Climate Application System.,
AgMIP: Lessons Learned From Initial Crop Model Intercomparisons.,
Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project: Overview of Model Intercomparisons.,
AgMIP: Developing An Intercomparison Protocol for Global Gridded Biophysical Simulations.,
Uncertainties In Maize Crop Model Responses to Climate Factors.,
Applying Multiple Crop Models for Assessing Climate Change Impact: The Devil Is in the Detail.,
Aggregation of Gridded Crop Model Outputs and Validation Across Scales.,
Predicting Wheat Growth and Nitrogen Use with an Ensemble of Crop Simulation Models.,
A Stochastic Approach for Crop Growth Simulations: A Case Study for Sugarcane.,
Adapting the Cropgro Model to Predict Growth and Yield of Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan).,
Engaging Stakeholders in Research for Managing Climate Risks – Lessons From the Southeast Climate Consortium.
An Automated Microlysimeter for Long-Term Monitoring of Soil Evaporation.,
Application of High-Resolution Thermal Imaging and Novel Heat Pulse Technology to Quantify Soil Evaporation.,
Diffusivity-Based Characterization of Plant Growth Media for Earth and Space.,
Soil Water Flux Estimates From Streaming Potential and Penta-Needle Heat Pulse Probe Measurements.,
Determination of Subsurface Soil Evaporation Using a Heat Pulse Probe Array.,
Assessing Water Use in Semi-Arid Montane Aspen, Conifer, Sage and Grass/Forb Ecosystems Using Measurements and Numerical Simulation.,
Monitoring Temporal Variations In Greenhouse and Regulated Gas Emissions From Cow Manure In Relation to Moisture Content and Temperature.,
Hygroscopic Water Content As a Surrogate for Clay Percentage in Proximal Soil Sensing.,
A New Algorithm for Determining Soil Evaporation Using Heat Pulse Probe Measurements.,
Assessing Snowpack Melt Rates Using Penta-Needle Heat Pulse Probes and Snowmelt Lysimeters.,
Application of High-Resolution Thermal Imaging and Novel Heat Pulse Technology to Quantify Soil Evaporation.,
Diffusivity-Based Characterization of Plant Growth Media for Earth and Space.,
Soil Water Flux Estimates From Streaming Potential and Penta-Needle Heat Pulse Probe Measurements.
An Investigation Into Cultural Approaches for Weed Control in Pesticide-Free Home Lawns.,
Examination of Soil Sustainability Following Long-Term Sod Production.,
An Examination of Overseeding Species On Athletic Fields and the Fate of the Seed in the Environment.,
Evaluation of Phosphorus Inputs Into the Lake Simcoe Watershed From Nursery Sod Production.
Microbial Community Diversity in Alleys and Tree Rows in a 20 Year Alley Cropping System in North Eastern Missouri.,
The Role of Allelopathy in Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica) Invasion.,
Do Soil Properties Influence Successional Trajectories Following the Eradication of an Invasive Grass?.,
Screening of Common Herbaceous and Woody Biomass Feedstock Species for Flood Tolerance.,
Impact of Poultry Litter and N Fertilizer On Microbial Diversity in Soybean Fields in Central Missouri.